Student Co-authors, Graduate | Graduate Research | Andrews University


Submissions from 2024


The mediating effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on heuristic techniques and cognitive biases on investment decision-making, Williams Kwasi Peprah, Christopher Ampadu Kwakwah-Oppong, Francis Osei-Kuffour, and Lenny Leorina Evinita


Bibliography: Hisban Interactive Archive Project, Terry Dwain Robertson and Patricio Ordoñez

Submissions from 2023


Low-Rate TENS as an Effective Treatment for Pelvic Pain - A Retrospective Case Report, Michelle Allyn and Ryan Kamienseski


Acquisition of new function through gene duplication in the metallocarboxypeptidase family, Daniel Fajardo, Ritchie Saint Jean, and Peter J. Lyons


How noise thresholds affect the information content of stellar flare sequences, Elmer C. Rivera, Jay R. Johnson, Jonathan Homan, and Simon Wing

Submissions from 2022


Roy Gane on God's Power (Life with God, Season 3: God is Power, Episode 4), Adelina Alexe, Roy Gane, Erik Aepler, Madison Turner, Rayner Suarez, and Samuel Eduardo Ricra Timana


Stacie Hatfield on God's Power (Life with God, Season 3: God is Power, Episode 11), Adelina Alexe, Stacie Hatfield, Beersheba Maywald Jacob, Erik Aepler, Ingrid Dumitrescu, and Juan Sanchez


Trevor O'Reggio on God's Power (Life with God, Season 3: God is Power, Episode 2), Adelina Alexe, Trevor O'Reggio, Ingrid Dumitrescu, Beersheba Maywald Jacob, and Juan Sanchez


John Reeve on God's Power (Life with God, Season 3: God is Power, Episode 3), Adelina Alexe, John Reeve, Rayner Suarez, and Madison Turner


A Story of Digital Church Development and its Implications, Petr A. Činčala, Foye Michael Belyea, and Mabio Cohelo


Dr. Jiri Moskala on Preaching - Fix Your Eyes on Jesus Special Feature Lay Preacher Training, Christopher Findley and Jiří Moskala


Khirbat Safra (2020-2021), Paul Z. Gregor, Paul Ray, Robert D. Bates, Trisha Broy, and Talmadge Gerald

How is Your Courage?, S. Joseph Kidder


Preaching that Turns the World Upside Down, S. Joseph Kidder and Jeffrey Bradburn

Redemption: The Demonstration of God's Love, part 2, S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell


Worldview: Its Overall Impact on Life, S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell

Re-Creation: God Restores Everything, S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell Weakley

Worldview Through the Lens of Eternity, S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell Weakley


Worldview Through the Lens of the Great Controversy, S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell Weakley


Worldview Through the Lens of the Great Controversy--Part 1, S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell Weakley


Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Approaches to Cursive Handwriting Transcription: Lessons from the Blythe Owen Letters Project, Jazmyne Lavalas, Marianne Kordas, and Rodney Summerscales


Egg cannibalism as a foraging tactic by less fit Glaucous-winged Gulls (Larus glaucescens), Ashley A. Polski, Karen J. Osborn, James L. Hayward, Elliot Joo, Athena T. Mitchell, Amanda Sandler, and Shandelle Henson


Towards a Post-Pandemic Mission, Boubakar Sanou, Josh Dietrich, and Tyler Kern

Submissions from 2021


Relationship among combat experience, Veteran pathology, and pathology of Veterans’ intimate partners: Factors predicting the pathology of Veterans and their intimate partners, Edwin A. Brennan, Nancy Carbonell, Jimmy Kijai, and Dennis Waite

Preliminary Report on the 2018 Season of Excavations at Khirbat As-Safrā, Paul Z. Gregor, Constance E. Gane, Trisha Broy, and Jacob A. Moody


Spiritual Well-Being - A Proactive Resilience Component: Exploring Its Relationship with Practices, Themes, and Other Psychological Well-Being Factors during the COVID-19 Pandemic in CISM-Trained First Responders, Justine Jaeger, Harvey J. Burnett Jr., and Kristen R. Witzel


Redemption: The Demonstration of God's Love, S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell


The Fall: Sin and the Character of God, S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell


Passing On a Legacy of Faith, S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell Weakley


Shaping Your Child's Worldview Through a Loving Relationship, S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell Weakley


Community Archaeology in the Islamic World, Oystein S. LaBianca, Maria Elena Ronza, and Noёl Harris


Review of sensory modalities of sirenians and the other extant Paenungulata clade, Amanda Marie Moore, Adam Hartstone-Rose, and Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske


Being Needed, Cared for, and Present: Belonging and Disability in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in North America, Shannon M. Trecartin, Mikelle Wile, Terrance P. Trecartin, and Petr Činčala

Submissions from 2020


A Brief Report: Preliminary Findings for Pathways to Resilience among Critical Incident Stress Management Responders, Harvey J. Burnett, Karl G. D. Bailey, and Rachelle E. Pichot


How Children Experience Grief, Natalie Dorland and S. Joseph Kidder


Generational differences in mate selection, Herbert W. Helm Jr., Abigail Hall, and Karl G. D. Bailey


An Exploration of Spirituality and Sexuality in Men Who Identify as Gay and Were Raised in a Conservative Christian Faith, Bradly Hinman and Christopher Lacefield


Molding Your Child’s Development, Part 1: The Forces that Shape the Worldview of Your Child, S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell


Biochemical and genetic analysis of Ecm14, a conserved fungal pseudopeptidase, R. Christian McDonald, Matthew James Schott, Temitope A. Idowu, and Peter J. Lyons


Manatee Habitat Characterization Using Side-scan Sonar, Mindy J. McLarty, Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske, Anmari Alvarez-Alemán, and Jorge Angulo-Valdés


Leading Change, David K. Penno, Nathan Stearman, and Skip Bell


Genesis & Messianic Prophecy, Jerome L. Skinner and Kendra Arsenault

How To Read the Bible: Approaches to Scripture, Jerome L. Skinner and Kendra Arsenault


Every-Other-Day Clutch-Initiation Synchrony as an Adaptive Response to Egg Cannibalism in Glaucous-Winged Gulls (Larus glaucescens), Sumiko Weir, Shandelle M. Henson, James L. Hayward, Gordon J. Atkins, Ashley A. Polski, WayAnne Watson, and Amanda Sandler

Submissions from 2019


Marital Satisfaction Amongst Nigerian Immigrants In North America (NINA): A Pilot Study, Jochebed B. Ade-Oshifogun, Joan Aina, and Augusta Y. Olaore


Marital Satisfaction amongst Nigerian Immigrants in North America (NINA): Pilot Study, Jochebed B. Ade-Oshifogun, Joan Aina, and Augusta Y. Olaore


Factors Affecting Marital Disruption Amongst Nigerian Immigrants in North America (NINA): A Pilot Study, Jochebed B. Ade-Oshifogun, Augusta Y. Olaore, and Joan O. Aina


A Cross Sectional Study of Medical Students’ Perception of Their Educational Environment in Ghana, Temitope Ade-Oshifogun, Jean Amost Cadet, and Jochebed B. Ade-Oshifogun


First Mission Outpost: The Family, Alina M. Baltazar and Silvia Bacchiocchi

When You Get that Student: Trauma-informed Restorative Responses, Charity Hannah Garcia, Katelyn Campbell, Ingrid Slikkers, and Margaret D. Howell


The Fight of Your Life, Michael Gibson and S. Joseph Kidder

Biblical Foundations For Social Ministry, Willie Edward Hucks II, Kendra Arsenault, and Sabina Vieira


Development of the Trinity, Denis Kaiser, Kendra Arsenault, and Max Aka


Understanding Present Anti-Trinitarian Debates, Denis Kaiser, Kendra Arsenault, and Max Aka


Finding God in Community, S. Joseph Kidder and Jonny Wesley Moor


Strategies to Assist Distance Doctoral Students in Completing Their Dissertations, Janine M. Lim, Duane Covrig, Shirley Freed, Becky De Oliveira, Mordekai Ochieng Ongo, Isadore Newman, and Isadore Newman PhD

Relationship Between Shift-hours Worked (12 hour vs. 8 hour) And Nurses’ Burnout: Study Across Acute Care Units In a Community Hospital, Liliane Nyamuziga and Jochebed B. Ade-Oshifogun


The K8 House: A new domestic space from the Iron Age II at Tell Halif, Israel, Latif Oksuz, James W. Hardin, and Jared Wilson


The African-American Religious Experience, Trevor O'Reggio, Kendra Arsenault, and Michelle Odinma


The Forgotten African Roots of Christianity, Trevor O'Reggio, Kendra Arsenault, and Michelle Odinma

Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome among African American Women in Benton Harbor, Michigan, Padma P. Tadi Uppala, Jean Amost Cadet, Sozina Katuli, Jochebed Ade-Oshifogun, Dixon Anjejo, Melody Page, Michael Raj Uppala, Victoria Rios-Rivas, and Sherine R. Brown-Fraser

Submissions from 2018


Education and the Arab Spring: Resistance, Reform, and Democracy, Mohammed Abullatif Alharbi

The Soteriology of Philip Melanchthon, Timothy J. Arena


Shielding Students From Stereotype Threat: Instructional and Developmental Implications, Michael D. Milmine and Elvin Gabriel


Teachers' Perceptions of Inclusion in a Pilot Inclusive Education Program: Implications for Instructional Leadership, Zachary Y. Mngo and Agnes Y. Mngo


International Undergraduate Students Coping With Challenges at a Private Faith-Based University, Renaude Etienne Saint-Phard and Gustavo Gregorutti


Tall Hisban 2016 Expedition Season: Household Archaeology in the Medieval Village, Bethany Walker, Tarina Greer, Reem Al-Shqour, Aren LaBianca, Robert D. Bates, Jeffrey P. Hudon, Warren Schultz, Julian Henderson, Chiara Corbino, Sofia Laparidou, Annette Hansen, and Oystein LaBianca


Analysis of Endocrine Response to Perceived Difference in Cross-cultural Interactions, Carole Woolford-Hunt, Marlene Murray, Tevni Grajales Guerra, and Kristina Beenken-Johnson

Submissions from 2017

Correlation between lumbopelvic instability, hip weakness and patellofemoral symptoms, Gregory Almeter, Kathleen Bergland, Sozina Katuli, Carrie Carter, Matthew Lund, tamara Patrick, Brooke Veen, and John Zdor


Moral Reasoning about Ending Life Revisited: Influences of Religiosity and Resilience, Christiana D. Atkins and Harvey J. Burnett


The Home/School Connection and its Role in Narrowing the Academic Achievement Gap: An Ecological Systems Theoretical Perspective, Allyson Blandin


There is No Manual for University Presidents: An Interview with Andrea Luxton, President of Andrews University, on her leadership in response to the #ItIsTimeAU uprising on her campus, Ty-Ron M. Douglas, Dena Lane-Bonds, and Sydney Freeman Jr.


This Ain't No Ordinary Chaplain: A Conversation with Chaplain Michael A. Polite about Activism, America, and his Advocacy of the #ItIsTimeAU Uprising at Andrews University, Ty-Ron M. Douglas, Rasford Pinto, Noelle Withersponn Arnold, and Evan Willis


Parental perceptions of eating behaviors, and body image and the risk for obesity in children from food desert areas in Berrien County, Michigan, Soraya Fish, Rebecca Carpio-Fonseca, Maximino Alfredo Mejia, Padma P. Tadi Uppala, Sherine Brown-Fraser, Uchenna Christian Nwakanma, and Sozina Katuli


Region of Smooth Functions for Positive Solutions to an Elliptic Biological Model, Joon Hyuk Kang and Timothy Robertson


Innovative Evangelism, Part 1: A New Paradigm, S. Joseph Kidder and Kristy L. Hodson


From Burned Out to Burning Bright: Cures for Eight Causes of Burnout, S. Joseph Kidder and Jonny Wesley Moor


Adolescents’ Faith Commitments as Correlates of Their Involvement in Christian Service, Andrea Cristina Nagy, Ray Ostrander, Jimmy Kijai, and John V. Matthews


The Impact of Family Rejection or Acceptance among LGBT+ Millennials in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, David Sedlacek, Curtis J. VanderWaal, and Lauren Ashley-Mae Lane

Submissions from 2016


Understanding the Relationship of Trauma, Substance Use, and Resilience Among Religiously Affiliated University Students, Harvey J. Burnett Jr, Kristen Witzel, Kylah Allers, and Duane McBride


Creating a Christ-centered Climate for Educational Excellence: Philosophical, Instructional, Relational, Assessment and Counseling Dimensions, Elvin Gabriel, Carole Woolford-Hunt, and Esther M. Hooley


Examining Identity Styles and Religiosity Among Chilean Undergraduate Students, Tevni Grajales Guerra, Vicente Leon, Fatima al Nasser, Esther M. Hooley, Melina Sample, and Brittany Sommers


Identity Styles and Religiosity: Examining the Role of Identity Commitment, Tevni Grajales Guerra and Brittany Sommers


Gaining by Denying: An Invitation to the Discipline of Fasting—Part 1 of 2, S. Joseph Kidder and Kristy L. Hodson


Gaining by Denying: An Invitation to the Discipline of Fasting—Part 2 of 2, S. Joseph Kidder and Kristy L. Hodson

Jumalan Kohtaaminen Jasvoista Kasvoihin., S. Joseph Kidder and Kristy L. Hodson


Life-Changing Stories: The Ministry of Sharing Jesus – Part 3., S. Joseph Kidder and Kristy L. Hodson


Meeting God Face to Face., S. Joseph Kidder and Kristy L. Hodson


The True Measure of Success, S. Joseph Kidder and Jonny Wesley Moor

Portuguese Commentary of the Adult Sabbath School Lesson (online), Wagner Kuhn and Eraldo Guedes de Costa


Teologia do Caminho: Hermeneutica a Partir da e Para a Linha de Frente, Wagner Kuhn and Andrew Tompkins


Theology on the Way: Hermeneutics from and for the Frontline, Wagner Kuhn and Andrew Tompkins


Interview., Jiří Moskala and Ryan Nicholas Claude Brousson


Every-other-day clutch-initiation synchrony in ring-billed gulls (Larus Delawarensis), Amanda Sandler, Libby C. Megna, James L. Hayward, Shandelle M. Henson, Cynthia Tkachuck, and Richard Tkachuck

Submissions from 2015


Oviposition behavior in Glaucous-winged Gulls ( Larus glaucescens), Gordon Atkins, Amanda Sandler, Mindy J. McLarty, Shandelle M. Henson, and James Hayward


Effects of Walnut Consumption on Mood in Young Adults, Rudolph Bailey, Peter Pribis, Magaly Hernandez, Tevni Grajales, and Joan Sabate


Aqueous transport of gull nests and eggs: Taphonomic implications for fossil amniote nests, James Hayward and Amanda Sandler

African Religion and Health Care Delivery in Africa, Kelvin Okey Onongha


Environmental constraints on haul-out and foraging dynamics in Galapagos marine iguanas, Brianna Gale Payne, Shandelle M. Henson, James L. Hayward, Libby C. Megna, and Susana R. Velastegui Chavez


The Impact of a History of Childhood Abuse on Life as a College Student, David Sedlacek, Stanley Stevenson, Carrie Kray, Timothy Henson, Chelsea Burrows, and Mary Nell Rosenboom