"Golden Rule 2.0: Kant at 300" by Oliver Glanz and Ante Jerončić

Golden Rule 2.0: Kant at 300

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Continuing in the spirit of Kant's 300th anniversary, Oliver and Ante are taking another crack at this monumental thinker. This time, they focus more specifically on his moral thought, running with the contention, partially tongue in cheek, that a consistent application of his principles of morality might lead to a revival in Christian communities. Among others, they discuss Derek Parfit's reformulation of Kant's formula: "It is wrong to treat anyone in any way to which this person could not rationally consent." Whether that is indeed the supreme principle of morality is debatable. Still, one can imagine all kinds of life circumstances where following such a thought experiment would lead one to act in drastically different ways. They also tackle Kant's universalism, Omri Boehm's acclaimed book Radikaler Univesalismus, Kant's stress on individuality, his decontextualizing of Christian morality, and other topics.

Journal Title

In Medias Res with Glanz & Jerončić



First Department

Old Testament

Second Department

Theology and Christian Philosophy
