Faculty Publications
Submissions from 2017
From Burned Out to Burning Bright: Cures for Eight Causes of Burnout, S. Joseph Kidder and Jonny Wesley Moor
Jiao hui fu xing de 4 ge guan jian mi ma, S. Joseph Kidder and Chen Zhang trans
El Camino de la Salvación: Los Cinco Principios de la Reforma, Ricardo Norton
Biblical Foundations of Christian Leadership, Part 2, Stanley E. Patterson PhD
Apostles of Reason: the Crisis of Authority in American Evangelicalism, David K. Penno
Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory, David K. Penno
Servants and Fools: A Biblical Theology of Leadership, David K. Penno
The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate the Three Essential Virtues, David K. Penno
Even Pastor's Are Human, H. Peter Swanson
Leadership Gathering Envision Evangelism, Church Growth in North America, Anthony WagenerSmith
Sola Scriptura Statuat Lex Orandi: Toward a Transcultural Theology of Liturgy, David A. Williams
Change is Good, Hyveth Williams
Heart Scan, Hyveth Williams
Identity Theft, Hyveth Williams
Taking a Stand, Hyveth Williams
The Grace Place: Prayer, Kindness, and Care Can Grow a Church and Transform a Community, Hyveth Williams
The Harvest Is Ready, Hyveth Williams
Submissions from 2016
Can Theology Trump Culture, Skip Bell
Martina's Choice - and the Church that Helped Her Make It, Skip Bell
On Cleansing the Temple, Skip Bell
Serving Christ in the City, Skip Bell
Serving Where Power and Position Rule: A Theology for Legitimate Leadership, Skip Bell
God in Life: A Hermeneutic Principle, Skip Bell, Stanley Patterson, and David Penno
God’s Special Trio: Foreigners, Fatherless, and Widows, Tom Evans
A Movement Must Have Momentum, Tom L. Evans
A Movement Must Have Momentum, Tom L. Evans
National Missionaries: Solid Answer for the Abundant Harvest, Tom L. Evans
New Refugee Friends for Seminary Students, Tom L. Evans
Planting More SEEDS, Tom L. Evans
A Theological Heritage for New Evangelicalism and its Social Justice Focus, Kenley Hall
Ellen G. White: Prophetic Voice of Radical Abolitionism, Kenley D. Hall
Integration of Sound Hermeneutics in Sermon Preparation, Kenley D. Hall
Preaching from Parables, Kenley D. Hall
4 Myths About Black Worship, Willie Edward Hucks II
“Please, Don’t Go There!” Missiological Considerations for Those Who Are Not Interested in Missions, Willie Edward Hucks
Review of Sandra Maria Van Opstal. The Next Worship: Glorifying God in a Diverse World, Willie Edward Hucks II
Četiri čimbenika crkvenog rasta, S. Joseph Kidder
Moving Your Church: Become a Spirit-Led Community, S. Joseph Kidder
God's Favor., S. Joseph Kidder
How to Spend an Hour in Prayer., S. Joseph Kidder
How to Study the Bible for Transformation., S. Joseph Kidder
The Worship Experience we Long For: The Why of Worship., S. Joseph Kidder
Using Social Media for Evangelism, S. Joseph Kidder
Gaining by Denying: An Invitation to the Discipline of Fasting—Part 1 of 2, S. Joseph Kidder and Kristy L. Hodson
Gaining by Denying: An Invitation to the Discipline of Fasting—Part 2 of 2, S. Joseph Kidder and Kristy L. Hodson
Jumalan Kohtaaminen Jasvoista Kasvoihin., S. Joseph Kidder and Kristy L. Hodson
Life-Changing Stories: The Ministry of Sharing Jesus – Part 3., S. Joseph Kidder and Kristy L. Hodson
Meeting God Face to Face., S. Joseph Kidder and Kristy L. Hodson
The True Measure of Success, S. Joseph Kidder and Jonny Wesley Moor
A Christian Perspective on Watching Secular TV Programming, S. Joseph Kidder and David K. Penno
Salvo no Nogo., S. Joseph Kidder and Lisandro Winckler Staut
Called To Power, Errol N. McLean
María la Madre de Dios, Ricardo Norton
The Culture of Church Multiplication, L. Fernando Ortiz
Biblical Foundations of Christian Leadership: Part 1, Stanley E. Patterson PhD
Developing Relational Leadership: Resources for Developing Reflexive Organizational Practices, Stanley E. Patterson
Developing Relational Leadership: Resources for Developing Reflexive Organizational Practices. By Carsten Hornstrup, Jesper Loehr- Petersen, Joergen G. Madsen, Thomas Johansen, & Allan Vinther Jensen, Stanley E. Patterson PhD
Implications of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need for SDA Evangelism, Stanley E. Patterson
Policy and Practice of Leadership in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Stanley E. Patterson
Policy and Practice of Leadership in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Stanley E. Patterson
Relational Leading: Practices for Dialogically Based Collaboration, Stanley E. Patterson
Relational Leading: Practices for Dialogically Based Collaboration. By Lone Hersted & Kenneth J. Gergen., Stanley E. Patterson PhD
Resolving Everyday Conflict [Book Review], Stanley E. Patterson
Terminal Authority as a Function of Community, Stanley E. Patterson
Book review: The Divided Mind of the Black Church: Theology, Piety, and Public Witness, David K. Penno
It is Time to Talk, Part 1: Does the Bible Call for Racial Integration?, David K. Penno
It is Time to Talk, Part 2: Why Racial Integration is so Hard, David K. Penno
It Is Time to Talk, Part 3: How Adventist Conferences Became Segregated, David K. Penno
It Is Time to Talk, Part 4: What Adventists Really Think About Segregated Conferences, David K. Penno
Personal Happiness, Self-Fulfillment, and Homosexuality in the Church, David K. Penno
The Sanctuary of the Soul, H. Peter Swanson
An Appeal For a New Era of Preaching and Worship, Hyveth Williams
Body and Soul., Hyveth Williams
Consider the Lilies, Hyveth Williams
Consider the Lilies., Hyveth Williams
Lambs and Wolves., Hyveth Williams
Mission Possible, Hyveth Williams
The Story of The Grace Place., Hyveth Williams
Treasure in a Brown Paperback., Hyveth Williams
Submissions from 2015
Farming in the City!, Skip Bell
The Last Generation: How the Advent Hope Defines Us, Skip Bell
The Ordination of Women in Light of the Character of God, Roger L. Dudley
Church Planting/Forerunner for Evangelism, Tom L. Evans
Empowering Leadership, Tom L. Evans
Growing Others Through Coaching, Tom L. Evans
Introduction to Natural Church Development's Eight Quality Characteristics, Tom L. Evans
Red Carpet Service, Tom L. Evans
SEEDS Conference Best Practices, Presenters and Future Schedule, Tom L. Evans
Steps to Church Planting, Tom L. Evans
Steps to Church Planting, Tom L. Evans
The Key Factor to Adventist Church Growth, Tom L. Evans
The Power of a Question, Tom L. Evans
The State of Church Planting in North America and Keys to Multiplication, Tom L. Evans
Top Bar Strength, Tom L. Evans
The Importance of Understanding and Teaching Seventh-day Adventist Fundamental Beliefs, Willie Edward Hucks II
A Christian Perspective on Watching Secular TV Programming, S. Joseph Kidder
A Church Filled with God's Grace and Love, S. Joseph Kidder
Balancing a Busy Life, S. Joseph Kidder
Christ, the Son of the Living God: The Theme of the Chiastic Structure of the Gospel of Matthew, S. Joseph Kidder
Equilibrer Une Vie Chargee, S. Joseph Kidder