The books shown here have been authored or edited by Seminary faculty. Information on where to purchase the books is included.
The Genesis Creation Account and Its Reverberations in the New Testament
Thomas R. Shepherd
When the first two chapters of Genesis say that God created our world and the human race in a particular way, did the Bible really mean that? If not, can it really mean what it says about everything else, particularly the grand themes of redemption and eschatology? In this companion volume to one published about creation in the Old Testament, fifteen scholars carry the question into the New Testament. This work provides a detailed cultural, historical, and theological background to the topic and section-by-section exegetical studies of how the creation theme is illuminated by the various New Testament writers. So is creation and the creation account of Genesis 1 and 2 a major theme in the New Testament? This volume answers that question with a resounding “yes.”
Adventist Mission in China in Historical Perspective
David J. B. Trim
Adventist Mission in China in Historical Perspective presents a concise history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in China. While the book primarily details the major developments taking place at the administrative and institutional levels of the mission work in the Far East alongside accompanying statistics, it also highlights the contributions of its most prominent leaders within their secular historical contexts. As such, it offers a fresh synthetic account of the work in China not detailed elsewhere. It is the hope of the author that the history presented may both serve to inspire today's and tomorrow's leaders that God has surely been at the helm of the work in a challenging field, while also pointing out how certain developmental trends that have taken place may have hindered or not advanced our mission as rapidly as we all might desire.
Jesus and the Nations: Discipleship and Mission in the Gospel of Matthew
Cedric E. W. Vine
Jesus’s command to disciple all the nations in Matt 28:19 has provided a powerful catalyst for cross-cultural mission for the past two thousand years. But what does this command mean in the context of Matthew’s narrative? Cedric E. W. Vine proposes an understanding of Matthean discipleship and mission that builds on Richard Bauckham’s open-audience thesis in The Gospels for All Christians (1998) and his own The Audience of Matthew (2014).
Vine argues from a biblical theology perspective that Matthew’s pervasive and consistent application of the nation-directed identities of prophet, righteous person, student-teacher, wise man, and scribe to the followers of Jesus reveals a concern less with defining community boundaries or promoting “church growth” and more with casting a powerful vision of nations transformed through the acceptance of the sovereignty of the risen king.
Matthew’s missiological horizon stretches well beyond defending, as suggested by some commentators, an inferred first-century Matthean community in an acrimonious intramural dispute with other Jewish groups. Rather, Matthew prepares his readers, first century and later, through a multifaceted and nuanced theology of discipleship, for participation in a missiological movement that is national in its focus, breathtaking in its scope, eschatological in its significance, and open in its appeal. -
Mending Ministers on their Wellness Journey: Insights from Research on Pastor Health
Ivan Williams, Petr Činčala, and René Drumm
No preacher is going to raise their hand to say, "I need help."
Seventh-day Adventist pastors face challenges with health and wellness, even with a beautiful whole-life health message ingrained in our faith tradition. We also live with the challenges of resilience, depression, selfcare, wholeness, mental health, imbalance, stress, burnout, and emotional intelligence. Awareness and understanding of these personal and interpersonal issues are critically related to ministry impact and missional outcomes.
‘We aim at nothing less than the whole world’: The Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Missionary Enterprise and the General Conference Secretariat, 1863–2019
Ashlee L. Chism, David Trim, and Michael F. Younker
The subject of this book is how the Seventh-day Adventist Church organized for missionary purposes, in order to carry the gospel to the world, and the structures the denomination put in place to be able to send help to foreign fields. The zeal of pioneer Adventist missionaries and those who came after them is part of the story related in this short book. Yet, it tells not the personal stories of outstanding missionaries, but rather the story of the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s formal efforts to organize global missions; the story told here, then, is the collective, shared, Adventist story.
Accordingly, the present goal is more modest than a comprehensive history of the global mission enterprise. It is a study of how the Adventist Church, corporately and collectively, organized itself to manage a global missionary enterprise—and did so with considerable success—before, in the last half century, the very organizational structures set up for that purpose gradually came to focus on other matters. Alongside that shift, not coincidentally the number of missionaries deployed internationally and cross-culturally went into a decades-long decline; recent signs suggest that trend has been arrested, but has it been reversed, or will the 2010s prove to be merely a blip? The future of the Seventh-day Adventist global mission enterprise awaits the decisions of today's and tomorrow's Adventist leaders and members. -
Dios proveerá: El diezmo, la ofrenda y nuestra vida espiritual
Felix Cortez
Dios proveerá recopila, organiza y presenta en forma sencilla, clara y honesta, os principios bíblicos sobre los cuales se fundamentan la naturaleza, práctica y uso del diezmo y las ofrendas en la iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día. También contiene estudios sobre asuntos relacionados con la posición de Elena de White, el reglamento adventista sobre el uso del diezmo y una reflexión sobre la promesa de Dios en Malaquías 3:8–12. Esta obra es una guía práctica y breve de lo que la Biblia dice respecto a los diezmos y las ofrendas, y cómo estos impactan la calidad de nuestra vida espiritual.
In These Last Days: The Message of Hebrews
Felix Cortez
Like many believers today, the original recipients of the letter known as Hebrews were spiritually exhausted; fatigue and malaise had taken hold and they had started to drift away from God. Perhaps we, too, need a fresh view of the Son of God, the powerful Ruler and Intercessor who sits at the right hand of God? Like a precious gem, the New Testament book of Hebrews is rare, enigmatic, and exceptional. If you’re ready to see a clearer and deeper vision of Jesus, turn off the bad news and dive into a study of this epic letter for the last days.
Eschatology from an Adventist Perspective: Proceedings of the Fourth International Bible Conference, Rome, June 11-20, 2018
Elias Brasil de Souza, A. Rahel Wells, László Gallusz, and Denis Kaiser
Fuga De Babilonia: Uma História de Salvação nas Ruas de Bagdá
S. Joseph Kidder
odos falavam comigo ao mesmo tempo.
- Como você pode fazer isso? - meu pai gritou.
- Sim, você é louco! - um dos meus tios gritou.
- Você está envergonhando nossa família - esbravejou minha mãe.
Havia pessoas gritando comigo de todas as direções enquanto meus pais e parentes tentavam me convencer a abandonar minha nova fé.
- Como você pode querer ser adventista do sétimo dia? Essa religião é uma seita.
- É uma religião judia!
- Onde você está com a cabeça?
Eu fiquei parado, confuso e sob toda aquela grande tensão. Finalmente, quando meu pai pensou que não estava chegando a lugar nenhum comigo e que eu não mudaria de ideia, ele tirou os sapatos, jogou-os em mim e cuspiu em mim. Vendo isso, meu primo Basher - de quem eu era muito próximo - sentiu que era seu dever me colocar no eixo. Então, ele e um dos meus irmãos me agarraram pelos braços, me levantaram e começaram a me bater. Enquanto eles me batiam, me empurravam em todas as direções.
Assim começou sua longa jornada da Babilônia de sua vida secular no Iraque para o incrível amor de Deus. Quando ele aceitou os planos divinos para sua vida, não sabia das muitas lutas e sacrifícios que o aguardavam, mas a oração, a fé nas Escrituras e o apoio de sua nova família da igreja o levariam a uma vida de mistério e serviço que continua até hoje. -
Rest in Christ: Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide: Teacher's Edition
Gerald Klingbeil and Chantal J. Klingbeil
Rest in Christ: Companion Volume to Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide
Gerald Klingbeil and Chantal J. Klingbeil
Deuteronomy: The Book of Love
Jiří Moskala
The book of Deuteronomy belongs with the most significant literature in the Hebrew Scriptures because it systematically shapes and articulates the faith of God’s people in a living God. It is a literary masterpiece, a jewel, and the Magna Carta of Israel’s teaching. This well-organized manual of faith is the religious constitution for God’s people, climaxing the Pentateuch and crowning the Torah with a comprehensive overview of the divine law of God.
In Deuteronomy: The Book of Love by Dr. Jirí Moskala, you will- learn to recognize streams of thinking through history,
- see the Lord as humanity’s personal God,
- examine the literary form of a covenant,
- explore the relationship between fear and love, and
- delve into the bond between the Sabbath and social justice and so much more.
Through this beautiful book of love, discover God’s passion for His people, and learn how to love, admire, obey, worship, serve, fear, and follow the Lord out of gratitude for who He is, what He has done, is doing, and will do.
Qualitative Research for Practical Theology
David K. Penno, Safary Wa-Mbaleka, Pavel Zubkov, and Petr Činčala
Unmistakably Christian: Surprising Lessons from 1 & 2 Peter
Thomas Shepherd
Following Jesus is countercultural in our modern society; but it was even more so in the first century when Christianity was in its infancy. The new religion was a radical departure from cultural norms, the expectations of family, and the dictates of government. Following Jesus is still countercultural. However, these surprising lessons from Peter will encourage you as you follow Jesus, and your community will know you are unmistakably Christian.
Exploring the Composition of the Pentateuch (Bulletin for Biblical Research Supplement Book 27)
Leslie Scott Baker Jr, Kenneth Bergland, Felipe Alves Masotti, and A. Rahel Wells
- For many years, the historical-critical quest for a reconstruction of the origin(s) and development of the Pentateuch or Hexateuch has been dominated by the documentary hypothesis, the heuristic power of which has produced a consensus so strong that an interpreter who did not operate within its framework was hardly regarded as a scholar. However, the relentless march of research on this topic has continued to yield new and refined analyses, data, methodological tools, and criticism. In this spirit, the contributions to this volume investigate new ideas about the composition of the Pentateuch arising from careful analysis of the biblical text against its ancient Near Eastern background.Covering a wide spectrum of topics and diverging perspectives, the chapters in this book are grouped into two parts. The first is primarily concerned with the history of scholarship and alternative approaches to the development of the Pentateuch. The second focuses on the exegesis of particular texts relevant to the composition of the Torah. The aim of the project is to foster investigation and collegial dialogue in a spirit of humility and frankness, without imposing uniformity.In addition to the editors, the contributors include Tiago Arrais, Richard E. Averbeck, John S. Bergsma, Joshua A. Berman, Daniel I. Block, Richard Davidson, Roy E. Gane, Duane A. Garrett, Richard S. Hess, Benjamin Kilchör, Michael LeFebvre, Jiří Moskala, and Christian Vogel.
The Book of Isaiah: Thoughts as High as Heaven
Roy Gane
People naturally look for ways to survive and thrive. They look to their families, friends, and organizations, and they strive to acquire lands, buildings, and material possessions for security and prosperity. Food, comfort, and safety are high priorities. When hardships or dangers arise, we look around for solutions. But what if we cannot find answers to the problems that threaten our existence?
The book of Isaiah challenge people, including us, to stop just looking around and start looking up to the Lord, whom Isaiah saw "sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up" (Isaiah 6:1). In author Roy Gane's "The Book of Isaiah", readers will get a fresh look at some of the poetry and parallelism, imagery, and contrasts, and musical rhythms that for the symphony of the human journey through judgement and restoration. See key aspects of God's character in a new light, take a fresh look at how He leads and comforts broken people, and marvel at the glorious destiny waiting God's redeemed.