Volume 35, Number 1 (1997)
The Transjordanian Altar (Joshua 22:10-34) According to Josephus (Ant. 5:100-114) and Pseudo-Philo (LAB 22:1-8)
Christopher Begg
A Semantic Analysis of Aramaic Ostraca of Syria-Palestine During the Persian Period
Gerald A. Klingbeil
El Concepto Verdad en Sus Dimensiones Griega y Hebrea [The Concept of Truth in Greek and Jewish Thought]
Miguel Angel Nunez
Book Reviews
A Handbook on Paul's Letters to Timothy and to Titus [review] / by Daniel C. Arichea and Howard A. Hatton.
Panayotis Coutsoumpos
The Seventh-day Men: Sabbatarians and Sabbatarianism in England and Wales, 1600-1800 [review] / Bryan W. Ball.
George R. Knight
Four Views on Hell [review] / edited by William Crockett.
Ray C.W. Roennfeldt
The World's Writing Systems [review] / edited by Peter T. Daniels and William Bright.
Leona Glidden Running
The Challenge of Postmodernism: An Evangelical Engagement [review] / David S. Dockery, editor.
Gary Chartier
Emerging Voices in Global Christian Theology [review] / William A. Dyrness, general editor.
Jon L. Dybdahl
Lutherans in Crisis: The Question of Identity in the American Republic [review] / David A. Gustafson.
George R. Knight
The Angel and the Beehive: The Mormon Struggle with Assimilation [review] / Armand L. Mauss.
George R. Knight
A History of Christianity in Africa: From Antiquity to the Present [review] / Elizabeth Isichei.
Reinder Bruinsma
We Are the Pharisees [review] / Kathleen Kern.
Pedrito U. Maynard-Reid
The Fat Lady and the Kingdom: Adventist Mission Confronts the Challenges of Institutionalism and Secularization [review] / George R. Knight.
Reinder Bruinsma
Daniel [review] / Stephen R. Miller.
Lloyd A. Willis
Through the Eyes of Women: Insights for Pastoral Care [review] / edited by Jeanne Stevenson Moessner.
Delcy Kuhlman
The Battle for Hell [review] / David George Moore.
Kenneth Jorgensen
A Greek-English Lexicon of the Septuagint: (Twelve Prophets) [review] / T. Muraoka.
Bernard A. Taylor
Vengeance in the Apocalypse [review] / by Joel Nobel Musvosvi.
Edwin E. Reynolds
Nothing Beyond the Necessary: Roman Catholicism and the Ecumenical Future [review] / by Jon Nilson.
Denis Fortin
The Reformation: Roots and Ramifications [review] / Heiko A. Oberman; translated by Andrew Colin Gow.
Kenneth A. Strand
Critica Textual do Novo Testament [ Textual Criticism of the New Testament] [review] / Wilson Paroschi.
Joaquim Azevedo
Drums of Redemption: an Introduction to African Christianity [review] / Harvey J. Sindima.
Russell L. Staples
Amos, Obadiah, Jonah [review] / Billy K. Smith, Frank S. Page.
Zdravko Stefanovic
Health and Medicine in the Anabaptist Tradition: Care in Community [review] / Graydon F. Snyder.
James E. Miller
Classic Texts in Mission and World Christianity [review] / edited, with introductions by Norman E. Thomas.
Erich W. Baumgartner
Conflict and Community in Corinth: a Socio-rhetorical Commentary on 1 and 2 Corinthians [review] / Ben Witherington III.
David A. DeSilva
La Perfection Chretienne [review] / by Jean Zurcher.
Daniel A. Augsburger