Volume 5, Number 2 (1967)
Table of Contents
Sabbatarian Anabaptists of the Sixteenth Century: Part I
Gerhard F. Hasel
Faith and Evidence
Edward W. H. Vick
Book Reviews
The Early Christian Church [review] / Davies, J.G.
Kenneth A. Strand
The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers: The Conflict of the Ages Over the Nature and Destiny of Man [review] / Froom, LeRoy Edwin
Alfred-Felix Vaucher
Arqueologia Biblica Paleotestamentaria Desde Moises Hasta Saul: Epocas de Moises y de Josue; Epoca de los Jueces [review] / Hämmerly Dupuy, Daniel
Leona Glidden Running
A Short Grammar of Biblical Aramaic [review] / Johns, Alger F.
Leona Glidden Running
The Shape of Christology [review] / McIntyre, John
Edward W. H. Vick
Editorial Board
- Editor
- Siegfried H. Horn
- Associate Editor
- Earle Hilgert
- Associate Editor
- Daniel Walther
- Editorial Assistant
- Leona G. Running
- Circulation Manager
- Sakae Kubo
- Editorial Consultants
- W. G. C. Murdoch, E. Heppenstall, R. Litke, V. N. Olsen, J. W. Provonsha, A. P. Salom, and W. F. Specht