Faculty Publications
Submissions from 2006
Richard Davidson, Richard M. Davidson
The Role of the Church in the Interpretation of Scripture, Richard M. Davidson
Article, Jacques B. Doukhan
Committee Set Up for Inter-Faith Jerusalem Perspective 2006, Jacques B. Doukhan
Creation, Jacques B. Doukhan
Heavens in the Tent, Jacques B. Doukhan
Highlights of Shabbat Shalom, Jacques B. Doukhan
Judaism and Adventism: Similarities and Differences, Jacques B. Doukhan
Judgment, Jacques B. Doukhan
"Next Year in Jerusalem", Jacques B. Doukhan
Recent Books, Jacques B. Doukhan
Recent Books, Jacques B. Doukhan
Recent Books, Jacques B. Doukhan
Regrets, Jacques B. Doukhan
The Art of the Sabbath, Jacques B. Doukhan
The History of Shabbat Shalom, Jacques B. Doukhan
The Hope of Jubilee, Jacques B. Doukhan
The Messiah of the Jubilee, Jacques B. Doukhan
The Passover Seder, Jacques B. Doukhan
The Sacred Tent of the Cohen, Jacques B. Doukhan
The Torah: The Law of God, Jacques B. Doukhan
Words of Appreciation, Jacques B. Doukhan
Book Review of Jay Skylar's "Sin, Impurity, Sacrifice, Atonement: They Priestly Conceptions", Roy Gane
Sanctuary Principles for the Successful Church Community, Roy Gane
Sin temor al juicio, Roy Gane
Who's Afraid of the Judgment?: The Good News about Christ's Work in the Heavenly Sanctuary, Roy Gane
Reversal, Roy E. Gane
The Jewish Roots of the Christian Communion Service, Roy E. Gane
29 Some Biblical Principles Relevant to Evangelism among Polygamous Peoples, Roy E. Gane
Agreement, Misrepresentations, and Disagreements, Roy E. Gane
Gane Replies to Scriven and Larson, Roy E. Gane
Israelite Genocide and Islamic Jihad, Roy E. Gane
Sanctuary Principles for the Successful Church Community, Roy E. Gane
The Jewish Roots of the Christian Communion Service, Roy E. Gane
Archeology Vindicates the T'enach!, Siegfried H. Horn
The Scandal of the Book of Job, Jiri Moskala
The Scandal of the Book of Job, Jiri Moskala
Submissions from 2005
Is God Coming to Campus Too? Thoughts on the Distinctive Features of Adventist Higher Education, Niels-Erik Andreasen
Interpreting Old Testament Prophecy, Richard M. Davidson
Is God Present in the Song of Songs?, Richard M. Davidson
Transformed by Entering God's Rest, Richard M. Davidson
Beyond the Dome of the Rock, Jacques B. Doukhan
"Coexistence" At Givat Haviva, Jacques B. Doukhan
Consensus Statement From the Adventist-Jewish Friendship Conference in Jerusalem, Jacques B. Doukhan
Evil and Suffering, Jacques B. Doukhan
God, Jacques B. Doukhan
Israel and the Church: A Critque of Dispensationalism, Jacques B. Doukhan
Recent Books, Jacques B. Doukhan
Recent Books, Jacques B. Doukhan
Recent Books, Jacques B. Doukhan
The Tongue of the Leper, Jacques B. Doukhan
The Word of God, Jacques B. Doukhan
Which One of the Three?, Jacques B. Doukhan
Who is a Jew?, Jacques B. Doukhan
Alkosh: The Book of the Vision of Nahum the Elkoshite, Constance Clark Gane
A Hebrew Reader for Ruth [review] / [commentary & translation] Donald R. Vance., Constance E. Gane
Cult and Character:Purification Offerings, Day of Atonement, and Theodicy, Roy Gane
Study Notes on Leviticus and Numbers, Roy E. Gane
"Eating" and "Drinking" in the Book of Revelation: A Study of New Testament Thought and Theolgy, Gerald Klingbeil
Ecclesiology in Seventh-day Adventist theological research, 1995-2004: A Brief Introduction and Bibliographical Guide, Gerald Klingbeil
"Eating" and "Drinking" in the Book of Revelation: A Study of New Testament Thought and Theology, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Ecclesiology in Seventh-day Adventist Theological Research, 1995-2004: A Brief Introduction and Bibliographical Guide, Gerald A. Klingbeil
God's Two Books, Randall Younker
Did the Places Described in the Bible Really Exist?, Randall W. Younker
A Look at Biblical and Ancient Extra-Biblical Perspectives on Death, Randall W. Younker
And they Raised Over Him a Great Heap of Stones, Randall W. Younker editor
Submissions from 2004
Blow the Ram’s Horn in Zion!’ Toward a Biblical Theology of the Shofar, Richard M. Davidson
The Bible and Hermeneutics: Interpreting Scripture According to the Scriptures, Richard M. Davidson
The Genesis Flood Narrative: Crucial Issues in the Current Debate, Richard M. Davidson
The Genesis flood narrative: Crucial issues in the current debate / Richard M. Davidson., Richard M. Davidson
Daniel at the Jewish-Christian Crossroads, Jacques B. Doukhan
General Conference Statement, Jacques B. Doukhan
German-Austrian Statement, Jacques B. Doukhan
Judaism and Adventism: Similarities and Differences, Jacques B. Doukhan
Operation Elijah, Jacques B. Doukhan
Recent Books, Jacques B. Doukhan
Recent Books, Jacques B. Doukhan
Recent Books, Jacques B. Doukhan
Sabbath Bread (Hallah), Jacques B. Doukhan
Sabbath in the Heart of the Jewish-Christian Separation: Testimonies from Historical and Theological Sources, Jacques B. Doukhan
Seven Perspectives in the Book of Daniel, Jacques B. Doukhan
The 70-weeks Prophecy: News of Hope and Inspiration, Jacques B. Doukhan
The Jewish Face of Adventism, Jacques B. Doukhan
The Little Flame of Shabbat, Jacques B. Doukhan
The Sabbath as a Sign: Like a Tree in the Wilderness, Jacques B. Doukhan
Daniel in Babylon, Constance Clark Gane
Isaiah: "Comfort My People", Roy Gane
Ritual Dynamic Structure, Roy Gane
Justly Integrating Covenant, Law, and Sabbath, Roy E. Gane
Numbers 15:22-31 and the Spectrum of Moral Faults, Roy E. Gane
Qarab, Roy E. Gane
Remember the 1980s?, Roy E. Gane
Sabbath and Israelite Festivals, Roy E. Gane
The Role of God’s Moral Law, Including Sabbath, in the "New Covenant", Roy E. Gane
"Passion" Brings Dead Languages Back to Life, Roy E. Gane, Jon Paulien, and Robert Johnston
The God of Job and Our Adversary, Jiri Moskala
The God of Job and Our Adversary, Jiri Moskala
The Nature and Definition of Sin: A Practical Study of Genesis 3:1–6, Jiri Moskala
The President's page: Creation - The Sine Qua Non of Adventism, Jiri Moskala
The President's Page: Creation—The Sine Qua Non of Adventism, Jiri Moskala