Andrews University Seminary Studies, AUSS | Andrews University

Andrews University Seminary Studies (AUSS) is a semi-annual, refereed print journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary that provides a scholarly venue, within the context of biblical faith, for the presentation of research in a variety of biblical, historical, and theological topics. AUSS publishes cutting-edge research articles, dissertation abstracts, and book reviews to aid you in your study, research, teaching, and preaching.

AUSS accepts articles and book reviews written by faculty, students, and alumni of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary as well as other scholars of different faith persuasions from around the world in the scholarly languages of English, French, and German.

Digital Archive and ATLA Access

Feel free to browse our journal archive to meet your research needs by using the search field in the sidebar. The digital archive includes all back issues beginning with volume 1 (1963). Please note that articles and book reviews in the two most recent issues are only available to paid subscribers. Check with your library for a print version of these issues or subscribe to the journal.

For the full benefit of an indexed database (including other journal publications), we suggest going to our partner site ATLA for all articles covering biblical, historical, and theological topics ATLA (via James White Library) and click on EBSCOhost Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials PLUS [LSDAR].


If you would like to consider AUSS as a potential publishing outline for your original research, please read and follow the AUSS Guidelines in the preparation of your manuscript for submission. When your manuscript is ready for submission, visit the Submit Manuscript page and follow the instructions listed there. Please note our call for papers.


If you are interested in subscribing to the print version of AUSS and be up-to-date with the latest research, please visit the Subscribe page.

Current Issue: Volume 60, Number 1 (2023)

Table of Contents



Martin F. Hanna and Oliver M. Glanz


Book Reviews