The books shown here have been authored or edited by Seminary faculty. Information on where to purchase the books is included.
Escape de Babilonia: Cómo Dios me encontró en las calles de Bagdad
S. Joseph Kidder and Natalia Jonas
Una tarde, Joseph Kidder fue golpeado casi hasta la muerte, arrojado en la calle inconsciente, expulsado de su familia para siempre: todo a causa de su nueva fe Y así comenzó su largo recorrido de la Babilonia de su vida secular en Irak al asombroso amor de Dios y la importancia de entregarse a su plan. Él no sabía entonces de la muchas lucha y los sacrificios que todavía lo esperaban; pero la oración, su fe en la Biblia y el apoyo de su nueva familia eclesial lo llevarían a una vida de ministerio y servicio que continúa hasta el día de hoy.
52 Life Changing Devotional Thoughts: Spiritual Food for the Journey Paperback
Trevor O'Reggio
Over the last twenty years that I have worked as a professor of Church History at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, I have given a short devotion to my students at the beginning of each class period to inspire and encourage them in their faith journey and to affirm them in their call to ministry. I have gathered up these precious devotional thoughts and put them in this small book, so there will be a permanent record of these spiritual reflections. Enclosed you will find short scriptural reflections, homilies, inspirational poems, bible readings and common-sense instructions. I hope it will provide a source of encouragement to you in your own faith journey. When you are finished with this little booklet, pass it on to someone else to encourage them in their journey. Share the love.
Voices from the Reformation
Trevor O'Reggio
I have bought together eight published and unpublished articles on the Protestant Reformation in this small book. These articles deal with a range of theological issues. Chapter one explores the life and teachings of Jan Hus, one of the most significant pre-reformer whose life and theology set the stage for the Protestant Reformation of the Sixteenth century. Chapter two describes the core theological issue-of Anabaptism-Discipleship. Chapter three compares the teachings of Anabaptism with those of the Seventh-day Adventists. Chapter 4 analyzes the Radicals’ reformers’ views on the Holy Spirit. Chapters five, six, and seven focuses on Martin Luther, considered the towering figure of the Reformation. In chapter five, I reexamine Luther’s views on death and dying. Chapter six explores his revolutionary views on marriage, sex, and the family. Chapter seven analyzes his enigmatic and paradoxical theology. Chapter eight concludes the book by surveying a representative view of the major Protestant reformers of the sixteenth century on what happens to the wicked at the final judgment and the nature of hell.
Andrews Bible Commentary (Old Testament)
Angel M. Rodriguez, Daniel Bediako, Carl Cossart, and Gerald Klingbeil
使徒行传与大公书信导论 笔记与习题 (An Introduction to Acts and the General Epistles: Notes and Exercises)
Cedric E. W. Vine and Fai Leong
Chinese Translation of:An Introduction to Acts and the General Epistles. Translated by Fai Leong.
This is a workbook for the graduate course Acts and General Epistles
Doctor of Missiology: Dissertation Writing Manual
Linda Bauer
Recommendations and requirements for the Mission Department and the Doctor of Missiology Program of Andrews University.
La Naturaleza del ser Humano en los Orígenes: Génesis 1-11
Richard M. Davidson
"Este libro es una contribución importante y fundamental para la definición de lo que es el ser humano. La lectura de este escrito es relevante en el siglo XXI debido a la importancia de las relaciones humanas que abarcan casi todo el espectro de actividades en las que el ser humano participa. El estudio de la naturaleza humana hecha a partir de una cosmovisión bíblica responde a muchas interrogantes que el ser humano se ha hecho por siglos. Preguntarse ¿qué soy? o mas aún ¿quién soy? constituye una de las inquietudes mas antiguas a las que cada individuo se enfrenta en cierto momento de la vida. Para responder este enigma, Davidson hace una descripción de la naturaleza del ser humano en sus tres etapas o estados: antes de la caída, o lo que Davidson llama el “estado original de la humanidad”; después de la caída; y el “estado futuro de la humanidad”.Richard M. Davidson es un académico de Antiguo Testamento en Andrews University, Michigan. Davidson fue el presidente de la Sociedad Teológica Adventista desde 1996-1998. Está casado con la, también académica, JoAnn Davidson. Davidson es mejor conocido por su importante trabajo académico Flame of Yahweh: A Theology of Sexuality in the Old Testament. Nació en California, terminó su Maestría con Suma Cum Laude en Andrews University, y luego su Doctorado en Estudios Bíblicos, en la misma Universidad el año 1981."
The Sanctuary and Salvation: The Practical Significance of Christ’s Sacrifice and Priesthood
Roy E. Gane
This book shows that the Bible reveals the answers in the context of the drama of the ages: the story of Christ’s sacrifice and His priestly ministry in the heavenly sanctuary, as illustrated and explained by activities at the ancient Israelite sanctuary on earth.
Trust and Doubt: Perceptions of Divine Inspiration in Seventh-day Adventist History
Denis Kaiser
"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God ... " We believe these words, but what do they actually mean? Did God exercise a dominating influence over the inspired writers of Scripture, or did He provide them with assistance in communicating His inspired messages? In their struggle to arrive at a biblical understanding of God's influence in the inspiration process, Seventh-day Adventists have advocated a variety of views since their very beginning. During a period of grave tensions on the subject of divine inspiration in American Protestant Christianity (1830s-1920s), Adventists experienced in their midst a living prophetic claimant whose very presence pressed them to ponder about the Holy Spirit's modus operandi. This book traces the interplay of various theories of divine inspiration in the writings of eleven key thinkers in that period of Seventh-day Adventist history.
Ezra and Nehemiah
Jiří Moskala
The books of Ezra and Nehemiah are precious jewels and deserve careful study.
Like shining diamonds, they will bring joy to those who value them. They demonstrate the struggle and drama between God’s grace and the power of sin. Triumph is ensured when God’s people stay close to Him. Following His instructions brings peace, joy, and prosperity to believers and glory to His name.
The Doctrine of God: Introducing the Big Questions
John C. Peckham
John C. Peckham introduces and engages with major questions about God's nature and how God relates to the world. Does God change? Does God have emotions? Can God do anything? Does God know the future? Does God always attain what God desires? And is God entirely good? This textbook provides a clear and concise overview of the issues involved in these and other questions, exploring prominent contemporary approaches to the main issues relative to how to conceive of the God-world relationship within Christian theology. In so doing, Peckham surveys a range of live options regarding each of the primary questions, briefly considering where each falls within the spectrum of the Christian tradition and providing clear and readily understandable explanations of the technical issues involved. The result is a stimulating survey of the most prominent options in Christian theology relative to divine attributes and the God-world relationship, offered in an accessible format for students. Designed for classroom use this volume includes the following features: Study questions for each chapter, suggestions for further reading for each chapter, glossary. --From publisher's description.
Divine Impassibility: Four Views of God's Emotions and Suffering
John C. Peckham, Daniel Castelo, James E. Dolezal, and Thomas Jay Oord
Biblical Hermeneutics: Implications and Applications in Africa
Davidson Razafiarivony, Anna M. Galeniece, and Kelvin Onongha
Cleansing the Sanctuary of the Heart: Tools for Emotional Healing, Rev. and Updated 3rd ed.
David Sedlacek and Beverly Sedlacek
A Passion for Mission
David Trim
For ninety years, the Trans-European Division has overseen the mission and ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in a vast, diverse, and ever-changing territory. From its inception the driving force of the division has been mission. Sending some of its brightest and best talent to the mission field has had a significant impact on the world church, but also on the development of the church at home. This ninetieth-anniversary history tells stories that inspire, provides insights into effective leadership, and draws out conclusions and lessons applicable to the church in Europe today.
A Living Sacrifice: Unsung Heroes of Adventist Missions
David J. B. Trim
This short book shares stories of these missionaries that were willing to risk danger, deprivation, disease and death, and in many cases, they truly gave their all. Most were young. Many were women. Some were committed laypeople, and several were self-supporting.