Volume 37, Number 1 (1999)
Twentieth Century Approaches to the Matthean Community
Robert Kerry McIver
Ap 13:11-18: Feu du Ciel et Marque de la Bete = [Rev 13:11-18: Fire from Heaven and the Mark of the Beast]
Enrique B. Treiyer
Book Reviews
Hellenistic Commentary to the New Testament [review] / edited by M. Eugene Boring, Klaus Berger, Carsten Colpe.
Fazadudin Hosein
Daughters of Thunder: Black Women Preachers and Their Sermons, 1850-1979 [review] / Bettye Collier-Thomas.
R. Clifford Jones
On Romans and Other New Testament Essays [review] / C.E.B. Cranfield.
Bertram L. Melbourne
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel According to Saint Matthew [review] / by W.D. Davies and Dale C. Allison, Jr.
Robert Kerry McIver
The Body in Question: Metaphor and Meaning in the Interpretation of Ephesians 5:21-33 [review] / by Gregory W. Dawes.
Keith Augustus Burton
Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes [review] / Eamon Duffy.
Darius Jankiewicz
The Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon: A Commentary on the Greek Text [review] / by James D.G. Dunn.
William E. Richardson
Encountering the New Testament: A Historical and Theological Survey [review] / Walter A. Elwell and Robert W. Yarbrough.
Edwin E. Reynolds
Poetry and Wisdom [review] / Peter Enns.
Lael O. Caesar
Wesley and the Quadrilateral: Renewing the Conversation [review] / W. Stephen Gunter ... [et al.].
Woodrow W. Whidden II.
A Comparative Study of the Ritual of Ordination as found in Leviticus 8 and Emar 369 [review] / Gerald A. Klingbeil.
Zdravko Stefanovic
Dismissing God: Modern Writers' Struggle Against Religion [review] / D. Bruce Lockerbie.
Ed Christian
Old Testament Theology [review] / Elmer A. Martens.
Lael O. Caesar
To Understand the Scriptures: Essays in Honor of William H. Shea [review] / edited by David Merling.
James E. Miller
The Book of Revelation [review] / Robert H. Mounce.
Ekkehardt Mueller
An 8-Track Church in a CD World: The Modern Church in a Postmodern World [review] / Robert N. Nash, Jr.
Lawrence O. Oladini
Christian Apologetics in the Postmodern World [review] / edited by Timothy R. Phillips & Dennis L. Okholm.
Martin Frederick Hanna
Women, Presbyterianism, and Patriarchy: Religious Experience of Chewa Women in Central Malawi [review] / Isabel Apawo Phiri.
Ernst R. Wendland
Belief in God in an Age of Science [review] / John Polkinghorne.
Clyde L. Webster Jr.
Origins: Linking Science and Scripture [review] / Ariel A. Roth.
Timothy G. Standish
Makers of Christian Theology in America [review] / edited by Mark G. Toulouse and James O. Duke.
George R. Knight
On God and Dogs: A Christian Theology of Compassion for Animals [review] / Stephen H. Webb.
Brian W. Harper
Jesus and the Sabbath in Matthew's Gospel [review] / Yong-Eui Yang.
Robert Kerry McIver
The Acts of the Apostles: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary [review] / Ben Witherington III.
Pedrito U. Maynard-Reid