Volume 21, Number 2 (1983)
A Further Note on Daniel 6: Daniel as "Governor"
William H. Shea
Defilement by Association: Some Insights from the Usage of κοινός/κοινόω in Acts 10 and 11
Colin L. House
Gregory 1175: Alexandrian or Byzantine in the Catholic Epistles?
W. Larry Richards
The Book of Daniel and the "Maccabean Thesis"
Arthur J. Ferch
Book Reviews
The Sabbath in Scripture and History [review] / editor, Kenneth A. Strand ; contributors, including those to the appendixes, Daniel Augsburger ... [et al.].
Niels-Erik Andreasen
The Archaeology of the Mind: Modern Man in Search of His Roots [review] / E. Randall Binns.
Leona Glidden Running