Recent publications of the faculty of Andrews University
Submissions from 1984
The Chronology of the Hebrew Kings, Edwin R. Thiele
On Pastors as Counselors, Garth D. Thompson
Submissions from 1983
"Adolescent Heresy": The Rejection of Parental Religious Values, Roger L. Dudley
Family Ministry: The Enrichment of Family Life Through the Church [review] / Charles M. Sell; reviewed by Roger L. Dudley., Roger L. Dudley
"This Generation" in Matthew 24:34, S. Joseph Kidder
Christ's Remnant People, C. Mervyn Maxwell
Submissions from 1982
Biblical Theology: Then, Now, And Tomorrow, Gerhard F, Hasel
The Sabbath In The Pentateuch, Gerhard F, Hasel
The Sabbath In The Prophetic And Historical Literature Of The Old Testament, Gerhard F, Hasel
God's Perpetual Gift to man, Gerhard F. Hasel
The Integrity of the Prophetic Gift, Gerhard F. Hasel
Theological Seminary Plans New Master of Divinity Curriculum for 1982, Gerhard F. Hasel
Proclaiming the Word: The Concept of Preaching in the Thought of Ellen G. White [review] / by R. Edward Turner., C. Raymond Holmes
A Day of Mourning, Arnold Kurtz
Coping With Dull Preaching, Arnold Kurtz
The Pastor and Institutionalization of Conflict Management in the Church, Arnold Kurtz
The Pastor as a Manager of Conflict in the Church, Arnold Kurtz
A Tale of Two Bridegrooms (Which May Never Have Happened), C. Mervyn Maxwell
Preacher of the Advent -1, C. Mervyn Maxwell
Preacher of the Advent -2: The Legacy of William Miller, C. Mervyn Maxwell
Submissions from 1981
Divine Rest for Human Restlessness, Samuele Bacchiocchi
A Decade Of Old Testament Theology: Retrospect And Prospect, Gerhard F, Hasel
The Meaning Of The Animal Rite In Genesis 15, Gerhard F, Hasel
Themes In Old Testament Theology, Gerhard F, Hasel
The James White Library: Past and Future?, Mary Jane Mitchell
Submissions from 1980
Why Be Moderate?, Wilber Alexander
The Disciples' Prayer, James J. C. Cox
Resurrection In The Theology Of Old Testament Apocalyptic, Gerhard F, Hasel
Is the Aramaic of Daniel Early or Late?, Gerhard F. Hasel
How To Be Good and Angry, Arnold Kurtz
Short Term Pastorates, Arnold Kurtz
Gabriel's Testimony Concerning 1844, Edwin R. Thiele
What Took Place in 1844, Edwin R. Thiele
The Westminster Dictionary of Worship [review] / edited by J. G. Davies., R. Edward Turner
Submissions from 1979
The Four World Empires Of Daniel 2 Against Its Near Eastern Environment, Gerhard F, Hasel
The Future Of Biblical Theology, Gerhard F, Hasel
Love That Will Not Let Me Go, Sakae Kubo
The Sabbath and Human Relations, Sakae Kubo
What Do Ye More...?, Arnold Kurtz
Submissions from 1978
Once Saved Always Saved?, Sakae Kubo
Sabbath: A Day of Liberation, Sakae Kubo
Bookmarks: Men and Women Who Matched Mountains, C. Mervyn Maxwell
The Loving Letter Part 1, C. Mervyn Maxwell
The Loving Letter Part 2, C. Mervyn Maxwell
The Loving Letter Part 3, C. Mervyn Maxwell
The Loving Letter Part 4, C. Mervyn Maxwell
Why Jesus Didn't Come Last Night, C. Mervyn Maxwell
Submissions from 1977
Rome and the Origin of Sunday Observance, Samuele Bacchiocchi
Archeological Update From Syria, Israel, and Jordan, Lawrence T. Geraty
Avoiding a Crisis, Lawrence T. Geraty
Five Seasons at Heshbon Part 3: Results of the 1976 "Dig", Lawrence T. Geraty
Five Seasons at Heshbon Part 4: The Impact of Heshbon, Lawrence T. Geraty
The 1976 Excavations at Biblical Heshbon Part 1, Lawrence T. Geraty
The 1976 Excavations at Biblical Heshbon Part 2, Lawrence T. Geraty
The Uses Of Scripture In Recent Theology, Gerhard F, Hasel
God Is For Us, William G. Johnsson
Safeguarding the Sacred, William G. Johnsson
What Jesus a Revolutionary?, William G. Johnsson
The Fruitage of Faith, Sakae Kubo
Clarence E. Macartney: Dramatic Power in Preaching, Arnold Kurtz
Foskick: Case Study in "Successful" Public Address, Arnold Kurtz
Justin's Inadequate Reason, C. Mervyn Maxwell
Parley: Another Look at "Adventists and Politics", C. Mervyn Maxwell
What Adventist Owe to Other Christians, C. Mervyn Maxwell
Sabbath and Sunday Observance in the Early Church, C. Mervyn Maxwell, Samuele Bacchiocchi, and Kenneth A. Strand
"Unser Seminar": The Story of Clinton German Seminary, Marley Soper
Reommended Reading: Light in the Darkness: Studies in the Gospel of John, Walter F. Specht
Submissions from 1976
Leadership Demands Integrity, Carl Coffman
Like Him, Carl Coffman
Letters: Federal Aid, Lawrence T. Geraty
Letters: The Bible Only, Lawrence T. Geraty
New Books on Biblical Archeology, Lawrence T. Geraty
The Tell Mardikh Tablets, Lawrence T. Geraty
Archeological Update From Israel, Lawrence T. Geraty and G. Arthur Keough
A Critical Note on the Origin of the Term "Heilsgeschichte", A. Josef Greig
Pediatric Prevention Series, Harald Habenicht
God's Plan for Ancient Israel, Gerhard F. Hasel
Marks of the 144,000, Gerhard F. Hasel
The Meaning of Genesis 1:1, Gerhard F. Hasel
Jesus Who?, William G. Johnsson
The Pastor as a Theologian, William G. Johnsson
Charles G. Finney: Prototype of the Modern Evangelist, Arnold Kurtz
"Come Before Winter"- The Sermon With a History, Arnold Kurtz
Adventist and Politics: A Second Look, C. Mervyn Maxwell
Adventist Windows, C. Mervyn Maxwell
This Nation Under God - In Bible Prophecy, C. Mervyn Maxwell
How to Read the Bible Part 1, Walter F. Specht
How to Read the Bible Part 2, Walter F. Specht
How to Read the Bible Part 3, Walter F. Specht
How to Read the Bible Part 4, Walter F. Specht
How to Read the Bible Part 5, Walter F. Specht
Jesus and the Status of Women Part 1: Jesus Championed Women's Rights, Walter F. Specht
Jesus and the Status of Women Part 2: Christ's Signs and Wonders on Behalf of Women, Walter F. Specht
Jesus and the Status of Women Part 3: Jesus Related His Teachings to Women, Walter F. Specht
Jesus and the Status of Women Part 4: Jesus Awakened a Loyal Following Among Women, Walter F. Specht
New Testament Israel, Walter F. Specht
Nurturing Faith in Jesus: Adult Sabbath School Lessons: Daybreak Series, Walter F. Specht
Submissions from 1975
My Witness in a Jesuit University, Samuele Bacchiocchi
The Sabbath Rest as Peace and Tranquillity, Samuele Bacchiocchi
The Sabbath Rest: Its Meaning for the Christian Today, Samuele Bacchiocchi