"Guest Episode: With Dr. Torben Bergland on Fanaticism" by Oliver Glanz, Ante Jerončić et al.

Guest Episode: With Dr. Torben Bergland on Fanaticism

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This guest episode features the psychiatrist Dr. Torben Bergland on the topic of fanaticism. What is fanaticism? How prevalent is it? What are the best angles to explore it? Is it a matter of cognitive closure or a type of psychopathology? If neither, then what is it? Could the concept be wielded as powerplay where others, simply by virtue of being different than us, get labeled so? How is it related to the post-truth phenomenon? Are there positive aspects of fanaticism? If by definition one is not aware of one's own fanatical tendencies, how can individuals ever become aware of those?... These are but some of the issues that Ante and Oliver probe with their guest.

Journal Title

In Medias Res with Glanz & Jerončić



First Department

Old Testament

Second Department

Theology and Christian Philosophy
