Faculty Publications
Submissions from 2015
Escape from Iraq, Part 1, S. Joseph Kidder
Escape from Iraq, Part 2, S. Joseph Kidder
Escape from Iraq, Part 3, S. Joseph Kidder
Escape from Iraq, Part 4, S. Joseph Kidder
Escape from Iraq, Part 5, S. Joseph Kidder
How to Handle Church Conflict, Part 2, S. Joseph Kidder
It's Family Worship Time!, S. Joseph Kidder
Life-Changing Stories: the Ministry of Prayer, Part 1, S. Joseph Kidder
Life-Changing Stories: the Ministry of Presence, Part 2, S. Joseph Kidder
Missao de Curta Duracao Como um Novo Paradigma, S. Joseph Kidder
Moving Your Church, S. Joseph Kidder
Planning a Sermonic Year, S. Joseph Kidder
The Four Types of Church Conflict, Part 1, S. Joseph Kidder
The Value of a Church Brochure, S. Joseph Kidder
Touching Lives Like Jesus: Following the Example of the Master, S. Joseph Kidder
Balancing a Busy Life, S. Joseph Kidder
Planning a Sermonic Year, S. Joseph Kidder
Called to Power?, Errol McLean
My Personal Testimony: Some Pastoral Reflections”, Dwight K. Nelson
Reconcile: Conflict Transformation for Ordinary Christians [review] / Lederach, J.P., Stanley E. Patterson
Spiritual Calling: Vocation and Avocation, Stanley E. Patterson
The Place of Authority in the Organizational Structure of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Stanley E. Patterson
A Christian Perspective on Watching Secular TV Programming, David Penno
Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality: New Paths to Understanding [Review], David Penno
Church Administration, David Penno
Conflict Management, David Penno
Dealing with Fringe Movements, David Penno
Desenvolvimento de Lideranca Sustentavel [Development of Sustainable Leadership], David Penno
Discipling Congregational Leaders, David Penno
Empowering and Developing Others as Leaders, David Penno
Empowering and Developing the Leader Within, David Penno
Empowering Young People for Active Ministry, David Penno
Gestion de Conflictos (Conflict Management), David Penno
How to Interpret Scripture, David Penno
Spiritual Leadership, David Penno
Zoom for Doctoral Students, David Penno
Desenvolvimento de Liderança Sustentável, David K. Penno
Catholic Teaching on Homosexuality: New Paths to Understanding [review] / Cameli, Louis J., David K. Penno
Homosexuality: Mental and Spiritual Wellness, H. Peter Swanson
Homosexuality: Some Questions and Answers, H. Peter Swanson
Paradoxical Grace, Peter Swanson
Built Upon the Rock: Designing Services for Worship Renewal, David Williams
A Way Forward, Hyveth Williams
Comforted and Challenged, Hyveth Williams
Comforted and Challenged, Hyveth Williams
Looking for His Appearing, Hyveth Williams
Looking for His Appearing, Hyveth Williams
Prophetic Preaching, Hyveth Williams
Prophetic Preaching and Worship, Hyveth Williams
Required: Personal Experience, Hyveth Williams
What is a "Community" Church Plant?, Hyveth Williams
Submissions from 2014
A Biblical Theology of Leadership for the Church, Skip Bell
A Reflection on Leadership Principles in the Old Testament, Skip Bell
Christ in the City: A Brief Theology, Skip Bell
O Pastor e sua Vocação, Skip Bell
Servants and Friends: A Biblical Theology of Leadership, Skip Bell
The Pastor: Forming a Shared Vocational Vision, Skip Bell
Adventist Evangelistic Preaching, Russell C. Burrill
Creating 3rd Spaces in Urban Places, Kenley Hall
The Place to Be: The Story of One Place, Kenley D. Hall and S. Joseph Kidder
Youth Speak: The Church Listens, Kenley D. Hall and S. Joseph Kidder
Focus on Children's Ministry, S. Joseph Kidder
Creating Exciting Family Worship, S. Joseph Kidder
Insights from Growing Churches in North America, S. Joseph Kidder
The Forgotten Movement: Church Planting Trends and Lessons (Part 1 of 2), S. Joseph Kidder and Dustin Serns
The Forgotten Movement: Church Planting Trends and Lessons (Part 2 of 2), S. Joseph Kidder and Dustin Serns
Book Review of Deep and Wide: Creating Churches People Love to Attend, by Andy Stanley, 2012., Ricardo Norton
Deep and Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attend [review] / Stanley, Andy, Ricardo Norton
Diagnose Pastoral: Como Identificar e Curar Males que Impedem o Crescimento de sua Igreja, Ricardo Norton
Semana Santa: Historia e Implicaciones, Ricardo Norton
A Reflection on Leadership Principles in the New Testament, Stanley E. Patterson
Book Review of Peer to peer leader: Why the Network is the Leader, Stanley E. Patterson
Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling [review] / Schein, Edgar H., Stanley E. Patterson
Peer to Peer Leadership: Why the Network is the Leader [review] / Baker, Mila N., Stanley E. Patterson
Reconcile: Conflict Transformation for Ordinary Christians [review] / Lederach, John Paul, Stanley E. Patterson
The Leader’s Age as a Factor Influencing Mission Effectiveness in the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Stanley E. Patterson
Friendship Evangelism: Is There Any Other Kind?, David K. Penno
Some Historical Perspectives on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Homosexuality, H. Peter Swanson
A Few Words About Jesus, Hyveth Williams
Fasting for a Reason, Hyveth Williams
No Regrets, Hyveth Williams
No Regrets, Hyveth Williams
Pressing Forward, Hyveth Williams
Pressing Forward, Hyveth Williams
Why Pray?, Hyveth Williams
Why Pray?, Hyveth Williams
Submissions from 2013
Eat that Frog: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time [review] / Tracy, Brian, Michael Adomako and Stanley E. Patterson
Building Below the Waterline [review] / Gordon MacDonald, Skip Bell
Theology in Parish Life, Skip Bell
The Nuts and Bolts of Church Planting [review] / Aubrey Malphurs, Tom L. Evans
Multi-Ethnicity/Multi-Culturalism and the Life and Writings of Ellen G. White, Kenley D. Hall
Of Nails and Donkeys, Kenley D. Hall
God Did an Awesome Thing: A Church Growth Strategy that Worked, S. Joseph Kidder
Asuntos Legales en el Ministerio, Ricardo Norton
Resolving Everyday Conflict [review] / Sande, Ken and Kevin Johnson, Fenades Obinchu and Stanley E. Patterson
Framing the gospel for the relational context of postmodernism, Stan Patterson
Interview with Richard Blackaby: Reflections on spiritual leadership, leadership, Stan Patterson
Trends facing SDA spiritual leaders, Stan Patterson