Dissertations | Department of Discipleship & Lifespan Education | Andrews University


Dissertations from 2024


Spiritual Experiences of Young People with Cognitive Impairments within Christian Communities of Faith, Lea Danihelova

Dissertations from 2023


Divine Attachment: A Canonical Model for Discipleship and Religious Education, Kristina Marie Freed


Childhood Trauma and the Faith Maturity of Seventh-day Adventist Pastors and Seminarians, Pete A. Palmer

Dissertations from 2021


An Exploratory Analysis of Conflict in African Immigrant and African American Marriages, Cornelius Ayodeji Osuntade

Dissertations from 2018


Family Relational Dialectics: A Systemic Model for Explaining Relational Factors Contributing to Adolescents' Faith Maturity, Life Values, and Commitment to Christ, Jasmine J. Fraser

Dissertations from 2016


Identity Styles, Mediated by Commitment and Syncretism, as Predictors of Undergraduate Students' Attitudes Toward Selected Discipleship Practice at Vally View University in Ghana in 2015: Implications for Religious Education, Juvenal Balisasa


The Lived Experience of Conversion in the Broader Context of Experience of Faith Formation: A Phenomenological Study of Third- and Greater-generation Seventh-day Adventist Young Adults, Edyta Jankiewicz

Dissertations from 2014


The Relationship of Family, Church, School, Peers, Media, and Adventist Culture to the Religiosity of Adventist Youth in Puerto Rico, Edwin P. Alicea Santiago


Relationship Between Involvement in Institutional Activities and Christian Life Commitment Among Undergraduate Students of a Christian University in Mexico, Esteban Quiyono


Factors Related to Declining Attendance at the Adult Sabbath School in the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventist Church, Laurentiu A. Serban

Dissertations from 2013


The Influence of University Personnel Upon Students' Spirituality at Selected Adventist Universities in West Africa, Isaiah Ola Abolarin

Dissertations from 2012


The Relationship Between Liturgical Practice and Spirituality in the Church of the Nazarene with Special Reference to John Wesley's Doctrine of Christian Perfection, Dirk Ray Ellis

Dissertations from 2011


The Relationship Between Community Service Involvement and Student Outcomes in Mexican Higher Learning Institutions, Raul Lozano


Religious Tolerance and its Relationship to Spiritual Maturity and Religious Orientation Among Seventh-day Adventists in Jamaica, Meric Dale Walker

Dissertations from 2009


Image-of-God Motif in the Writings of Ellen G. White : A Search for a Distinct Voice in Educational Philosophy, Kevin D. Grams


The Relationship Between Parental Influence and Christian Spiritual Practices Among Adventist youth in Puerto Rico, Obed Jiménez


Patterns and Challenges of Parenting School-Age Children Among Selected Sub-Saharan African Immigrant Parents in Southwest Michigan: a Multiple-Case Study, Israel M. Kafeero

Dissertations from 2008


The Historical Development, Philosophical Foundation, and Mission of the Religious Education Program at Andrews University, Jorge E. Rico

Dissertations from 2007


A Comparison of the Adult Bible Study Guide of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and a Prototype Guide Designed to Promote Spiritual Growth, Lyndelle Brower Chiomenti

Dissertations from 2006


The Relationship Between Experiences of Master of Divinity Students at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary and Their Spirituality, Choung Sook Cho

Dissertations from 2005


Aims of Education in the Writings of Ellen White, Erling Bernhard Snorrason

Dissertations from 2003


Sabbath-Keeping Practices and Factors Related to These Practices Among Seventh-day Adventists in 51 Countries, May-Ellen Netten Colon


Differential Perceptions of Teachers and Students About the Teaching and Learning of History in Secondary Schools of Trinidad and Tobago, Stephen Joseph

Dissertations from 2002


The Empirical Development of a Curriculum on Identification of the "Tongues" of 1 Corinthians 14 Utilizing a Socio-Exegetical Approach to Interpretation, Angel Hernandez

Dissertations from 2001


Intergenerational Transmission of Values Through Adages in an Ecuadorian Family, Norma Albán-Lowry


A Longitudinal Study of Seventh-day Adventist Adolescents Through Young Adulthood Concerning Retention in or Disaffiliation From the Church, Gyung Gu Kim


The Impact of Intentional Learning Experiences for Personal Spiritual Formation on Seminary Students, Carol M. Tasker

Dissertations from 1999


Pastoral Effectiveness : a Study of Differences Among Comparison Groups of Seventh-day Adventist Clergy, Peter Swanson

Dissertations from 1998


Relationships Among Expectations of Reentry Problems of International Students Living in On-Campus Apartments and Off-Campus Housing at Andrews University and Selected Student Characteristics, José R. Bourget-Tactuk


Quality of Fathering and its Relationship with Family Background, Demographics, and Characteristics of Present Family : a Study of Seventh-day Adventist Fathers and Fathers from a National Sample, Ruth DePaiva


The Development of a Master Plan of Curriculum and Instruction for a Charter School in the State of Michigan, Thomas Gerald Kea


The Three Parts of Babylon : Teaching a Historicist Interpretation of the Leopardlike, Lamblike and Scarlet Beasts (Rev 13 and 16:19 as Reflected in Rev 17) Based upon the Douglas Waterhouse Construct, William C. Taggart

Dissertations from 1997


The Empirical Development of an Instructional Product Designed to Enhance the Cognitive Awareness of and the Modification of Affect Toward the Disability Condition, Rikard Ashmore Bailey


The Development of a Church-Based Seminar on the Impact of Historicist Eschatology upon Seventh-day Adventist Marital Life, Etzer Obas

Dissertations from 1996


Spiritual Nurture in the Local Seventh-day Adventist Congregation Through the Spiritual Gifts of Prophecy and Shepherding, Francy Duran


The Empirical Development of a Curriculum on Psalms Utilizing a Modified Form-Critical Approach, Ted Ewing


The Empirical Development of an Instructional Product on the Religion of Islam from a Missiological Perspective, Raja D. Farah


The Empirical Development of a Curriculum on the Issues Concerning the History of Ancient Israel, Ruzica Gregor


The Empirical Development of a Curriculum on Faith Development, Samir Selmanović

Dissertations from 1995


Arthur Whitefield Spalding : A Study of His Life and Contributions to Family-Life Education in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Allan William Freed


Mediating Contexts in Trans-Generational Faith Transmission : a Qualitative Study, David John McClintock

Dissertations from 1994


A Study of the Attitudes of Seventh-day Adventist Parents Toward the Support of Seventh-day Adventist Church Schools in British Columbia, Johan Haakmat

Dissertations from 1993


The Correlation of Personality Factors with Spiritual Gifts Clusters, Soo Dong Choi


The Empirical Development of a Curriculum in Sports Acrobatics and Spiritual Witnessing, Robert U. Kalua


The Concept of God and Sacred Music Style : an Intercultural Exploration of Divine Transcendence/Immanence as a Stylistic Determinant for Worship Music with Paradigmatic Implications for the Contemporary Christian Context, Wolfgang Hans Stefani

Dissertations from 1992


Effects of Adventist Engaged Encounter on Role Expectations and Growth in Premarital Relations, Jeffrey O. Brown


A Study of Religious Attitudes and Problems as Perceived by Current and Former Seventh-day Adventist Students at Seventh-day Adventist Mission Secondary Schools in Hong Kong, Daniel Gim-Teng Chuah


A Model for Ministry of Church Elders in the Inca Union of Seventh-Day Adventists, Luis Miguel Luna


An Investigation of the Effectiveness of Training in the Utilization of Spiritual Gifts in the Personal Ministries of Ontario Seventh-day Adventists, Fitzroy S. Maitland


The Empirical Development of a College Curriculum of the Epistle to the Galatians, Dragutin Matak


The Seventh-day Adventist Adult Sabbath School: its Purpose as Described and Perceived, Sherman McCormick


An Exploratory Study of the Aims and Methods of Family Worship in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, L. Edgel Phillips


A Comparative Study Of The Effects Of Learning Style Prescriptions And/Or Modality-Based Instruction On The Spelling Achievement Of Fifth-Grade Students, Nancy D'Isa Turner

Dissertations from 1991


The Empirical Development of an Instructional Product for the Training of Seventh-day Adventist Literature Evangelists, Randy C. Horning

Dissertations from 1990


The Background, Formation, Development, and Presentation of Ellen White's Concept of Forgiveness From Her Childhood to 1864, Ronald Deane Bissell


Christ-Centered Discipleship: a Biblical Concept of Religious Education, Myung Soo Cho

Dissertations from 1989


A Study of Student and Faculty Perceptions of the Religious Environment of Andrews University in Relation to Religiosity, Walter M. Booth


The Historical Development of Seventh-day Adventist Eschatology 1884-1895, Roy Israel McGarrell

Dissertations from 1988


The Peruvian Education Reform of 1968-1980 and Seventh-day Adventist Education at Inca Union College : a Study in Models, Luis Alberto Del Pozo


A Study of the Religious Attitudes and Behaviors of Seventh-day Adventist Adolescents in North America Related to their Family, Educational, and Church Backgrounds, Janet Leigh Kangas


Alexander Hegius (ca. 1433-98) : His life, Philosophy, and Pedagogy, John V. Matthews


A Study For Educational Administrators Concerning The Relationships Between Selected Dimensions Of Christian Education And Student Spirituality In Seventh-Day Adventist Day Academies In The United States Of America, Bruce R. Youlden

Dissertations from 1987


The Empirical Development of a Curriculum to Train SDA Professional Youth Leaders, Steve Case


A Sequential Study of Revelation 1-14 Emphasizing the Judgment Motif : With Implications for Seventh-day Adventist Apocalyptic Pedagogy, Richard Fredericks

Dissertations from 1986


Edward Alexander Sutherland and the Seventh-day Adventist Educational Reform: the Denominational Years, Warren Sidney Ashworth


A Curriculum Data Base for Continuing Education for Ministers in the Colombia-Venezuela Union Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Edgar J. Escobar


A Comparative Study of the Learning Styles of Southeast Asian and American Caucasian College Students on Two Seventh-day Adventist Campuses, Sally Lam-Phoon


Selected Variables Related to Alienation from Religion Among Church-Related High School Students, Carl Robert Laurent


A Correlational Study of Jungian Psychological Types and Nineteen Spiritual Gifts, Chek Yat Phoon


The Concept of Contextualization and its Implications for the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Education in India, Melchizedek M. Ponniah


Self-Concept in Home-Schooling Children, John Wesley Taylor V

Dissertations from 1985


Perceptions of the Role of the Bible Class in Four Christian Liberal Arts Colleges: Considered in the Context of Conflicting Rationales, Jaime Castrejon


Premarital Preparation : An Educational Content Design for Seventh-day Adventists in the United States, Roger H. Ferris


The Philosophy of Christian Service and its Practice in the Seventh-day Adventist Senior Academies of the United States during the 1979-1980 School Year, Edward M. Norton

Dissertations from 1984


Liturgy and Ritual as Religious Education: Implications for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, James Bingham


Development Of West Indies College, 1907-1960: A Historical Study, Anthon C. Francis


Relationship Between Four Temperament Types and Nineteen Spiritual Gifts, Roland L. Joachim


Indonesia Union College : a Historical Study of a Seventh-day Adventist Institution, Rajoaman Nainggolan


Frederick Griggs, Seventh-day Adventist Educator and Administrator, Arnold Colin Reye


An Empirically Derived Base for the Validation of Standards for Industrial Arts Programs in Seventh-day Adventist Schools in the United States of America, P. John Williams

Dissertations from 1983


A Statistical Model for Seventh-day Adventist White English-Speaking Church Growth in the United States, Des Cummings


Planning a Needs-Assessment-Based Approach to Continuing Education Programs for Seventh-day Adventist Clergy in the Eastern Africa Division, Baraka G. Muganda


The Biblical Concept of Man and its Implications for Christian Religious Instruction, Helmut Ott


A Study of Selected Variables Dealing with Continuing Education Interests of Seventh-day Adventist Pastors and Judicatory in the North American Division, Penny Shell

Dissertations from 1982


A Seventh-day Adventist Concept of the Kingdom of God and its Implication for Religious Education, Alvinus Desmond Bhola


A Second Chance for Christian Education: Strategies for a New Approach to Christian Education in Nigeria in View of the Current Search for Educational Relevance, Silvanus Ndukuba Chioma


The Empirical Development of a Preparation for Marriage Curriculum for Twelfth-Grade Students, Kevin John Howse


A Study of Parental Attitudes Regarding Secondary Boarding Schools of the Mid-America Union of Seventh-day Adventists, Lawrence Gilbert Kromann


Goodloe Harper Bell, Pioneer Seventh-day Adventist Christian Educator, Allan G. Lindsay


A History of Seventh-day Adventist Higher Education in the China Mission, 1888-1980, Handel Luke


William Warren Prescott, Seventh-day Adventist Educator, Gilbert M. Valentine

Dissertations from 1981


The Concept of Character in the Apocalypse with Implications for Character Education, Beatrice S. Neall

Dissertations from 1980


Intrinsic-Extrinsic Religious Motivation and Patterns of the Self-concept : an Analysis of Selected Single Young Adults of the North Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Eugene F. Daniel


Selected Characteristics of Home Schools and Parents Who Operate Them, Gunnar A. Gustavsen


An Investigation of the Relationship Between Religiosity, Amount of Exposure to Seventh-day Adventist Parochial Education and Other Selected Variables Among Seventh-day Adventist Secondary Students in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Eliseu Nevil Menegusso


Selected Personality and Motivation Variables Related to Behavioral Commitment to Certain Health Teachings of Seventh-day Adventists, Ronald Edwin Ruskjer


Development of a Rationale and Methodology for the College-level Religion Course "Life and Teachings of Jesus", Loron T. Wade

Dissertations from 1979

Students' Comprehension of the Almeida Version and a Modern Version of the Bible in Portuguese (A Biblia Na Linguagem de Hoje) In Selected Public Schools of Brazil : A Comparative Study, Jose Carlos Ebling


A Study of the Duties of the Elders of Local Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Chile: a Needs Assessment, Rolando A. Itin


Major Contextual Dimensions and Dynamic Factors in the Transmission of the Judeo-Christian Religious Heritage According to Selected Writings of Ellen G. White, Juan Navarro