Faculty Publications



Submissions from 2010

The DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative: Executive Summary, Curtis VanderWaal and R Eardley

Clergy involvement in congregants’ substance abuse problems and treatment referrals, Curtis VanderWaal, Edwin Hernandez, David Sedlacek, and Alix Sandman

The Role of Gatekeeping in Maintaining Program Integrity, Curtis VanderWaal, Ann-Marie Jones, and David Sedlacek

The MSW Portfolio: Integrating Competencies and Practice Behaviors, Jan Wrenn and Curtis VanderWaal

Submissions from 2009

The Relationship Between State Methamphetamine Precursor Laws and Trends in Small Toxic Lab Seizures, Duane McBride, Yvonne Terry-McElrath, Jamie Chriqui, J. O’Connor, and Curtis VanderWaal

Social services in Seventh-day Adventist congregations: Integrating the Unruh and Sider framework, D. Royo, T. Elliott, K. Nelson, and Curtis VanderWaal


Prosecutor Reported Marijuana Case Dispositions and Community Youth Marijuana-Related Attitudes and Behaviors., Yvonne Terry-McElrath, Duane McBride, Jamie Chriqui, Patrick O’Malley, and Curtis VanderWaal

Why can't we all get along? Interdisciplinary research teams in mixed-methods studies, Curtis VanderWaal

Assessment of MSW Learning: Refinements in the Use of Portfolios, Jan Wrenn and Curtis VanderWaal

Submissions from 2008

Controlling Methamphetamine Precursors: From Policy to Practice – An Overview, Final Report to the National Institute of Justice, Duane McBride, Jamie Chriqui, Curtis VanderWaal, and J. O’Connor

Controlling Methamphetamine Precursors: From Policy to Practice – An Overview, Duane McBride, J. Chriqui, J. O'Connor, Curtis VanderWaal, Y. Terry-McElrath, and K. Mattson


United States Public Health Agency Involvement in Illicit Drug Policy, Planning and Prevention, 1999-2003, Duane McBride, Yvonne Terry-McElrath, Curtis VanderWaal, Jamie Chriqui, and Jna Myllyluoma


Public Health Agency Involvement in Youth-Focused Illicit Drug Policy, Planning, and Prevention at the Local Level, 1999-2003, Duane McBride, Yvonne Terry-McElrath, Curtis VanderWaal, Jamie VanderWaal, and Jana Myllyluoma

Parallel and intersecting approaches for mentoring students and faculty, Duane McBride, Curtis VanderWaal, H. Helm, L. Matthews, Jan Wrenn, and D. Proctor

Evidence for Connections between Prosecutor-Reported Marijuana Case Dispositions and Community Youth Marijuana-Related Attitudes and Behaviors, Yvonne Terry-McElrath, Duane McBride, Jamie Chriqui, P. O'Malley, Curtis VanderWaal, F. Chaloupka, and L. Johnston

The DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative: Evaluation of a Youth Ministry Training Program, Curtis VanderWaal, E. Hernandez, S. Trecartin, M. Diaconu, and N. Carlson


Controlling Methamphetamine Precursors: The View from the Trenches, Curtis J. VanderWaal Dr., Rachel M. Bishop, Duane C. McBride, Kimberly Rosales, Jamie F. Chriqui, Jean C. O'Connor, and Yvonne M. Terry-McElrath

Teaching Critical Thinking to Combat Political Spin and Sloppy Research, Curtis VanderWaal and D. Royo


Reforming Drug Treatment Services to Offenders: Cross-System Collaboration, Integrated Policies, and A Seamless Continuum of Care Model, Curtis VanderWaal, Faye Taxman, and Melissa Gurka

No News is Bad News: Methamphetamine Precursor Laws and Youth Amphetamine-Related Outcomes, Curtis VanderWaal, Y. Terry-McElrath, Duane McBride, Jamie. Chriqui, L. Johnston, and P. O'Malley

Submissions from 2007


Does State Certification or Licensure Influence Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Program Practices?, Jamie Chriqui, Yvonne Terry-McElrath, Duane C. McBride, S Eidson, and Curtis VanderWaal

New Challenge to Inner-city Caregiving: What Organizations Must Do to Address Urban-satellite Mix Communities, Michael A. Wright

Submissions from 2006


State Drug Policy Reform Movement: The Use of Ballot Initiatives and Legislation to Promote Diversion to Drug Treatment, Curtis J. VanderWaal Dr., Jamie F. Chriqui, Rachel M. Bishop, Duane C. McBride, and Douglas Y. Longshore


The Role of Public Health Agencies in Providing Access to Adolescent Drug Treatment Services, Curtis J. VanderWaal Dr., Duane C. McBride, Yvonne M. Terry-McElrath, and Rachel M. Bishop

Submissions from 2005


"I'm a Health Nut!" Street Drug Users' Accounts of Self-care Strategies, René Drumm, Duane C. McBride, Lisa Metsch, Melodie Neufeld, and Alex Sawatsky


The Contemporary Older Man: Summary and Discussion, Roberta Greene and Michael A. Wright


Community and School Drug Prevention Strategy Prevalence: Differential Effects by Setting and Substance, Curtis J. VanderWaal, Lisa M. Powell, Yvonne M. Terry-McElrath, Yanjun Bao, and Brian R. Flay

Submissions from 2003


Technology Trauma: Barriers to Increasing Technology Utilization, René D. Drumm, H. Virginia McCoy, and Alicia Lemon


“The Rock Always Comes First”: Drug Users’ Accounts about Using Formal Health Care, René Drumm, Duane C. McBride, Lisa Metsch, Bryan J. Page, Kimberly Dickerson, and Beverly Jones


Social Work Interventions in Refugee Camps: An Ecosystems Approach, René Drumm, Sharon W. Pittman, and Shelly Perry

Submissions from 2001


Protective Effects of Religion: Drug Use, HIV Risk, and Violence Research in Support of Current Health Policy Initiatives, René Drumm, Duane C. McBride, Karen Allen, Alina Baltazar, and C. B. McCoy


Women of War: Emotional Needs of Ethnic Albanians in Refugee Camps, René Drumm, Sharon Pittman, and Shelly Perry


African-American Injection Drug Users: Tensions and Barriers in HIV/AIDS Prevention, Curtis J. VanderWaal, Fred L. Washington, René D. Drumm, Yvonne M. Terry, Duane C. McBride, and Roxie D. Finley-Gordon

Submissions from 2000


Provision of Drug Treatment Services in the Juvenile Justice System: A System Reform, Yvonne M. Terry, Curtis J. VanderWaal, Duane C. McBride, and Holly Van Buren


The Requirements of Community: An Online Survey of the Social Work Access Network (Swan), Michael A. Wright

Submissions from 1997


Day Reporting Centers as an Alternative for Drug Using Offenders, Duane C. McBride and Curtis J. VanderWaal