Recent publications of the faculty of Andrews University
Submissions from 2017
Dawn-dusk Asymmetries in the Auroral Particle Precipitation and Their Modulations by Substorms, Jay R. Johnson, Simon Wing, and Enrico Camporeale
A. G. Daniells: Shaper of Twentieth-Century Adventism, Denis Kaiser
Antecedentes de la Reforma Protestante, Denis Kaiser
Austrian Lands, Denis Kaiser
Die Rolle Ellen Whites bei der Bibelauslegung: Eine Studie zu Frühadventistischen Sichtweisen, Denis Kaiser
Ellen White’s Role in Biblical Interpretation: A Survey of Early Seventh-day Adventist Perceptions, Denis Kaiser
Friendly Fire: George I. Butler’s Theory of Degrees of Inspiration, Denis Kaiser
La Influencia de la Reforma Protestante, Denis Kaiser
La Interpretación de Lutero del Anticristo de Daniel 8 en su Responsio a Ambrosio Catarino (1521), Denis Kaiser
Linking the Sabbath and the Sanctuary - Continued, Denis Kaiser
Sabbatarianism, Denis Kaiser
The Clarity and Obscurity of Inspired Writings: An Historical Survey from the Protestant Reformers to Seventh-day Adventists, Denis Kaiser
Adventism, Denis Kaiser and Daniel Heinz
Age at Menarche in Congolese Women: Relative Importance of Determinants Linked to Physical Activity and Family Structure, Sozina D. Katuli, Lawrence Beeson, Joseph Lounana, Jean Medelli, Iuoma Chukwueke, and Zaida Cordero - MacIntyre
Disparities of Breastfeeding patterns between Black and White Adventist Women in North America. Results from the Adventist Health Study (AHS) - 2, Sozina D. Katuli, Synove F. Knutsen, Raymond Knutsen, Keiji Oda, and Ronald Mataya
The Association of the Cumulative/Lifetime Duration of Breast Feeding and the Development of Post Menopausal Breast Cancer. Results from Adventist Health Study-2., Sozina D. Katuli, Synove F. Knutsen, Raymond Knutsen, Keiji Oda, Ronald Mataya, and Gary E. Fraser
The GENESIS: A Symphonic Work and Analysis, Max Keller
Bereit fur das Feuer: Inspirierende Erfahrungen aus dem Leben von Joseph Kidder: Teil 1, S. Joseph Kidder
Chrtistian Community: God's Design for Growth, S. Joseph Kidder
Mentoring: a Way of Life, S. Joseph Kidder
The Blessing of Spiritual Mentoring, S. Joseph Kidder
The Power of Praying Parents, S. Joseph Kidder
The Worship Experience we Long For: the How of Worship, S. Joseph Kidder
Innovative Evangelism, Part 1: A New Paradigm, S. Joseph Kidder and Kristy L. Hodson
From Burned Out to Burning Bright: Cures for Eight Causes of Burnout, S. Joseph Kidder and Jonny Wesley Moor
Jiao hui fu xing de 4 ge guan jian mi ma, S. Joseph Kidder and Chen Zhang trans
Academic Writing in Korea: Its Dynamic Landscape and Implications for Intercultural Rhetoric, Eun-Young Julia Kim
The TOEFL IBT Writing: Korean Students’ Perceptions of the TOEFL IBT Writing Test, Eun-Young Julia Kim
Effectiveness of EvenupTM Shoe-lift use Among Individuals Prescribed a Walking Boot, David Kipp, David Village, and Kenneth J. Edwards
Premiums for Voting Rights in the 2013-2016 Time Period, Alan J. Kirkpatrick
Él dijo y fue hecho: La creación en el Antiguo Testamento, Gerald Klingbeil
All Is Well, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Back to Basics: A Reformation Journey, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Book Review: Steve and Karen Nicola, Comfort for the Day: Living Through the Seasons of Grief, 3rd edition, Bloomington, IN.: Westbow Press, 2016, Gerald A. Klingbeil
CD Review: “Freedom” by Brad Nickel, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Chance Discovery of Assyrian Palace with Biblical Connections, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Falling in Love All Over Again: Rediscovering the Gift of the Sabbath in a Busy World, Gerald A. Klingbeil
I Wish I Would Have…, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Jesus Loves the (Little) Children: Discovering the Difference Between Being and Doing, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Of Course They Are Lying, But I Don't Care: Of Post-Truth, Prophecy, and Postmodernism, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Reformation 101: Through a Photoprapher's Lens, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Review of Timothy Beal, ed, "The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and the Arts. 2 vols," Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Searching for the Center of Adventist Theology: What Can Sanctuary, Ritual, and Theology Add to This Search?, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Theologisches Wörterbuch zu den Qumrantexten. Band III, Gerald A. Klingbeil
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and the Arts, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Watch the Hands, Gerald A. Klingbeil
When Fake News Becomes "Alternative Facts", Gerald A. Klingbeil
As Emoções nos Textos Proféticos da Biblia, Gerald A. Klingbeil and Chantal J. Klingbeil
From Mount Carmel ot Mount Horeb: Traveling the Dark Roads of Our Lives, Gerald A. Klingbeil and Chantel Klingbeil
Adventist Authority Wars, Ordination, and the Roman Catholic Temptation, George R. Knight
Better Together: A Collaborative Model for Embedded Music Librarianship, Marianne Kordas and Trina Thompson
A Mixed-Method Multiple Case Study of Three Business Models for Local Healthy Food Delivery Systems in Underprivileged Urban Areas, Gretchen Elizabeth Krivak, Garth B. Woodruff, S. Forrest, Hannah Mbungu, Kechler Orcel, Soraya Fish, and Sherine R. Brown-Fraser
Teologia e Missiologia Adventista: o Desafio da Contextualizacao na Missao da Igreja, Wagner Kuhn
Discipulado e Serviço, Wagner Kuhn and Nilton Aguiar
A Student Diffusion Activity, Mickey Kutzner and Bryan Pearson
The Design Focused Engineering Outreach to a Middle School Using Arduino Projects, Hyun J. Kwon
Salemi: luoghi e non-loughi: archeologia, arte e monumenti, Giorgia Lanzaroni, Elizabeth Lesnes, and Randall Younker
Ion Acceleration and Heating by Kinetic Alfvén Waves Associated with Magnetic Reconnection, Ji Liang, Yu Lin, Jay R. Johnson, Zheng-Xiong Wang, and Xueyi Wang
Intersubjectivity and Discussion Characteristics in Online Courses, Janine M. Lim, Barbara M. Hall, Allan C. Jeong, and Shirley Freed
Professionalism from Academics to Practice: From Architecture 101 to Professional Practice 2101, Thomas Lowing
Managing for Quality in Higher Education: A Systems Perspective, Ben A. Maguad and Robert M. Krone
The academic library’s role in student retention: a review of the literature, Silas Bruscagin Marques
War-Gaming Application for Future Space Systems Acquisition: MATLAB Implementation of War-Gaming Acquisition Models and Simulation Results, Karel Marshall; Paul Vienhage; Heather Barcomb; William A. Black; Amanda Coons; Hien T. Tran; Tien M. Nguyen; Andy T, Guillen; James Yoh; James Yoh; Justin Kizer; and Blake A. Rogers
On the Plains of Moab: Reflections for the End Times, Patrick Mazani
Courtship and copulation in Glaucous-winged Gulls, Larus glaucescens, and the influence of environmental variables, Kelly M. McWilliams, Amanda Sandler, Gordon Atkins, Shandelle Henson, and James L. Hayward
500 Years of Protest and Liberty: Martin Luther to Modern Civil Rights, Nicholas Miller
‘A Second Magna Charta of Highest Liberties’: American Protestants, Religious Freedom, and the Heritage of the Magna Carta, Nicholas P. Miller
Ellen G. White e os Direitos Humanos, Nicholas P. Miller
Human Dignity, Nicholas P. Miller
Human Dignity: 500 Years of Protestant Contributions to Human Rights, Nicholas P. Miller
Human Dignity and Rights, Nicholas P. Miller
Luther, Locke, and Human Dignity, Nicholas P. Miller
The Moral Government of God, the Sabbath, and Adventist Activism, Nicholas P. Miller
The Moral Government of God, the Sabbath, and Adventist Activism, Nicholas P. Miller
Reflections on Ezekiel's Ministry: Like Moses and Jesus, Jiri Moskala
Sin and Salvation in Genesis 3, Jiri Moskala
God’s Two Seals: The Seal of the Gospel and the Apocalyptic Seal, Jiří Moskala
Hermeneutics of Ellen G. White’s Writings: Basic Rules of Interpretation, Jiří Moskala
Los animales como alimentación humana según el Pentateuco: Un estudio de Levítico 11, Jiří Moskala
Nossa Maior Necessidade: A Presença do Espírito Santo em Nossa Vida, Jiří Moskala
The Decalogue in Luther and Adventism, Jiří Moskala
Early Research: Becoming by Doing, Desmond H. Murray
Adolescents’ Faith Commitments as Correlates of Their Involvement in Christian Service, Andrea Cristina Nagy, Ray Ostrander, Jimmy Kijai, and John V. Matthews
Andrews Speaks 001: Michael Nixon, Michael T. Nixon
El Camino de la Salvación: Los Cinco Principios de la Reforma, Ricardo Norton
Version Française du Test Numeracy Screener (NS-f), un Outil de Dépistage des Difficultés de Traitement du Nombre et des Quantités, Nadia Nosworthy, Anne Lafay, Stefanie Archambault, and Melanie Vigneron
Characterization of Rectifying and Sphere Curves in R^3, Yun Myung Oh and Julie Logan
Risk factors for chronic diseases and multimorbidity in a primary care context of Central Argentina: A web-based interactive and cross-sectional study, David E.V. Olivares, Frank R.V. Chambi, Evelyn M.M. Chañi, Winston J. Craig, Sandaly O.S. Pacheco, and Fabio J. Pacheco
The Ancestry of Mary Louise Ormson, Lawrence W. Onsager
The Wurker-Gibson Bible Collection and the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, Lawrence W. Onsager and Terry Dwain Robertson
How Martin Luther Transformed Marriage, Trevor O'Reggio
Martin Luther’s View on the State of the Dead, Trevor O'Reggio
Deus em Questão, John C. Peckham
Understanding sola scriptura: A working approach for the church, John C. Peckham
Apostles of Reason: the Crisis of Authority in American Evangelicalism, David K. Penno
Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory, David K. Penno
Servants and Fools: A Biblical Theology of Leadership, David K. Penno
More than Music: Worship, Adriana Perera
Colour-conscious Casting and Multicultural Britain in the BBC Henry V (2012): Historicizing Adaptation in an Age of Digital Placelessness, L Monique Pittman