Submissions from 2024
Andrews Community Counseling Center, Ron Coffen
Celebrating 10 Years of APA Accreditation, Carole Woolford-Hunt
Submissions from 2023
Under Siege: Battling the Foes of Emotional and Cognitive Distress, Ronald Coffen
You've Got Issues!, Ronald Coffen
Inferential Statistics and Data Analysis, Jerome Thayer, Jimmy Kijai, and David Penno
Submissions from 2021
Relationship among combat experience, Veteran pathology, and pathology of Veterans’ intimate partners: Factors predicting the pathology of Veterans and their intimate partners, Edwin A. Brennan, Nancy Carbonell, Jimmy Kijai, and Dennis Waite
Love in Early Childhood, Carole Woolford-Hunt
Submissions from 2020
Identifying Children with Persistent Developmental Dyscalculia from a 2-min Test of Symbolic and Nonsymbolic Numerical Magnitude Processing, S. Bugden, L. Peters, Nadia Nosworthy, L. Archibald, and D. Ansari
An Exploration of Spirituality and Sexuality in Men Who Identify as Gay and Were Raised in a Conservative Christian Faith, Bradly Hinman and Christopher Lacefield
Dépistage des difficultés mathématiques : validation et normalisation franco-québécoise du Tempo Test Rekenen et du Numeracy Screener version française, Anne Lafay, Helena Patricia Osana, Sarah Michaud, and Nadia Nosworthy
Submissions from 2019
Adventist Millennials: Measuring Emerging Adults’ Connection to Church, Douglas Jacobs, Douglas Tilstra, Finbar Benjamin, Sharon Pittman, Hollis James, Jerome Thayer, Thandi Klingbeil, Jordan Arellano, and Chelsy Tyler
Kindergarten Children's Symbolic Number Comparison Skills Relates to 1st Grade Mathematics Achievement: Evidence From a Two-minute Paper-and-pencil Test, Nadia Nosworthy, Zachary Hawes, Lisa M. D. Archibald, and Daniel Ansari
Submissions from 2018
Adventism in Panama, Tevni Grajales Guerra
E. G. White y la Mayordomia de las Finanzas, Tevni Grajales Guerra
The Tragedy of Child and Adolescent Suicide, Brad Hinman
Shielding Students From Stereotype Threat: Instructional and Developmental Implications, Michael D. Milmine and Elvin Gabriel
Clergy Training for Effective Response to Intimate Partner Violence Disclosure: Immediate and Long-Term Benefits, Jerome Thayer, René D. Drumm, Laurie L. Cooper, Sylvia Mayer, Tricia Foster, Holly Gadd, and Kelly Brayak
Analysis of Endocrine Response to Perceived Difference in Cross-cultural Interactions, Carole Woolford-Hunt, Marlene Murray, Tevni Grajales Guerra, and Kristina Beenken-Johnson
Submissions from 2017
Soli Deo Gloria: La Honra al Unico Dios Verdadero, Tevni Grajales Guerra
Version Française du Test Numeracy Screener (NS-f), un Outil de Dépistage des Difficultés de Traitement du Nombre et des Quantités, Nadia Nosworthy, Anne Lafay, Stefanie Archambault, and Melanie Vigneron
Submissions from 2016
The Therapeutic Effects Upon Dog Owners Who Interact With Their Dogs in a Mindful Way, Nancy J. Carbonell, Dennis Waite, and Amy Jackson-Grossblat
Identity Styles and Religiosity: Examining the Role of Identity Commitment, Tevni Grajales Guerra and Brittany Sommers
Tier 3 Primary Grade Reading Interventions: Can We Distinguish Necessary from Sufficient?, Luana Greulich, Stephanie Al Otaiba, Jill Allor, Miriam Ortiz, Jeanie Wanzek, and Joseph Torgesen
Submissions from 2015
Understanding social-emotional functioning, Shanter H. Alexander
Effects of Walnut Consumption on Mood in Young Adults, Rudolph Bailey, Peter Pribis, Magaly Hernandez, Tevni Grajales, and Joan Sabate
Special Needs Children and Mental Health, Nancy J. Carbonell
Religious Orientation and Ethnic Identity as Predictors of Religious Coping Among Bereaved Individuals, Luis G. Cruz-Ortega, Daniel Gutierrez, and Dennis Waite
The Relationships Between Youth Ministry and At-Risk Behavior in Youth, Barry Gane and Jimmy Kijai
Small Schools: How Effective Are the Academics?, Jerome Thayer, Martha Havens, and Elissa Kido
Submissions from 2014
Destructive Anger Among Adolescents: Management Strategies for Principals and Teachers, Elvin Gabriel and Kimberly Nelson
Gender Differences in Exercise Dependence and Eating Disorders in Young Adults: A Path Analysis of a Conceptual Model, Tevni Grajales, Shelli Meulemans, Peter Pribis, and Gretchen Krivak
Understanding Inadequate Response to First Grade Multi-Tiered Intervention: Nonmothetic and Ideographic Perspectives, Luana Greulich, Stephanie Al Otaiba, Christopher Schatschneider, Jeanne Wanzek, Miriam Ortiz, and Richard K. Wagner
To Wait in Tier 1 or Intervene Immediately: A Randomized Experiment Examining First-Grad Response to Intervention in Reading, Luana L. Greulich, Stephanie Al Otaiba, Carol M. Connor, Jessica S. Folsom, Jeanne Wanzek, Christopher Schatschneider, and Richard K. Wagner
Evaluating the Dimensionality of First-Grade Written Composition, Luana L. Greulich, Young-Suk Kim, Stephanie Al Otaiba, Jessica S. Folsom, and Cynthia Puranik
The Most Important Thing You Need to Know about Parenting, Donna Habenicht
Submissions from 2013
Food safety attitudes in college students: A structural equation modeling analysis of a conceptual Model, Rachelle Booth, Magaly Hernandez, Erica L. Baker, Tevni Grajales, and Peter Pribis
Teaching standardized test administration using virtual examinees: Rationale, validity, and future directions, Ronald Coffen
Experiences in Adventist colleges and universities: an international perspective, Jimmy Kijai, Vinita Sauder, and Robert Weaver
Confronting the Gender Myth: An Exploration of Variance in Male Versus Female Experience With Sibling Abuse, Mandy Morrill and Curt Bachman
A two-minute paper and pencil test of symbolic and nonsymbolic numerical magnitude processing explains variability in primary school children’s arithmetic competence, Nadia Nosworthy, Stephanie Bugden, Lisa Archibald, Barrie Evans, and Daniel Ansari
Submissions from 2012
School Counselors Perspectives of the Barriers and Facilitators Associated with their Involvement in the Childhood Obesity Epidemic, Yvonne Larrier, Jimmy Kijai, Michelle A. Bakerson, Lynne Walker, Jeremy Linton, Carole Woolford-Hunt, Bethany J. Sallinen, and Susan J. Woolford
CognitiveGenesis (CG): Assessing Academic Achievement and Cognitive Ability in Adventist Schools, Jerome Thayer and Elissa Kido
Submissions from 2011
The Role of Doubt in Religious Identity Development and Psychological Maturity, Tiago Baltazar and Ronald Coffen
Factors that Contribute to the Educational Success of Haitian-American Women, Nancy J. Carbonell, Magdana L. Philossaint, Jimmy Kijai, and Rudolph Bailey
Choice Theory: An Effective Approach to Classroom Discipline and Management, Elvin Gabriel and Lionel Matthews
Meeting Students Where They Are, Lionel Matthews and Elvin Gabriel
Submissions from 2010
Creating Peaceable Schools: Instructional and Management Approaches, Elvin Gabriel
Christian Education in Chile: Is the Seventh-day Adventist System at Risk?, Tevni E. Grajales, V. Vicente H. Leon, and Galiya Elias
Submissions from 2009
The 600-step Program for Type I Diabetes Self-management in Youth: The Magnitude of the Self-management Task, Ronald D. Coffen
Magnitude of Type 1 Diabetes Self-Management in Youth Health Care Needs Diabetes Educators, Ronald D. Coffen and Lynnda M. Dahlquist
Submissions from 2008
Towards a New Concept of Research, Tevni E. Grajales and Sylvia Gonzalez
Job Satisfaction of Employees at a Christian University, Ralph Schroder
Predictors of Organizational Commitment for Faculty and Administrators of a Private Christian University, Ralph Schroder
Submissions from 2006
Personal Problems of Seventh-day Adventist Academy Students, Ellen Crosby, Shirley Freed, and Elvin Gabriel
Intervening to Help Children with Behavioral and Emotional Problems, Elvin Gabriel and Sheryl A. Gregory
Submissions from 2005
Incarnation, Image, and Story: Toward a Postmodern Orthodoxy for Christian Educators, Richard K. Wineland
Submissions from 2004
The Social Construction of Morality Reconsidered: A Christian Interactionist Perspective, Lionel Matthews, Elvin Gabriel, Joseph Warren, and Ken Crane
Submissions from 2001
The Integration of Faith and Learning: An Interactionist Perspective, Lionel Matthews and Elvin Gabriel
Submissions from 2000
Interscorer, Alternate-Form, Internal Consistency, and Test-Retest Reliability of Gickling's Model of Curriculum-Based Assessment for Reading, Matthew K. Burns, James A. Tucker, John Frame, Sarah Foley, and Andrea Hauser
Work-Stress Burnout in Emergency Medical Technicians and the Use of Early Recollections, Susan M. Vettor and Frederick A. Kosinski
Submissions from 1999
The Role of Affective Dispositions in Job Satisfaction and Work Strain: Comparing Collectivist and Individualist Societies, Randy K. Chiu and Frederick A. Kosinski
Submissions from 1998
Effects of Role Conflicts and Role Satisfactions on Stress of Three Professions in Hong Kong: A Path Analysis Approach, Randy K. Chiu, Janet S.w. Man, and Jerome Thayer
Stability of Religious Orientation and Academic Dishonesty, Judith Fisher, Hansoo Kim, Soonja Choi Lee, and Sharon Sacks
Submissions from 1997
Relationships between Dispositional Traits and Self-Reported Job Satisfaction and Distress:An Investigation of Nurses and Teachers in Hong Kong, Randy K. Chiu and Frederick A. Kosinski
Research on Religious Judgment, Part II: A Conversation with Professor Fritz Oser University of Fribourg, Switzerland, Donna Habenicht
Submissions from 1996
Bridging Special and Regular Education: The Pennsylvania Initiative, Joseph F. Kovaleski, James A. Tucker, and Linda J. Stevens
Submissions from 1994
The Kinetic Family Drawing Technique: A Review of the Literature, Leonard Handler and Donna Habenicht
A Reply to Austin C. Archer, Victor A. Korniejczuk
Submissions from 1993
Diligence and Academic Performance, Hinsdale Bernard, Jerome D. Thayer, and Edward A. Streeter
A Synopsis of the Valuegenesis Study of Faith Maturity and Denominational Commitment, Jimmy Kijai
The Need for a New Psychological Model of Religious Development, Victor A. Korniejczuk and Elsie P. Jackson
Measuring Faith Maturity: Reassessing Valuegenesis and Development of a Denomination-Specific Scale, Jerome D. Thayer
Christian Education for Students with Disabilities: A Response to Sutton, Sutton, and Everett, James A. Tucker