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T. Rose Curtis, Benjamin P. Hoffman, Barbara Phipps, Marilyn Fivash, Leonard Hill, Lois Flory, Stella Greig, Marley H. Soper, Rebecca Twomley, Doris Helm, Elaine Mutale, Harvey Brenneise, Larry Mahlum, Margaret Kroncke, Sandra White, Vida Lickey, William Hessel, Frances Bartlett, Kit Watts, Sue Tidwell, Sandra Richardson, Louise Dederen, James White Memorial Home, Stephen Burlingame, J. N. Andrews, Mark Bovee, Uriah Smith, Isabel Rincon, Richard Powell, Dorothy Van Duinen, June Norton, Esther Tyler, Carol Crider, Barbara Kriigel, Norma Greenidge, Thelma Gilbert, Marsh Provonse, LuAnn Bermeo, Sandra Mercer, Carolyn Jones, Elaine Waller, Ruth Smith, Blanche Pease, Nona Ludeman, Dorothy Heidtke, James White Library Circulation Department, James White Library Reference Department, James White Library Seminary Library, James White Library Periodical Department, James White Library Heritage Room, James White Library Teaching Materials and Learning Center, James White Library Technical Services Department, James White Library Music Materials Center, Role of the Director


A paper preented during Founder's Week, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, on March 11, 1981.

First Department

Library Sciences

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