Faculty Publications
articles from 2011
Interpretation of bere’ ît in The Context of Genesis 1:1-3, Jiří Moskala
Editor's Page, Randall W. Younker
Editor's Page, Randall W. Younker
How Can We Interpret the First Chapters of Genesis?, Randall W. Younker
The Madaba Plains Project: Excavations at Tall Jalul, Randall W. Younker
The Myth of The Solid Heavenly Dome: Another Look at The Hebrew, Randall W. Younker and Richard M. Davidson
Submissions from 2010
Does Genesis Really Teach a Recent, Literal, Seven-day Creation Week and a Global Flood?, Richard M. Davidson
Ezekiel, Richard M. Davidson
Historical-Grammatical Interpretation of Scripture, Richard M. Davidson
How Could Every Species be Preserved on the Ark? What About the Dinosaurs?, Richard M. Davidson
Isaiah 53, Substitution, and the Covenant Curses—Part 2, Richard M. Davidson
Is Divorce and Remarriage Permitted in the Old Testament?, Richard M. Davidson
Joshua, Richard M. Davidson
Psalms, Richard M. Davidson
Sabbath, Spirituality and Mission: Torah’s Seven Dimensions of Sabbath Rest, Richard M. Davidson
Scheidung und Wiederheirat im Alten Testament, Richard M. Davidson
Slipping the Knot: A Biblical Perspective on Living Together, Richard M. Davidson
Song of Songs, Richard M. Davidson
The Bible Supports the Ordination/Commissioning of Women as Pastors and Local Church Elders, Richard M. Davidson
The Divine Covenant Lawsuit Motif in Canonical Perspective, Richard M. Davidson
Was the Flood Global? Genesis 7:19, 20, Richard M. Davidson
What Did Jesus Mean by “this Generation”? Matthew 24:34, Richard M. Davidson
Who is the Author of the Bible?, Richard M. Davidson
Fate or Destiny: The Issue of Predestination and Free Will in Hebrew (OT) and Jewish Thought, Jacques B. Douhkan
Jewish Believers in Jesus: The Early Centuries [review] / Oskar Skarsaune and Reider Hvalik, eds., Jacques B. Doukhan
Madaba Plains Project: Tall Jalul 2009, Constance E. Gane, Randall W. Younker, and Paul Ray
Christ's Heavenly Sanctuary Ministry, Roy Gane
Christ's Heavenly Sanctuary Ministry, Roy Gane
Contemporary Scholars On Historical Criticism, Roy Gane
Higher-Critical Thinking And Its Effects (Part II), Roy Gane
Higher-Critical Thinking And Its Effects (Part III), Roy Gane
Higher-Critical Thinking And Its Effects (Part IV), Roy Gane
Higher-Critical Thinking And Its Effects (Part V), Roy Gane
Higher-Critical Thinking and Its Effects (Part VI), Roy Gane
In Spite of the Fact, Roy Gane
In Spite of the Fact That.... (The President's Desk), Roy Gane
Joseph Bonfils Vs. Thomas Jefferson On Inspiration, Roy Gane
Political Correctness, Roy Gane
Randal Younker On Reading Genesis, Roy Gane
Renewal of Convenant, Vision, and Priorities (The President's Desk), Roy Gane
The Head and Not the Tail, Roy Gane
The Head and Not the Tail (The President's Desk), Roy Gane
The Unifying Logic of Israelite Purification Offerings Within Their Ancient Near Eastern Context, Roy Gane
Daniel, Roy E. Gane
Deuteronomy, Roy E. Gane
Did Joshua Really Conquer the Whole Land of Canaan? (Joshua 11:23), Roy E. Gane
Is God's Law Part of the "New Covenant"?, Roy E. Gane
Is There a Pre-Advent Judgment of God's Loyal People in Daniel 8:14?, Roy E. Gane
Is the Sabbath Part of the "New Covenant"?, Roy E. Gane
Judges, Roy E. Gane
Leviticus, Roy E. Gane
Loyalty and Scope of Expiation in Numbers 15, Roy E. Gane
Numbers, Roy E. Gane
Tall Jalul Epigraphic Finds, 2009: Preliminary Report, Roy E. Gane
The Gospel According to Moses and Elijah, Roy E. Gane
The Gospel According to Moses and Elijah, Roy E. Gane
What is the "Cleansing of the Sanctuary" in Daniel 8:14?, Roy E. Gane
What Was the Role of the Scapegoat? (Leviticus 16:8-10), Roy E. Gane
Investigating the presuppositional realm of biblical-theological methodology: Part 3: Application and Comparison, Oliver Glanz
Investigating the presuppositional realm of biblical-theological methodology: Part 4: Critique and Transformation, Oliver Glanz
Investigating the Presuppositional Realm of Biblical-Theological Methodology, Part III: Application and Comparison, Oliver Glanz
Investigating the Presuppositional Realm of Biblical-Theological Methodology, Part IV: Critique and Transformation, Oliver Glanz
Daniel's Message to Modern Man, Paul Z. Gregor
Jalul 2010, Paul Z. Gregor
Preliminary Report Tall Jalul 2009 and 2010 Seasons, Field G and W, Paul Z. Gregor
Madaba Plains Project-Tall Jalul 2009, Paul Z. Gregor, Constance E. Gane, Randall Younker, Paul Ray, Karen Borstad, Theodore W. Burgh, Roy Gane, Jennifer Groves, and Reem al Shquor
To Church or Not to Church? Why Church is Still God’s Ideal for the 21st Century, Chantal J. Klingbeil and Gerald A. Klingbeil
A Hole in the Soul: Big Questions is Reaching Out to a Secular World, Gerald A. Klingbeil
An Attitude of Gratitude, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Being Part of Something Great, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Biblical Translation Resources, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Common Sense, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Context, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Crunch Time, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Does the Old Testament Forbid the Drinking of Alcoholic Beverages (Prov. 31:6)?, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Esther, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Exodus, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Ezra, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Genesis, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Getting Into the Action, Gerald A. Klingbeil
How Old Was Jehoiachin When He Became King? (2 Kgs 24:8; 2 Chr 36:9), Gerald A. Klingbeil
How-to? Discovering the Power of In-Depth Bible Study, Gerald A. Klingbeil
How To Read Stories, Rituals, Laws, and Poems in the Pentateuch, Gerald A. Klingbeil
‘Inside and Outside the Circle’: What Does the Festschrift Genre Tell About Our Discipline?, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Integrity, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Interview with Chester Stanley and Grenville Kent, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Looking Back to the Future, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Nehemiah, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Open Doors, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Plugged In and Ready to Go, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Resident Alien, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Ritus/Ritual, Gerald A. Klingbeil
The Gehazi Syndrome: Suffering Familiarity With the Holy, Gerald A. Klingbeil
The Sabbath Law in the Decalogue(s): Creation and Liberation as a Paradigm for Community, Gerald A. Klingbeil
The Sabbath Law in the Decalogue(s): Creation and Liberation as a Paradigm for Community, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Timing, Gerald A. Klingbeil
Translation and the GC Session in Atlanta, Gerald A. Klingbeil
We Can Fix It!, Gerald A. Klingbeil