Call for Papers | Andrews University Seminary Studies, AUSS | Andrews University


Andrews University Seminary Studies plans to produce an issue of our journal on Christian Education, and we invite you to submit articles on this theme to be considered for publication. Christian education incorporates Christianity into educational processes and academic subjects, and it cultivates a personal relationship with God, and the practice of Christian values and virtues. The goal is to help persons integrate biblical truth into every aspect of life, fostering a sense of personal, communal, and historical purpose, meaning, and ethical responsibility. Christian education equips communities that are intellectually competent, morally upright, compassionate, and active in making positive contributions to society and the world to come.

We welcome articles from various disciplinary perspectives, such as Old Testament, New Testament, Church History, Historical Theology, Systematic Theology, Christian Ethics, Christian Ministry, and Missiology. Articles written by scholars from non-theological disciplines will also be considered for publication if they are suitable for the AUSS venue. You are invited to share studies in connection with, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • The enhancement of Christian education through biblical, theological, and other disciplines;
  • The illumination of Christian education by different biblical genres such as: history, narrative, prophetic, wisdom, psalms, legal, apocalyptic, gospels, parables, and epistles;
  • Resources for Christian education, such as: Scripture, textual criticism, tradition, experience, and reason;
  • Christian education and the cosmic conflict between Christ and Satan, information and misinformation, good and evil;
  • Christian education in relation to God's two books, Scripture and nature, and in relation to theological method and scientific method;
  • The importance of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in Chistian education;
  • Christian education and the future of the university;
  • The role of the Christian university in facilitating Christian education in the home, the church, Christian schools, and the wider community of Christians and non-Christians;
  • Christian education and the integration of faith and learning at the various levels of academic training;
  • The relation of the Bible to textbooks in various academic disciplines; Is the Bible a textbook?

Interested scholars may submit queries or abstracts to for editorial feedback before writing a full article. Completed articles are to be submitted to via the "Summit Manuscript" link in the sidebar. Please indicate in your cover letter that your article is in response to the "Call for Articles on Christian education." Articles must be received by March 31, 2024.

In addition, Andrews University Seminary Studies continues to welcome article submissions on other subjects, including subjects mentioned in previous calls for articles.