The books shown here have been authored or edited by Seminary faculty. Information on where to purchase the books is included.
2017-2018 Global Church Member Survey Concerning the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Reach the World 2015-2020 Strategic Plan: Meta-Analysis Final Report
Karl G. D. Bailey, Duane C. McBride, Shannon M. Trecartin, Alina M. Baltazar, Petr A. Činčala, and René Drumm
This report is an overall analysis of the omnibus data set for the 2017-2018 Global Church Member Survey (GCMS). The purpose of this report is to:
1. Focus on key Reach the World Objectives using 2017-2018 GCMS items – The GCMS instrument was designed to measure select Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) outlined in the Reach the World Strategic Plan 2015-2020 and the Request for Proposals (RFP) for this project. It is important to note that this report is a first examination of the GCMS data to provide the Future Plans Working Group and other readers a broad overview of the state of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. For each of the selected Objectives, we summarize the objective and KPIs, identify the corresponding GCMS items, narrate and summarize the patterns in the data, and depict the patterns graphically.
2. Report patterns from each world division on the Reach the World Objectives in addition to overall patterns so that readers can visually compare each world division to other divisions and the overall global responses – This report will provide an overall snapshot of respondents’ answers and will allow readers to quickly see how respondents’ answers vary by world divisions.
3. Provide an initial overview of the answers to each GCMS item from all of the global respondents –The overall proportions and by-division breakdowns for all GCMS items and several derived variables are provided in graphic and tabular form in the appendix to this report.
Finding Freedom in Jesus: A Deliverance Ministry Manual
Bruce L. Bauer
Finding Freedom in Jesus: A Deliverance Ministry Manual grew out of a February 2018 conference attended by missiologists, front-line missionaries, theologians, and administrators with representation from Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America, the EU, and North America.
The goal of the conference was to develop a deliverance ministry manual that would provide basic information for committed followers of Jesus Christ in helping people find freedom in Jesus when harassed by evil spiritual powers.
Christ in the City: Six Essentials of Transformational Evangelism in the City Center
Skip Bell
The significance and challenge of the city for the Christian church is the question of how to go about sharing the Gospel there. It is easy to react to the changes happening in the city, to critique the influence it has on human culture. But critical responses to change do not constitute a positive witness. We cannot simply sound an alarm. Warnings are of little help when humans are shaping and defining new horizons in technology and striving to solve vexing problems.
A Fresh Look at Denominational Research: Role, Impact, and Scope
Petr Cincala
Memories, essays, interviews, denominational research reports on both quantitative & qualitative data from different parts of the world by the Seminary as well as Social Science professors and professionals
"Me invocarás, y yo te responderé”: Estudios selectos en el Salterio
Richard M. Davidson and Edgard A. Horna
Missão e Voluntariado: Teologia, História e Desafios Atuais
Marcelo Dias, Rodrigo Follis, and Wagner Kuhn
Ter no currículo uma experiência de voluntariado é cada vez mais desejado para as novas gerações. Isso ajuda até mesmo com que esses jovens se destaquem para vagas de empregos em grandes empresas. Para além da discussão sobre como conduzir mais pessoas ao voluntariado, cremos ser importante também compreender os princípios, as motivações, os meios e os fins dessa prática, a qual nunca acontece em um vácuo teórico. O presente livro, através do olhar da missiologia, discute questões históricas, sistemáticas e bíblicas e se propõe a construir uma sólida base que justifique e ancore as mais diversas experiências de voluntariado, dando-lhes ainda mais significado e valor.
Introduction to Adventist Mission
Gorden R. Doss
The first of its kind in Seventh-day Adventist scholarship, this book is an excellent introduction to Christian mission from an Adventist perspective. The book addresses mission comprehensively, including biblical foundations, theology of mission, history of mission, contextualization for mission, strategies for mission, and other topics.
One in Christ: Biblical Concepts for a Doctrine of Church Unity
Denis Fortin
“That they may be one, as we are one.” John 17:11, Phillips
Christian believers today face countless challenges to their unity in Christ. However, the Bible provides insight and instruction on how to live God’s gift of oneness in Christ. Knowing that envy and jealousies could divide the disciples, Jesus’ burden in the last hours before his death was to pray for their unity.
Jesus’ high priestly prayer in John 17 is a reminder that He is still concerned about Christian unity today. His prayer should be our prayer, however diverse our respective understandings of the gospel message. In this prayer, Jesus’ focus is not on organizational or structural unity but on the unity of all believers—founded in faith, truth, and love.
As the world around us becomes increasingly fragmented, the church must demonstrate that unity in diversity is attainable; that all are equal at the foot of the cross. God’s people are called to demonstrate the healing, reconciling power of the gospel. Such unity is beyond human accomplishment and can only be the result of the divine gift of grace.
- Unidos en Cristo. Translated by: José Pacheco. Asociación Casa Editora Sudamericana: Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2018.
- Como manter a igreja unida apesar de nós. Translated by: Cecília Eller Nascimento. Casa Publicadora Brasileira: Tatuí, SP, Brazil, 2018.
- Unidad en Cristo: Tres Libros en Uno. Translated by: José Pacheco. Inter-American Division Publishing Association: Doral, FL, 2018.
Por Qué Creemos en E.G. White y el Don Profético
Denis Fortin ed., Abner F. Hernandez ed., and David Sciarabba ed.
English title:Why We Believe in E. G. White and the Prophetic Gift
Enciclopédia Ellen G. White
Denis Fortin and Jerry Moon
Tudo sobre Ellen G. White em um só volume
Esta obra-prima reúne artigos e mais de 1300 verbetes que descrevem pessoas e eventos na vida de Ellen G. White, bem como a posição dela sobre diversos temas.
Doutrina e Teologia
Estilo de Vida
Lugares e Instituições
Nesta Enciclopédia, você conhecerá os hinos que Ellen G. White amava e as casas nas quais ela viveu. Tudo isso explicado em verbetes muito bem referenciado. Você encontrará uma cronologia detalhada da vida dela e artigos relacionados ao ministério. à teologia e às declarações de Ellen G. White à luz do avanço do conhecimento científico atual. Se você costuma preparar sermões, lecionar ou está buscando resposta para questões pessoais, encontrará informações preciosas e indispensáveis neste livro. -
Como Entender Daniel 11:2-12:3 En Siete Pasos
Roy Gane
Spanish translation of: Methodology for interpretation of Daniel 11:2-12:3
Biblical Hebrew Reviewer: A Universal Study Companion
Oliver Glanz
This minimalist booklet provides the student of biblical Hebrew with a panoramic view of the morphological forms of the language. The focus is on the panoramic reception of tables rather than any detailed explanation of morphological features or functions of verbal tenses and prepositions. Its convenient and concise format is ideal for supplementing textbooks in the preparation for quizzes and exams. Using this booklet will greatly facilitate the learning process for anyone eager to dive into the original Hebrew of the biblical text. Rehearsing the paradigms on a regular basis will make the reading of the Hebrew Bible easier, and the task of exegesis can be carried out more efficiently.
Journey to the Heart of God
S. Joseph Kidder
This book explores our Journey to the Heart of God by dealing with several Christian spiritual practices such as worship, prayer, Bible study, fellowship, fasting, giving, forgiveness, and touching lives.
Quatre grands secrets pour une vie d'église épanouie (French Edition)
S. Joseph Kidder
Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé quel effet cela ferait d’assister à la conversion de trois mille personnes, donnant leur vie au Seigneur en un seul jour ? De faire partie d’une communauté aimante de chrétiens engagés, croissant continuellement, numériquement, géographiquement et spirituellement ? D’être connu comme une personne dont le caractère ressemble à celui de Christ parce qu’il l’a côtoyé ?
Comment les premiers chrétiens ont-ils eu un tel impact sur le monde qui les entourait ? Comment pouvons-nous, deux mille ans plus tard, suivre leurs traces ? Cet ouvrage explore les quatre secrets qui ont fait le succès de l’église chrétienne, et celui des églises adventistes prospères qui croissent rapidement.
Qui que vous soyez, les méthodes inspirantes et pratiques présentées dans cet ouvrage vous équiperont pour expérimenter un réveil personnel et collectif, en vue d’un ministère et d’une évangélisation efficaces.
Étudiez donc ce livre, et préparez-vous, car le Seigneur « ajoutera chaque jour à votre église ceux qui seront sauvés ».
Out of Babylon: How God Found Me on the Streets of Baghdad
S. Joseph Kidder
That evening Joseph Kidder was beaten almost to death, thrown into the street unconscious, kicked out of the family forever—all because of his new faith. And so began his long journey from the Babylon of his secular life in Iraq to the amazing love of God and the importance of surrender to His plan. He didn’t know then the many struggles and sacrifices that still awaited, but prayer, his faith in the Scriptures, and the support of his new church family would bring him to a life of ministry and service that continues today.
Hope for the Orphan: Re-Imagining the Youth Sabbath School
S. Joseph Kidder and Gerardo Oudri
Hope for the Orphan is a compilation of reports given at the 180 Symposium themed "Sabbath School Matters!" At this event a group of administrators, scholars, practitioners, youth, and resource producers met for an honest dialogue with the purpose of identifying some of the main challenges affecting youth and young adult Sabbath School ministry, as well as potential solutions.
The presentations are divided into four sections:
- Defining the Challenges
- Exploring the Solutions
- Improving Learning Styles and Models
- Recommendations for a Brighter Future
Of particular interest to readers will be recommendations included in the final chapter of this book, "Report from Focus Groups."
Paperback. Copyright 2018. 115 pages.
Field Research for Community-Based Ministries: Social Science Principles, Methonds, and Practices for Mission and Ministry Leadership
Rudi Maier
Mission research seeks to build a bridge that communicates and applies truth revealed in Scripture within specific human contexts. In this book, Rudi Maier presents the contribution that social science methods can make to our understanding of missions.
After years collecting materials and teaching classes about this topic, Dr. Maier prepered a manual that is an essencial resource tool for pastors in general and Doctor in Ministry students. It will help them to apply these methods both to the study of biblical texts and to contemporary human settings so as to build a bridge of understanding between them. -
God's Character and the Last Generation
Jiri Moskala and John Peckham
"Does our reliance on the sacrifice of Christ lessen the importance of our pursuit of holiness?
- Is it possible to over emphasize the importance of our actions in hastening or holding back the Second Coming?
- Is the realization of our moral frailty eroding our faith?
The second coming of Christ has been the topic galvanizing the establishment and identity of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It remains the one true center of our eschatology, and the blessed hope of our lives. However, for a people so inspired by the divine solution to the conflicted journey of the human race, the fact remains that we may not always agree on how this knowledge should influence the lives of end-time believers. Could it be that our desire to live a holy life is displacing the joy of the gospel in our experience?
God’s Character and the Last Generation is a serious attempt to review the relationship between the role of God’s salvation work and the human response. For a generation witnessing the closing act of the great controversy, we are called to reflect God’s character while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the “pioneer and perfecter of faith” (Hebrews 12:2, NIV). This book will help us understand the different positions regarding Christian living in the end time, the historical development of Adventist thought about this topic, and the theological issues involved."
Theodicy of Love: Cosmic Conflict and the Problem of Evil
John C. Peckham
If God is all-powerful and entirely good and loving, why is there so much evil in the world? Based on a close canonical reading of Scripture, this book offers a new approach to one of the most troubling challenges facing Christian theism: reconciling the Christian confession of a loving God with the realities of suffering and evil. John Peckham offers a constructive proposal for a theodicy of love that upholds both the sovereignty of God and significant human freedom. Peckham suggests that God's love is at the center of a cosmic drama that provides significant insights into the problem of evil. The author shows how Scripture points toward this cosmic conflict framework for thinking about God's character of love in relation to the world. Professors and students of theology, philosophy, and apologetics will value this work.
Contents 1. The Problem of Evil and the Free Will Defense 2. Love, Evil, and God's Unfulfilled Desires 3. The Cosmic Conflict Framework 4. The Nature of the Conflict and Rules of Engagement 5. Evil Defeated but Not Yet Destroyed 6. Evaluating the Theodicy of Love Indexes
Otkrivenje - jasno umu, blisko srcu
Ranko Stefanovic
Serbian translation of Plain Revelation, Andrews University Press: Berrien Springs, MI, 2012
The Book of Revelation
Ranko Stefanovic
“I am the Alpha and the Omega” (Revelation 1:8, NASB).
Of all the books in the Bible, the book of Revelation has provoked the most interest and curiosity. Yet, for many Christians, it is the most obscure book of the Bible. Ironically, the book titled Apocalypse, meaning “revelation or unveiling,” has become a symbol of confusion and incomprehensibility. Strange images and frightening scenes described in the book have deterred many from trying to decipher its messages.
Even so, Revelation clearly states that it was written to be understood. However difficult they may be to fully grasp, when understood properly, the prophecies of Revelation serve a practical purpose: to teach us how to live today and to prepare us for the future. Studying them should make us better people, motivate us to take our destiny seriously and inspire us to try to reach others with the gospel message. They provide assurance that no matter what the future brings, God is in control.
Promoting the Public Good: Policy in the Public Square and the Church
Yvonne M. Terry-McElrath, Curtis J. VanderWaal, Alina M. Baltazar, and David J. B. Trim
There is a wide range of possible avenues for using policy-related research to improve the public good, and there is a need for new, vigorous involvement in such research that contributes to society as a whole: the majority as well as the marginalized, the academic as well as the general public, and the religious as well as the secular. This volume honors the policy-related research contributions of one individual who has dedicated his career to such research: Duane Calvin McBride, PhD.
Cómo Interpreter la Biblia en Diez Pasos
Richard Davidson, Ekkehardt Mueller, and Joel Iparraguirre trans.
La interpretación de la Biblia no es solamente para los especialistas, sino que es accesible para cualquiera. Esto quiere decir que todos deben leerla y comprenderla, desde aquellos que dedican un tiempo a su devoción personal, hasta los lideres de iglesia, pastores y estudiantes de seminario.
Este práctico libro nos ofrece diez pasos a seguir para explorar la riqueza de la Palabra de Dios. Nos permite descubrir, además:
1. La importancia de las Escrituras como autoridad de fe.
2. La Biblia como su única interprete.
3. Un método eficaz y correcto de estudio e interpretación.
4. Consejos valiosos para evitar errores.
5. La función que desempeña el Espíritu Santo en el estudio de la Biblia.
EL objetivo de esta obra es proporcionar herramientas útiles que enseñen a los estudiosos de la Biblia, cómo deben abordar la Palabra de Dios. La Biblia se debe interpretar y necesita, sin duda, una hermenéuticasóloda para la exposición del texto, de modo que se pueda explicar correctamente.