Faculty Publications
Submissions from 2010
Making Friends, Making Disciples: Growing your Church Through Authentic Relationships [review] / Penno, D., David K. Penno
Pastoral Care for Saints and Sinners, H. Peter Swanson
Pastors’ Perspectives on Assimilating New Members: Part 1–Challenges and Needs, Jane Thayer
Pastors’ Perspectives on Assimilating New Members: Part 2–Discipling Strategies, Jane Thayer
“J” and “B”, Hyveth Williams
No Fear, Hyveth Williams
Vision Check, Hyveth Williams
Voices From the Dome, Hyveth Williams
Voices From the Dome: Hyveth Williams, Hyveth Williams
Where Is the Love?, Hyveth Williams
Submissions from 2009
Book review of "Be Last: Descending to Greatness", by Jeremy Kingsley, Skip Bell
The Vacant Parish: Managing a Pastoral Search Process, Skip Bell
I Don't Want to go to Church Anymore!, Margaret G. Dudley
Reflections, Roger Dudley
A Report on the 180 Symposium, Roger Dudley and Allen Walshe
Ministering with Millennials: A Complete Report on the 180 Symposium, Roger Dudley and Allen Walshe
The Eutychus Syndrome, Kenley D. Hall
Tutsch, Cindy. Ellen White on Leadership: Guidance for Those Who Influence Others. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2008. 159 pp. Hardcover, $16.99., Kenley D. Hall
Aleshire, Daniel O. Earthen Vessels: Hopeful Reflections on the Work and Future of Theological Schools. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008. 177 pp. Paper, $20.00., R. Clifford Jones
Majesty: Experiencing Authentic Worship, S. Joseph Kidder
Creeds and Statements of Belief in Early Adventist Thought, S. Joseph Kidder
Church of Refuge: A Support Ministry for Youth and Young Adults, Ron Whitehead and Jeff Boyd
Submissions from 2008
Book Review of Making Spiritual Sense: Christian Leaders as Spiritual Interpreters, Skip Bell
Making Spiritual Sense: Christian Leaders as Spiritual Interpreters [review] / Cormode,S., Skip Bell
Seeking a Sanctuary: Seventh-day Adventism and teh American Dream, 2nd ed. [review] / Bull Malcolm and Keith Lockhart, Roger L. Dudley
Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence [review] / Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R., & McKee, A., Stanley E. Patterson
Seminary Entrance Requirements, H. Peter Swanson
The Celt And The Christ: Another Look at the Letter to the Galatians by Dorothy Minchin-Comm and Hyveth B. Williams, Hyveth Williams
Submissions from 2007
Serving His Servants, Skip Bell
Pastoral Tasks and the Time Factor: Seminarians' Estimates Compared with Pastors' Self-Reports, H. Peter Swanson
Submissions from 2006
A Dream Deferred, Skip Bell
Historical Dictionary of the Seventh-Day Adventists [review] / Gary Land., Roger L. Dudley
Research Note: Beyond the Ordinary and Adventist Congregations, Roger L. Dudley
Effective and Ineffective Pastors: A Study in Contrasts, H. Peter Swanson
Help Adults Discover, Jane Thayer
How Members Are Transformed, Jane Thayer
Submissions from 2005
A Church in the Marketplace, Skip Bell
Leadership Formation in Ministerial Education -- Part 3: A Comparison of Transformational Effect in Three Selected Programs, Skip Bell, Roger L. Dudley, and Douglas Tilstra
Utopia Park, Utopian Church: A Critical Examination of James K. Humphrey and the United Sabbath Day Adventists, 1930-2000, R. Clifford Jones
Infatuations, Affairs, and Sexual Addictions: Practical Help for Struggling Saints, H. Peter Swanson
Many Baptisms or Few: What Makes the Difference? A Comparative Study of Productive and Unproductive Pastors, H. Peter Swanson
10 Things Faculty Can Do to Nurture College Students Spiritually, Jane Thayer
Submissions from 2004
Radical Christianity: The Reason We Exist as Seventh-day Adventists, Skip Bell
Church Planting as Growth Strategy: Is it Effective?, Skip Bell and Rod Davis
Leadership formation in ministerial education -- Part 2: The impact of graduate theological education on leadership development in the local pastorate / Skip Bell, Roger L. Dudley., Skip Bell and Roger L. Dudley
A Concept of Sexual Immorality and Its Consequences in the Bible, Anna Galeniece
Preaching in Black & White: What We Can Learn from Each Other [review] / E.K. Bailey, Warren W. Wiersbe., R. Clifford Jones
AVANCE: A Vision of a New Mañana [review] / Johnny Ramirez-Johnson and Edwin I. Hernandez., Ricardo Norton
Constructing a Spirituality Measure Based on Learning Theory: The Christian Spiritual Participation Profile, Jane Thayer
Submissions from 2003
A Time to Serve: Church Leadership for the 21st Century, Skip Bell
Linking Leadership and Successful Pastoring: An Investigation (with Roger Dudley), Skip Bell
What is Wrong With the Homogeneous Unit Principle?: The HUP in the 21st Century Church, Skip Bell
Liquid Church [review] / Pete Ward., Russell Burrill
James Kemuel Humphrey and the Emergence of the United Sabbath-Day Adventists, R. Clifford Jones
King Came Preaching: The Pulpit Power of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. [review] / Mervyn A. Warren., R. Clifford Jones
Taming the Tyranny of Too Much, H. Peter Swanson
Submissions from 2002
Book Review of Redefining Revival: Biblical Patterns for Missions, Evangelism, and Growth, Skip Bell
Finding a Faith-Based Optimism, Skip Bell
Here to Learn: Lessons from a Career Transition, Skip Bell
Hope, Skip Bell
Leadership Formation in Ministerial Education -- Part 1: Assessment and Analysis of Leadership Traits in Seventh-day Adventist Pastors in North America, Skip Bell and Roger L. Dudley
How College Students Evaluate Their Professors’ Spirituality, Jane Thayer
Submissions from 2001
Recent Developments In Luther Research: Implications for the Adventist Understanding of Christ Our Righteousness, C. Raymond Holmes
articles from 2000
Becoming a Healthy Church: 10 Characteristics [review] / Stephen A. Macchia, Russell Burrill
The Relationship of Parenting Styles to Commitment to the Church among Young Adults, Roger L. Dudley and Randall L. Wisbey
What Makes a Pastor Effective?, Roger Dudley and H. Peter Swanson
BOOKSHELF, Helena R. Gregor
Making a Difference in Preaching: Haddon Robinson on Biblical Preaching [review] / Scott M. Gibson, editor., R. Clifford Jones
Assessing Student Spirituality: The Andrews University Experience, Jane Thayer
Christian College Students’ Perceptions of Faculty Spirituality, Jane Thayer, Christine D. Bothne, and Robert D. Bates
Pastoral Counseling: The Basics [review] / James E. Dittes., Alfonso Valenzuela
Anticipation: Waiting on Tiptoes for the Lord, Hyveth Williams
Submissions from 1999
Project Giving May Be Fun, But, Skip Bell
Youth, Leadership, and the Church, Skip Bell
Understanding the Spiritual Development and the Faith Experience of College and University Students on Christian Campuses, Roger L. Dudley
Union with Christ: The New Finnish Interpretation of Luther [review] / edited by Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson., C. Raymond Holmes
Submissions from 1998
Faith and Acceptance, Skip Bell
Nurturing Members, Skip Bell
Call and Response: Biblical Foundations of a Theology of Evangelism [review] / Walter Klaiber; translated by Howard Perry-Trauthig and James A. Dwyer., Russell Burrill
Daughters of Thunder: Black Women Preachers and Their Sermons, 1850-1979 [review] / Bettye Collier-Thomas., R. Clifford Jones
articles from 1997
Evangelism: A Concise History [review] / John Mark Terry., Russell Burrill
Worship in the Book of Revelation, C. Raymond Holmes
Dr. Steven P. Vitrano, Steven P. Vitrano
Submissions from 1996
How Seventh-day Adventist Lay Members View Women Pastors, Roger L. Dudley
Social Attachment to the Seventh-day Adventist Church among Young Adults, Roger L. Dudley and H. Phillip Muthersbaugh
Ministerial Ethics: Being a Good Minister in a Not-so-good World [review] / [Joe E. Trull & James E. Carter]., Steven P. Vitrano
Will I Ever Learn?: One Woman's Life of Miracles and Ministry, Hyveth Williams
articles from 1995
Biblical Perspectives on Evangelism: Living in a Three-storied Universe [review] / Walter Brueggemann., Russell Burrill
Conscience, Elden M. Chalmers
One Ministry Many Roles: Deacons and Deaconesses Through the Centuries [review] / Jeannine E. Olson., Roger L. Dudley
Tributes by Church Officers and The Adventist Theological Society, Robert S. Folkenberg, Robert J. Kloosterhuis, C. Raymond Holmes, Jack J. Blanco, and E. Edward Zinke
Pastoral Diagnosis of Patients with Disabilities, C. K. Sim
Engaging with God: a Biblical Theology of Worship [review] / David Peterson., Steven P. Vitrano
Submissions from 1994
All Humankind Is One Family, Skip Bell
Faith Maturity and Social Concern in College-Age Youth: Does Christian Education Make a Difference?, Roger L. Dudley
By What Authority?, C. Raymond Holmes
The Past President’s Address ‘94, C. Raymond Holmes
Preaching Sermons that Connect: Effective Communication Through Identification [review] / Craig A. Loscalzo., Steven P. Vitrano