Volume 55, Number 2 (2017)
Table of Contents
Faithfulness to Christ as Covenant Fidelity: The Pastoral Purpose behind the Old Testament Allusions in the Seven Messages of Revelation 2–3
Timothy L. Decker
Developments in the Relationship between Seventh Day Baptists and Seventh-day Adventists, 1844–1884
Michael W. Campbell
Learning and Unlearning: A Context for Important Developments in the Seventh-day Adventist Understanding of the Trinity, 1888–1898
Gilbert M. Valentine
Neo-subordinationism: The Alien Argumentation in the Gender Debate
Matthew L. Tinkham Jr.
Dissertation Abstracts
The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11:1–13: Arguments, Issues of Interpretation, and a Way Forward
Ian R. Brown
The Doctrine of Prevenient Grace in the Theology of Jacobus Arminius
Abner F. Hernandez
Trust and Doubt: Perceptions of Divine Inspiration in Seventh-day Adventist History (1880–1930)
Denis Kaiser
Toward a Priestly Christology: A Hermeneutical Study of Christ's Priesthood
Adriani Milli Rodrigues
Uncovering the Protological Hermeneutics of George McCready Price and Benjamin Warfield
Sergio Leandro Silva
Book Reviews
The Book of Isaiah and God's Kingdom: A Thematic Theological Approach [review] / Abernethy, Andrew T.
Stéphane Beaulieu
Apocalypse, Prophecy, and Pseudepigrapha: On Jewish Apocalyptic Literature [review] / Collins, John J.
Jan Åge Sigvartsen
The Story Luke Tells: Luke’s Unique Witness to the Gospel [review] / González, Justo L.
Sampson M. Nwaomah
Scripture and Cosmology: Reading the Bible between the Ancient World and Modern Science [review] / Greenwood, Kyle.
Martin Frederick Hanna
Preaching Christ from Psalms: Foundations for Expository Sermons in the Christian Year [review] / Greidanus, Sidney.
Dragoslava Santrac
City of Demons: Violence, Ritual and Christian Power in Late Antiquity [review] / Kalleres, Dayna S.
Rodrigo Barbosa Galiza
The Whole Church Sings: Congregational Singing in Luther’s Wittenberg [review] / Leaver, Robin A.
Jo Ann Davidson
Marriage: Biblical and Theological Aspects [review] / Mueller, Ekkehardt, and Elias Brasil de Souza, eds.
Ronald Rojas
Goliath’s Legacy: Philistines and Hebrews in Biblical Times [review] / Niesiołowski-Spanò, Łukasz.
Jeffery P. Hudon
Canonical Theology: The Biblical Canon, Sola Scriptura, and Theological Method [review] / Peckham, John C.
Frank M. Hasel
Daniel [review] / Pierce, Ronald W.
Flavio Prestes III
Discovering Genesis: Content, Interpretation, Reception [review] / Provan, Iain.
Felipe Alves Masotti
Worship, Ministry, and the Authority of the Church [review] / Rodríguez, Ángel Manuel, ed.
Kevin M. Burton
Biblical Authority After Babel: Retrieving the Solas in the Spirit of Mere Protestant Christianity [review] / Vanhoozer, Kevin J.
Iriann Marie Hausted
Daniel [review] / Widder, Wendy L.
Laura K. Morrow

Editorial Board
- Editor
- Martin F. Hanna
- Editor
- John W. Reeve
- Editorial Assistant
- Matthew L. Tinkham Jr.
- Copy Editor
- Bonnie Beres
- Copy Editor
- Madeline Johnston
- Copy Editor
- Rebecca Murdock
- Copy Editor
- Jennifer Payne
- Book Review Manager
- Dominic Bornand
- Circulation Manager
- Rebecca Murdock
- Office Assistant
- Danielle M. Barnard
- Managing Board
- Jiří Moskala, Dean of the Seminary, chair; John W. Reeve, secretary; Alayne Thorpe, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies; Ron Knott, Director of Andrews University Press; P. Richard Choi; Richard M. Davidson; Paul Gregor; Martin F. Hanna; and Thomas R. Shepherd