Recent publications of the faculty of Andrews University


Submissions from 2021


The Sabbath in the Psalms and Wisdom Literature, Richard M. Davidson


Torah’s Seven Vibrant Dimensions of Sabbath Rest, Richard M. Davidson


When Did the 2300 Days of Daniel 8:14 Begin and End? Fresh Evidence from Scripture, Chronology, and Karaite History, Richard M. Davidson


The Use of Scripture by Bible Writers, Richard M. Davidson, Frank M. Hasel, and Larissa Preuss

Classical and Protestant Liberalism: Differences and Similarities, Daniel Dei


Kelvin–Helmholtz-Related Turbulent Heating at Saturn's Magnetopause Boundary, P. A. Delamere, C. S. Ng, B. R. Neupane, Jay R. Johnson, B. L. Burkholder, X. Ma, and K. Nykyri


The Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability From the Perspective of Hybrid Simulations, Peter A. Delamere, Nathan P. Barnes, Xuanye Ma, and Jay R. Johnson

Eschatology from an Adventist Perspective: Proceedings of the Fourth International Bible Conference, Rome, June 11-20, 2018, Elias Brasil de Souza, A. Rahel Wells, László Gallusz, and Denis Kaiser


Linking data analytics to real-world business issues: The power of the pivot table, Madeline A. Domino, Daniel Schrag, Mariah Webinger, and Carmelita Troy


Doss, Norman Laverne (1924–2015), Gorden Doss


A Book about Jesus, Denis Fortin


Baker, William Lemuel Henry (1858-1933), Denis Fortin


Bourdeau, Augustin Cornelius (1834-1916), Denis Fortin


Bourdeau, Daniel Toussaint (1835-1905), Denis Fortin


Denis Fortin: Lessons from the 1919 Bible Conference, Denis Fortin


Evans, Derrick T. (1827-?), Denis Fortin


Exemplary Leadership, Denis Fortin


Exemplary Leadership?:Trust an Honest Leader and a Transparent Process, Denis Fortin


Grant, Miles (1819-1911), Denis Fortin


Knowlton Sanitarium, Denis Fortin


Ecumenism & the Church: Part 2, Denis Fortin and Kendra Arsenault


Ecumenism | Unity Among Diversity, Denis Fortin and Kendra Arsenault


Emancipation and Human Flourishing amidst Injustice and Racial and Ethnic Divide, Jasmine Fraser


Managing Family Stress: Coping, Adapting and Becoming Resilient, Jasmine Fraser


Christ and Practice in Compassionate Ministry, Anna M. Galeniece


Forging the Chaplain's Pastoral Identity, Anna M. Galeniece


Kad Musu Rokas ir Tuksas, Anna M. Galeniece and Eriks Galenieks

Meet Dr. Constance Gane, Constance E. Gane


Prophecy Matters: Nahum and Nineveh's Fall, Constance E. Gane


The Son of Light and Love, Constance E. Gane


"Bread of the Presence" and Sabbath as Culminating Expressions of Covenant Holiness, Roy Gane


“Exploring the Composition of the Pentateuch" Project and Book, Roy Gane


The Sabbath and the New Covenant, Roy Gane

2021 Q1 Lesson 1: Crisis of Identity, Roy Gane and John Bradshaw

2021 Q1 Lesson 2: Crisis of Leadership, Roy Gane and John Bradshaw

2021 Q1 Lesson 3: When Your World is Falling Apart, Roy Gane and John Bradshaw

2021 Q1 Lesson 4: The Hard Way, Roy Gane and John Bradshaw

2021 Q1 Lesson 5: Noble Prince of Peace, Roy Gane and John Bradshaw

2021 Q1 Lesson 6: Playing God, Roy Gane and John Bradshaw

2021 Q1 Lesson 7: Defeat of the Assyrians, Roy Gane and John Bradshaw


2021 Q1 Lesson 8: Comfort My People, Roy E. Gane


2021 Q1 Lesson 9: To Serve and to Save, Roy E. Gane


Doing the Unthinkable, Roy E. Gane


"Exploring the Composition of the Pentateuch" Project and Book, Roy E. Gane


¿Por qué Dios necesita un juicio preadvenimiento?, Roy E. Gane


The God Who is Affected by Human Problems: Atonement Through Israelite Purification Offerings, Roy E. Gane

Was Leviticus Composed by Aaronide Priests to Justify Their Cultic Monopoly?, Roy E. Gane

2021 Q1 Lesson 1: Crisis of Identity, Roy E. Gane and John Bradshaw

2021 Q1 Lesson 2: Crisis of Leadership, Roy E. Gane and John Bradshaw

2021 Q1 Lesson 3: When Your World is Falling Apart, Roy E. Gane and John Bradshaw

2021 Q1 Lesson 4: The Hard Way, Roy E. Gane and John Bradshaw

2021 Q1 Lesson 5: Noble Prince of Peace, Roy E. Gane and John Bradshaw

2021 Q1 Lesson 6: Playing God, Roy E. Gane and John Bradshaw

2021 Q1 Lesson 7: Defeat of the Assyrians, Roy E. Gane and John Bradshaw

2021 Q1 Lesson 10: Doing the Unthinkable, Roy E. Gane and Eric Flickinger

2021 Q1 Lesson 11: Waging Love, Roy E. Gane and Eric Flickinger

2021 Q1 Lesson 12: Desire of Nations, Roy E. Gane and Eric Flickinger

2021 Q1 Lesson 13: Rebirth of Planet Earth, Roy E. Gane and Eric Flickinger

2021 Q1 Lesson 8: “Comfort My People”, Roy E. Gane and Eric Flickinger

2021 Q1 Lesson 9: To Serve and to Save, Roy E. Gane and Eric Flickinger


Instrucciones para vivir una vida santa, Roy E. Gane and Joel Iparraguirre


Pautas para una aplicación actual de las leyes bíblicas, Roy E. Gane and Joel Iparraguirre


¿Por qué Dios necesita un juicio preadvenimiento?, Roy E. Gane and Joel Iparraguirre


Teodicea: Vindicando el carácter de Dios, Roy E. Gane and Joel Iparraguirre

2021 Q1 Lesson 10: Doing the Unthinkable, Roy Gane and Eric Flickinger

2021 Q1 Lesson 11: Waging Love, Roy Gane and Eric Flickinger

2021 Q1 Lesson 12: Desire of Nations, Roy Gane and Eric Flickinger

2021 Q1 Lesson 13: Rebirth of Planet Earth, Roy Gane and Eric Flickinger

2021 Q1 Lesson 8: “Comfort My People”, Roy Gane and Eric Flickinger

2021 Q1 Lesson 9: To Serve and to Save, Roy Gane and Eric Flickinger


The Madaba Plains Project @ 50, Lawrence T. Geraty, Oystein S. LaBianca, Douglas R. Clark, Larry Herr, Randall W. Younker, Robert Bates, William Dever, Bethany J. Walker, and Jeffrey P. Hudon


A Perspective on Bribes and Bribery, Annetta Gibson

God's Presence, Oliver Glanz

Meaning and Meaninglessness, Oliver Glanz


Mountaineering, Blessings From Terrors, and Teacher/Teacher Relationships, Oliver Glanz


William J. Webb and Gordon K. Oeste. Bloody, Brutal, and Barbaric? Wrestling with Troubling War Texts [Review], Oliver Glanz


Finding the Eusive Manatee with Sonar, Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske

Preliminary Report on the 2017 Season of the Madaba Plains Project: Tall Jalul Excavations 2017, Paul Z. Gregor, Robert D. Bates, Paul Ray, Constance E. Gane, and Randall W. Younker

Preliminary Report on the 2018 Season of Excavations at Khirbat As-Safrā, Paul Z. Gregor, Constance E. Gane, Trisha Broy, and Jacob A. Moody


Global Research Productivity Rivalry: A Comparative Case Studies of Two Latin American Public Universities, Gustavo Gregorutti, Marcelo Rabossi, and Hugo Casanova

God's Presence in the Bible, Martin Hanna


Science and the Gospel: A Dialogue, Martin Hanna

The Search for Life on Mars: A Science-Theology Dialogue, Martin Hanna


What Shall We Say About Sin?, Martin Hanna and Skip Bell


What Shall We Say about Sin?, Martin F. Hanna

All Natural Chemistry: Not What You Think!, Ryan T. Hayes


Esperanza en un Mundo Caótico, Abner F. Hernandez

A Temple for the Creator to Abide: The Soul Sanctuary in Ellen G. White's Writings, Abner F. Hernandez and Davide Sciarabba


Survivals of Two Cooperating Species of Animals, Joon Hyuk Kang


Spiritual Well-Being - A Proactive Resilience Component: Exploring Its Relationship with Practices, Themes, and Other Psychological Well-Being Factors during the COVID-19 Pandemic in CISM-Trained First Responders, Justine Jaeger, Harvey J. Burnett Jr., and Kristen R. Witzel


Field-Aligned Currents in Auroral Vortices, Jay R. Johnson, Simon Wing, Peter A. Delamere, Steven Petrinec, and Shiva Kavosi

Adventist Pioneers and Ellen G. White on Biblical Interpretation, Denis Kaiser

A Survey of Seventh-day Adventist Presuppositions, Perceptions, and Methods of Biblical Interpretation (1845-1910), Denis Kaiser

La Deidad en la Historia del Adventismo - Dr. Denis Kaiser - I Simposio Teologico "La Deidad", Denis Kaiser


The Flexibility and Fixedness of the Parousia in Ellen G. White’s Writings, Denis Kaiser

The Holy Spirit as a Representative of Christ in Ellen G. White’s Writings, Denis Kaiser


Vom Nichttrinitarier zum Trinitarier: Meine persönliche Reise, Denis Kaiser


Adventist Pioneers and Ellen G. White on Biblical Interpretation, Denis Kaiser, Larissa Preuss, and Frank Hasel


Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC) in Kenya and the challenge of vision 2030, Dovison Kereri, Roseline Nyaboke, and Loice K. Nyabwari

Rehabilitative care practices in the management of childbirth-related pelvic fistula: A systematic review, Laura Keyser, Jessica McKinney, Lauren Hosterman, and Chi Chiung Grace Chen