Recent publications of the faculty of Andrews University
Submissions from 2016
Sarah Our Mother, P. Richard Choi
Building a Vibrant, Healthy, Growing Church, Petr A. Činčala
The Triune God as a Driving Force Behind a Healthy Growing Church, Petr A. Činčala
The Leaky Bucket: Examining Church Dropouts, Petr A. Cincala, David J. B. Trim, and Galina Stele
The Narrow Road: Recent Research Offers Some Insights into Why Some have Left, Petr A. Činčala, David J. B. Trim, and Galina Stele
Factors Related to Enrollment Trends in NAD K-12 Schools: A Literature Review, Anneris Coria-Navia, Jerome Thayer, and Kylah Allers-Martin
“Not a Moor Exactly”: Shakespeare, Serial, and Constructions of Race, Vanessa I. Corredera
The Hand on the Shakespearean Stage: Gesture, Touch and the Spectacle of Dismemberment, Vanessa I. Corredera
Adventist Theological Society Presidential Address, Felix H. Cortez
Atonement and Inauguration at the Heavenly Sanctuary: A Wider Perspective to Jesus’s Ascension in Hebrews, Felix H. Cortez
The Cross and the Wrath of God, Felix H. Cortez
The Cross and the Wrath of God., Felix H. Cortez
The Literal, Simple Sense of Scripture, Felix H. Cortez
The Literal, Simple Sense of Scripture., Felix H. Cortez
The Mission-Charity Dilemma: Fresh Perspectives from Paul’s Practice., Felix H. Cortez
Truth and Fear, Felix H. Cortez
Truth and fear., Felix H. Cortez
Why the Bible Is So Difficult to Understand, Felix H. Cortez
Why the Bible is so Difficult to Understand., Felix H. Cortez
Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Vegetarian Diets, Winston J. Craig, Vesanto Melina, and Susan Levin
Food Habits, Lifestyle Factors, and Risk of Prostate Cancer in Central Argentina: A Case Control Study Involving Self-Motivated Health Behavior Modifications after Diagnosis, Winston J. Craig, Sandaly O. S. Pacheco, Fabio J. Pacheco, Gimena M. J. Zapata, Julieta M. E. Garcia, Carlos A. Previale, and Hector E. Cura
Mental Health and Ageing: The United States, Sherry M. Cummings and Shannon M. Trecartin
Ion Gyroradius Effects on Particle Trapping in Kinetic Alfven Waves Along Auroral Field Lines, P. A. Damiano, Jay R. Johnson, and C. C. Chaston
Die Grundlagen der adventistische Botschaft und Mission: Historische Entstehung und Entwicklung, P. Gerard Damsteegt
Aesthetics and Faith, JoAnn Davidson
A Strange Anomaly, JoAnn Davidson
Como Considera Dios: a su Creacion?, JoAnn Davidson
Deep Breathing of the Soul: Honesty in Prayer, JoAnn Davidson
La Majordomia su Relacion con el Medio Ambiento, JoAnn Davidson
Power or Person: Nature of the Holy Spirit, JoAnn Davidson
Power or Person: Nature of the Holy Spirit, JoAnn Davidson
The Creator and Creation: God’s Affection for This World, JoAnn Davidson
The Great Communicator: God is Not Silent, JoAnn Davidson
Using Literacy Support Strategies to Enhance Reading Comprehension in Science, Lee Davidson and Tammy B. Overstreet
El matrimonio, ¿todavía importa?: Una evaluación de la convivencia a la luz de la Biblia, Richard M. Davidson
Linear, Narrative-plot Development in the Song of Songs—Part One, Richard M. Davidson
Linear, Narrative-plot Development in the Song of Songs—Part Two, Richard M. Davidson
The Days of Creation: A History of Christian Interpretation of Genesis 1:1–2:3, Richard M. Davidson
The Nature and Work of the Holy Spirit in the Pentateuch, Richard M. Davidson
The Nature and Work of the Holy Spirit in the Pentateuch, Richard M. Davidson
The Shepherd and the Exegetes: Hermeneutics Through the Lens of Psalm 23., Richard M. Davidson
Who is the Author of the Bible?, Richard M. Davidson
¿Se Refiere Proverbios 8:22-31 a Cristo?, Richard M. Davidson and David Asmat
Características, Enfoques y el Modo de Cumplimiento de la Profecía Apocalíptica, Richard M. Davidson and Joel Iparraguirre
Sueños, Símbolos y Visiones: Características de la Profecía Apocalíptica, Richard M. Davidson and Joel Iparraguirre
Grazie Marco, Kathleen Demsky
In Their Own Words: The Waldensian Experience: Students Discover the Meaning of Faith, Kathleen M. Demsky
The Parable of the Four Soils: A Missiological Reading, Gorden R. Doss
Preface, Jacques B. Douhkan
The Subordination of Women Revisited: A Contextual and Intertextual Exegesis of Genesis 3:16, Jacques B. Douhkan
Genesis, Jacques B. Doukhan
The Challenge in the Seventh-day Adventist Name, Jacques B. Doukhan
Value Analysis for Moral Leadership, Lawrence G. Downing, Robert M. Krone, and Ben A. Maguad
A Movement Must Have Momentum, Tom L. Evans
A Movement Must Have Momentum, Tom L. Evans
National Missionaries: Solid Answer for the Abundant Harvest, Tom L. Evans
New Refugee Friends for Seminary Students, Tom L. Evans
Planting More SEEDS, Tom L. Evans
Earthquake Disaster Resilience: A Framework for Sustainable Gardening in Haiti’s Vulnerable Population., Ivis T. Forrester, Paminas Mayaka, Sherine Brown-Fraser, Norma Dawkins, Randy Rowel, and Viji Sitther
Incomplete Protection against Dengue Virus Type 2 Re-infection in Peru, Brett M. Forshey, Robert C. Reiner, Sandra Olkowski, Amy C. Morrison, Angelica Espinoza, Kanya C. Long, Stalin Vilcarromero, Wilma Casanova, Helen J. Wearing, Eric S. Halsey, Tadeusz J. Kochel, Thomas W. Scott, and Steven T. Stoddard
Ellen G. White’s Theology of Worship and Liturgy, Denis Fortin
Scripture and Modern Epistemological Methodologies in Adventist Hermeneutics: An Uneasy Relationship, Denis Fortin
The Life and Witness of Peter, Denis Fortin
Nature, Function, and Authority of the Minister in the Writings of Ellen G. White, Denis Fortin, Jerry A. Moon, and Jesse Tennison
Creating a Christ-centered Climate for Educational Excellence: Philosophical, Instructional, Relational, Assessment and Counseling Dimensions, Elvin Gabriel, Carole Woolford-Hunt, and Esther M. Hooley
Jalul 2016, Constance E. Gane, Paul A. Gregor, Paul Ray, Robert D. Bates, and Randall W. Younker
Hermeneutical Errors Committed by Various Kinds of Scholars, Roy E. Gane
Innovation in the Suspected Adulteress Ritual (Num 5:11-31), Roy E. Gane
Old Testament Principles Relevant to Consensual Homoerotic Activity—Part 3, Roy E. Gane
Cosmic Conflict and Divine Kingship in Babylonian Religion and Biblical Apocalypses, Roy E. Gane and Constance E. Gane
Ethical Decisions: The Slippery Slope/The Blurred Lines, Annetta M. Gibson
Internal Control: It's More Than a Locked Safe, Annetta M. Gibson
Reading and Interpreting A Financial Statement, Annetta M. Gibson
Release of Restricted Funds and How to Account for Them, Annetta M. Gibson
Canale’s Utilization of Phenomenology: Analyzing its Problems and Perspectives, Oliver Glanz
ETCBC-BHS implementation. Accordance 12, Oliver Glanz
ETCBC-vm v1.62. Lubuntu 16.04 64bit, Oliver Glanz
Faith in a World of Unfaith: How to Share Christ with Unbelievers., Kleber D. Goncalves
Examining Identity Styles and Religiosity Among Chilean Undergraduate Students, Tevni Grajales Guerra, Vicente Leon, Fatima al Nasser, Esther M. Hooley, Melina Sample, and Brittany Sommers
Identity Styles and Religiosity: Examining the Role of Identity Commitment, Tevni Grajales Guerra and Brittany Sommers
Geography of Esau/Edom: History, Geography, and Archaeology, Paul Z. Gregor
Jalul 2016, Paul Z. Gregor
Water System at Tell Jalul, Paul Z. Gregor
Develando una Perspectiva Bíblica de la Sabiduría, Gustavo Gregorutti
Los Egresados de Universidades Privadas de Bajo Perfil y la Opinión de sus Empleadores en el Siglo XXI, Gustavo Gregorutti
Perspectives in Transnational Higher Education: Perspectives and Challenges for the Region, Gustavo Gregorutti, Oscar Espinoza, and Luis Eduardo Gonzalez
Tier 3 Primary Grade Reading Interventions: Can We Distinguish Necessary from Sufficient?, Luana Greulich, Stephanie Al Otaiba, Jill Allor, Miriam Ortiz, Jeanie Wanzek, and Joseph Torgesen
A Theological Heritage for New Evangelicalism and its Social Justice Focus, Kenley Hall
Ellen G. White: Prophetic Voice of Radical Abolitionism, Kenley D. Hall
Integration of Sound Hermeneutics in Sermon Preparation, Kenley D. Hall
Preaching from Parables, Kenley D. Hall
Out of My Comfort Zone into Yours, Cynthia Mae Helms, Silas Bruscagin Marques, Lauren Matacio, and Sarah Kimakwa
Data for Henson et al. 2016, Shandelle Henson, James Hayward, J Cushing, Gordon Atkins, Sumiko Weir, Ashley Reichert, WayAnne Watson, Wadenerson Saint Martin, and Amanda Sandler
The Effects of Climate Change on Marine Birds, Part II: Population Dynamics and Evolutionary Outcomes, Shandelle M. Henson and James M. Cushing
The Effects of Climate Change on Marine Birds, Part I: Rising Sea Surface Temperature, Cannibalism, and Reproductive Synchrony, Shandelle M. Henson and James M. Cushing
Modeling Animal Behavior in a Changing Environment, Shandelle M. Henson, James M. Cushing, and James L. Hayward
No more secrets: Talking with children and young adults about pornography, Brad Hinman
Helping Others, Helping Ourselves., Gary Hopkins and Duane C. McBride
4 Myths About Black Worship, Willie Edward Hucks II
Review of Sandra Maria Van Opstal. The Next Worship: Glorifying God in a Diverse World, Willie Edward Hucks II