Volume 55, Number 1 (2017)
Table of Contents
Community Archaeology at Tall Hisban
Øystein Sakala LaBianca
The Rationale for Canonical Theology: An Approach to Systematic Theology After Modernism
John C. Peckham
Seventh-day Adventist Approaches to Other Religions: Preliminary Findings from 1930–1950, Part II
Andrew Tompkins
Book Reviews
Slow Kingdom Coming: Practices for Doing Justice, Loving Mercy and Walking Humbly in the World [review] / Annan, Kent.
Bruce Campbell Moyer
Mosetora und Jahwetora: Das Verhältnis von Deuteronomium 12–26 zu Exodus, Levitikus und Numeri [review] / Kilchör, Benjamin.
Kenneth Bergland
Vegangelical: How Caring for Animals Can Shape Your Faith [review] / King, Sarah Withrow.
Oliver Glanz
The End of Protestantism: Pursuing Unity in a Fragmented Church [review] / Leithart, Peter J.
Denis Fortin
A Commentary on the Psalms: 90–150 [review] / Ross, Allen P.
Dragoslava Santrac
Walking in Love: Moral Progress and Spiritual Growth with the Apostle Paul [review] / Sampley, J. Paul.
Leo Ranzolin Jr.
Leading with Story: Cultivating Christ-centered Leaders in a Storycentric Generation [review] / Sessoms, Rick, with Tim Brannagan.
Bruce Campbell Moyer
Micah: A Commentary [review] / Smith-Christopher, Daniel L.
Zdravko Stefanovic

Editorial Board
- Editor
- Martin F. Hanna
- Editor
- John W. Reeve
- Editorial Assistant
- Matthew L. Tinkham Jr.
- Copy Editor
- Bonnie Beres
- Copy Editor
- Madeline Johnston
- Copy Editor
- Jennifer Payne
- Book Review Manager
- Dominic Bornand
- Circulation Manager
- Rebecca Murdock
- Managing Board
- Jiří Moskala, Dean of the Seminary, chair; John W. Reeve, secretary; Alayne Thorpe, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies; Ron Knott, Director of Andrews University Press; P. Richard Choi; Richard M. Davidson; Paul Gregor; Martin F. Hanna; and Thomas R. Shepherd