Recent publications of the faculty of Andrews University
Submissions from 2022
A Faith for Today: Saving the Planet, Oystein S. LaBianca
Tribal Kingdoms and the Tribal Element in Southern Levantine Iron Age Polities, Øystein S. LaBianca and Jeffrey P. Hudon
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Approaches to Cursive Handwriting Transcription: Lessons from the Blythe Owen Letters Project, Jazmyne Lavalas, Marianne Kordas, and Rodney Summerscales
Biblical Anthropology: Foundations and Teaching Models, Hebert Davi Liessi and Lucicleide Maria da Silva Liessi
Spirituality and Prayer: Biblical Foundations and Models for Current Dilemmas, Hebert Davi Liessi and Lucicleide Maria da Silva Liessi
All-Sky Search for Gravitational Wave Emission from Scalar Boson Clouds Around Spinning Black Holes in LIGO O3 Data, LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Virgo Collaboration, KAGRA Collaboration, and Tiffany Z. Summerscales
All-Sky Search for Short Gravitational-Wave Bursts in the Third Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo Run, LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Virgo Collaboration, KAGRA Collaboration, and Tiffany Z. Summerscales
Constraints on dark photon dark matter using data from LIGO’s and Virgo’s third observing run, LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Virgo Collaboration, KAGRA Collaboration, and Tiffany Z. Summerscales
Search for Continuous Gravitational Waves from 20 Accreting Millisecond X-ray Pulsars in O3 LIGO Data, LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Virgo Collaboration, KAGRA Collaboration, and Tiffany Z. Summerscales
Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Gamma-Ray Bursts Detected by Fermi and Swift during the LIGO–Virgo Run O3b, LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Virgo Collaboration, KAGRA Collaboration, and Tiffany Z. Summerscales
Search for Intermediate-Mass Black Hole Binaries in the Third Observing Run of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo, LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Virgo Collaboration, KAGRA Collaboration, and Tiffany Z. Summerscales
Search of the early O3 LIGO data for continuous gravitational waves from the Cassiopeia A and Vela Jr. supernova remnants, LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Virgo Collaboration, and Tiffany Z. Summerscales
Taking the Teaching Perspective, Janine Lim
Andrews University 2022-2025 Strategic Plan - Storyline One: Access, Andrea Luxton
Andrews University 2022-2025 Strategic Plan - Storyline Three: Resilience and Change, Andrea Luxton
Andrews University 2022-2025 Strategic Plan - Storyline Two: Creating Community, Andrea Luxton
Changing Season: Changing Times, Andrea Luxton
Compassion x2, Andrea Luxton
The Power of Humility, Andrea Luxton
The Power of Listening, Andrea Luxton
LGBTQ+ Adventists & the Bible // Part 5 (ft. Roy E. Gane), Anthony Lyder and Roy E. Gane
In the Lab, Peter Lyons
Isolation and Functional Analysis of a Pancreatic Enzyme in an Introductory Student Lab, Peter J. Lyons
Making the World a Better Place Today: Fred Cornforth's Mission, Mindset and Motivation, Beverly Matiko
Jupiter's Sheared Flow Unstable Magnetopause Boundary Observed by Juno, X. Ma, P. A. Delamere, A. Schok, S. Wing, J. R. Johnson, and Yu-Lun Liou
Influence of Stocks Intrinsic Valuation on Investment Decision Making: A Literature Review, Maxwell Okpoti Mensah, Williams Kwasi Peprah, Adu Bismark Qwusu-Selyere, Mensah Morris Ayaa, and Bamfo Daniel
Using and Adapting Simulated Teaching Experiences to Support Preservice Teacher Learning, Jamie N. Mikeska, Jared Webb, Liza Bondurant, Minsung Kwon, Lori Imasiku, Heather N. Domjan, and Heather Howell
African American Adventist Healers--Book Review, Scott Moncrieff
"Authentic Adventism" Places Faith Before Denomination, Scott Moncrieff
"Christians Against Christianity" Takes Right-Wing Evangelicals to Task, Scott Moncrieff
Etc., Scott Moncrieff
Clean and Unclean (Leviticus 11), Jirí Moskala
Ancient Flood Stories, Jiří Moskala
A Theology of Judgment in Scripture, Jiří Moskala
Bible Writers and Contextualization: The Missional Purpose of God's Message, Jiří Moskala
Clean and Unclean Food, Jiří Moskala
Fasting, Jiří Moskala
God's Blazing Grace, Jiří Moskala
Hermenéutica de los escritos de Elena G. de White: Reglas básicas de interpretación, Jiří Moskala
La asombrosa gracia de Dios, Jiří Moskala
La identidad adventista del séptimo dia: ¿Quiénes somos como comunidad de fe?, Jiří Moskala
La importancia y el rol de nuestras obras, Jiří Moskala
¿Que relacion existe entre el evangelio y los mensajes de los tres angeles?, Jiří Moskala
Seeing the Lamb and Living in the Lord: The Structure of the Three Angels' Message, Jiří Moskala
Surprising Grace, Jiří Moskala
Susa, Jiří Moskala
Tammuz, Jiří Moskala
The Divinity of Christ: Exegetical-Theological Insights, Jiří Moskala
The God of Moses: What He Can Do When We Let Him, Jiří Moskala
Theology Matters, Jiří Moskala
The Surprising God of Jonah: Two Lessons for Pastors, Jiří Moskala
Why Theological Education is Necessary, Jiří Moskala
El Fin Está Cerca: Una Mirada a las Profecías Bíblicas, Jiří Moskala, S. Yeury Ferreira, and Joel Iparraguirre
1 Corinthians, Rubén Muñoz-Larrondo
Acts of the Apostles: An Ideological Hispanic Contextual Reading, Rubén Muñoz-Larrondo
Can Research Be Sacred Ministry?, Desmond Murray
A Remembrance and Reflection on Dwain Ford's Teaching Philosophy, Desmond Hartwell Murray
Statistical Study of EMIC Wave Propagation Using Space-Ground Conjugate Observations, Sung-Jun Noh, Hyomin Kim, Marc Lessard, Mark Engebretson, Vyacheslav Pilipenko, Eun-Hwa Kim, Jay Johnson, Ilya Kuzichev, and Michelle Salzano
Perspectives of African American women about barriers to breast cancer prevention and screening practices: A qualitative study, Abosede F. Obikunle and Bosede Ade-Oshifogun
Perspectives of African American Women about Barriers to Breast Cancer Prevention and Screening Practices: A Qualitative Study, Abosede F. Obikunle and Jochebed Bosede Ade-Oshifogun
Information-Seeking Behavior of Andrews University's Distance Learners, Silas M. Oliveira, Laura B. Carroll, and Norma Greenidge
Essays on American Religious History, Trevor O'Reggio
Kinny, Charles Marshall (1855–1951), Trevor O'Reggio
The American Virus - Racism - and God's Vaccine, Trevor O'Reggio
COVID-19 Impact on Church Cash Inflows in Ghana as Moderated by Location Profile, Francis Osei-Kuffour, Williams Kwasi Peprah, Dickson Marfo Sarfo, and Bright Osei Yeboah
Review of Ian Hussey (ed.), Preaching with an Accent: Biblical Genres for Australian Congregations, Rodney A. Palmer
Review of The Big Idea Companion for Preaching and Teaching edited by Matthew D. Kim and Scott M. Gibson, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2021., Rodney A. Palmer
Review of A Practical Guide to Evangelism: How to Win and Keep New Members 2nd ed., by Balvin B. Braham, Jersey City, NJ: ProBook Publishers, 2021, Rodney Anthony Palmer
The Word for Everyone, Rogelio Paquini
Desafio filosófico. Interview with Glauber Araujo., John C. Peckham
Is the God of the Philosophers the God of the Bible?, John C. Peckham
Kärkkäinen’s Christ and Reconciliation: An Appreciative Response, John C. Peckham
La relación entre la sola Scriptura y el don de profecía, John C. Peckham
The Righteous Anger of the Immutable God of Love, John C. Peckham
Toward a Systematic Theology of the Sanctuary, John C. Peckham
Theodicy and Violence/"Genocide" in the Old Testament, John C. Peckham and David Asscherick
The Art and Science of Leadership [Review], David K. Penno
2023 Budget Presentation, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
Another downgrade: What it Means for Your Invested Funds, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
Any delay in getting an IMF programme will spell doom for economy – Government advised, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
ASAASE BREAKFAST SHOW: Discussing Domestic Debt Exchange Programme, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
Bank of Ghana Raises Policy Rate to 24.5%, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
Breaking The Ice: Career Path/Choices, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
Calls for Ken Ofori Atta to resign and its Impact on the Economy, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
Chamber of Corporate Trustees rejects Finance Minister's proposal - Market Place with Daryl Kwawu, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
Debt monetisation: …a printing of money strategy for central banks to finance governments expenditure during the COVID-19 pandemic, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
Defer interest payments and pay principals – Prof. Peprah, Williams Kwasi Peprah
Effective restructuring of country’s debt would address current economic woes – Finance expert, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
External debt repayment suspension: we must be careful not to lose recent cedi gains – Prof. Peprah, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
Ghana and the IMF: Open Gambit in Push for Revival, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
Ghana Ranks First in Africa with Largest Outstanding Debt to IMF, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
Ghana’s only hope to stop cedi depreciation rests with IMF – US-based Professor of Finance, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
Hike in US interest rate: dollar to strengthen, Ghana’s exports to benefit, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
IMF boss’ support for Ghana timely, will boost investor confidence – Finance expert, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
Increasing policy rate to 22% good but cap government borrowing – Finance lecturer to BoG, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
Inflation and Cedi Depreciation: The Impact on Ghana's Debt Stock, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
Inflation Hits 37.2%, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
Keep E-levy to assure IMF you can repay loans – government urged, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
Majority MPs want Ken Ofori Atta sacked, threaten to boycott 2023 budget debate, Williams Kwasi Peprah Ph.D.
Moody’s downgrade is a signal that investors must exercise patience – Prof. Peprah, Williams Kwasi Peprah