Faculty Publications | School of Social & Behavioral Sciences | Andrews University
Faculty Publications

Faculty Publications



Submissions from 2024

Prevention of Alcohol Use and Abuse, Gary Hopkins, Alina Baltazar, and Duane C. McBride

The Cultural Myths About Alcohol Use, Gary L. Hopkins, Duane C. McBride, and Myrnaliza Tan


Centrifugal Forces Impacting Urbanization in the Eastern Mediterranean during Roman and Early Islamic Times, Øystein S. LaBianca

Introduction, Peter N. Landless, Duane C. McBride, and Myrnaliza Tan


Changing the University, the Church and the World through Risk Prevention and Health Promotion, Duane McBride


Engagement in Meaningful Activity Mediates the Relationship Between Stressful Life Events and Functional Resilience, David Steven Sherman, Harvey J. Burnett Jr, and Debra Lindstrom

Alcohol and Society, David Williams, Katia Reinert, and Duane C. McBride

Submissions from 2023

The Family: Function, Religiosity, and Health Message Adherence, Alina M. Baltazar and Duane C. McBride


The Importance of CISM Responder Self-Care: Don't Neglect Engaging in Meaningful Activities, Harvey J. Burnett Jr and David Sherman

Tribute: Monte Sahlin and Research on Family Ministries, René Drumm


Examples of Denominational Reports Using Quantitative Research, René Drumm and Petr Činčala


Polycentrism and the Rise of Secondary States in the Eastern Mediterranean: Aspects of a Southern Levantine Cultural Paradigm, Oystein LaBianca


Site custody activism in Jordan: introducing Sela and Alraqeem, Øystein S. LaBianca and Elena Ronza


Developing Instruments, Duane McBride, Frédéric Kavughe, and Thadeu J. Silva Filho

The Cost of Doing Justly: Overcoming Barriers to Domestic Violence Advocacy in the Adventist Church, Marciana Popescu and René Drumm


Making a CHANGE in Madagascar, Joel Raveloharimisy and Marlena Maier


"My Well is Empty": Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Pastors, David Sedlacek and René Drumm

The "Reflex Influence" and the Bystander Effect: Historical Trends in Mission Giving among North American Adventists, David J. B. Trim, Duane C. McBride, and Shannon M. Trecartin

Seventh-day Adventist LGBT+ Young People in the Church: Research Findings and Implications for Pastoral Care, Curtis J/ VanderWaal, René Drumm, David Sedlacek, and Shannon M. Trecartin

Submissions from 2022


Stacie Hatfield on God's Power (Life with God, Season 3: God is Power, Episode 11), Adelina Alexe, Stacie Hatfield, Beersheba Maywald Jacob, Erik Aepler, Ingrid Dumitrescu, and Juan Sanchez


Understanding Spiritual Well-Being Among Critical Incident Stress Management-Trained First Responders, Harvey Burnett


Revisiting Proactive and Reactive Pathways to Resilience among CISM-Trained Responders and General Population Participants: Mechanisms that Contribute to Building Overall Psychological Body ArmorTM, Harvey J. Burnett Jr., Justine Jaeger, Kristen R. Witzel, and Karl G. D. Bailey


The Biblical Imperative for Pastoral Self-Care, Petr A. Činčala and René Drumm


"You're already Black...": Racially-informed Care and Intersections of Gender for LGBTQ African American Children and Youth in Birmingham, Alabama, Stacie Hatfield


A Children’s Book, A Local History Book, Summer Camps, and a Maintenance Agreement: An Update on the Lawrence T. Geraty Community Archaeology Endowment, 2022, Øystein LaBianca


A Faith for Today: Saving the Planet, Oystein S. LaBianca

Tribal Kingdoms and the Tribal Element in Southern Levantine Iron Age Polities, Øystein S. LaBianca and Jeffrey P. Hudon

Submissions from 2021


Building Resilience in Children and Youth, Alina M. Baltazar and Gary Hopkins


At-Risk Behaviors on the Rise During this Pandemic, Alina M. Baltazar, Duane C. McBride, Gary L. Hopkins, and Peter N. Landless


Lineup Instruction Verbiage’s Effect on the Accuracy of Eyewitness Identifications: Michigan’s Procedure, Brittney Byrd and Harvey J. Burnett Jr.


Trigger Warnings in Psychology Classrooms?: Comparing Sexes from a Diverse Religious Institution, Jasmine Collard and Herbert W. Helm Jr


The Madaba Plains Project @ 50, Lawrence T. Geraty, Oystein S. LaBianca, Douglas R. Clark, Larry Herr, Randall W. Younker, Robert Bates, William Dever, Bethany J. Walker, and Jeffrey P. Hudon


Spiritual Well-Being - A Proactive Resilience Component: Exploring Its Relationship with Practices, Themes, and Other Psychological Well-Being Factors during the COVID-19 Pandemic in CISM-Trained First Responders, Justine Jaeger, Harvey J. Burnett Jr., and Kristen R. Witzel


Doing unto others as we would have others do unto ourselves: A Report on ASOR’s Lawrence T. Geraty Endowment for Community Archaeology, Øystein LaBianca

Lenses on Accumulative Cultural Production in the Southern Levant: Toward a Middle Range Interpretive Methodology, Øystein S. LaBianca

Panel A: Places and Ideologies, Øystein S. LaBianca

Drivers of Accumulative Cultural Production in the Southern Levant: The View from Tall Hisban, Jordan, Øystein S. LaBianca and Jeffrey P. Hudon

Madaba Plains Project @ 50 Years, Øystein S. LaBianca and Ivan LaBianca


Community Archaeology in the Islamic World, Oystein S. LaBianca, Maria Elena Ronza, and Noёl Harris

On a Way Forward for Understanding the Levant, Øystein S. LaBianca and Terje Stordalen

Panel D. Polycentrism—Local Communities and Trans-local Formations, Øystein S. LaBianca and Terje Stordalen


Health Beliefs, Behavior, Spiritual Growth, and Salvation in a Global Population of Seventh‑day Adventists, Duane C. McBride, Karl G. D. Bailey, Peter Landless, Alina M. Baltazar, David J. B. Trim, and Galina Stele


"Were I Human": Beingness and the Postcolonial Object in Westworld’s Appropriation of The Tempest, L Monique Pittman, Vanessa I. Corredera, Kristen N. Denslow, and Karl G. D. Bailey

A New Format for Writing the History of the Levant: Introduction to the Volume, Terje Stordalen and Øystein S. LaBianca

Preface, Terje Stordalen and Øystein S. LaBianca

The Region of the Levant and the Importance of the Local Perspective, Terje Stordalen and Øystein S. LaBianca

Submissions from 2020


Religious Belief and Culture: The Curious Case of the Intuitive Soul, Karl G. D. Bailey and Duane C. McBride


Transitioning Role of Parents in Binge Drinking in the Context of Alcohol Abstinent Religiosity Among Christian College Students, Alina M. Baltazar, Duane C. McBride, Barbara Ames, and Richard J. Griffore


A Brief Report: Preliminary Findings for Pathways to Resilience among Critical Incident Stress Management Responders, Harvey J. Burnett, Karl G. D. Bailey, and Rachelle E. Pichot


Generational differences in mate selection, Herbert W. Helm Jr., Abigail Hall, and Karl G. D. Bailey

Psychology Students’ Perspective of Classroom Trigger Warnings, Jasmine Kim; Herbert Helm; Karl G. D. Bailey; and Lynn E, McCutcheon


Review of Globalization in Prehistory: Contact, Exchange, and the “People Without History”, edited by Nicole Boivin and Michael D. Frachetti. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018, Oystein S. LaBianca


Hisban Cultural Heritage Project (2018–2019), Bethany J. Walker and Øystein S. LaBianca

Submissions from 2019


An Exploratory Study on Psychological Body Armor: Factors Supporting Reactive and Proactive Pathways to Resilience, Harvey J. Burnett Jr., Rachelle E. Pichot, and Karl G. D. Bailey


An Examination of Resilience, Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction between Men and Women among Trauma Responders, Talisa Gonzalez, Harvey J. Burnett, Herbert Helm, and Leiali'i Ruth Edwards

Submissions from 2018


An Exploration of the Relationship between Experiences with Sibling Abuse and Peer Bullying: A Pilot Study, Curt Bachman, Mandy Morrill, Brittany Polisuk, Katie Kostelyk, and Stephanie Wilson


2017-2018 Global Church Member Survey Concerning the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Reach the World 2015-2020 Strategic Plan Meta-Analysis: Final Report, Karl G. D. Bailey, Duane C. McBride, Shannon M. Trecartin, Alina M. Baltazar, Petr Činčala, and Rene Drumm

Faith Maturity in a Diverse Global Sample of Seventh-day Adventists, Karl G. D. Bailey and Heather M. Moore

Hope for Here and Hereafter: Relationship and Hope Motivation in Seventh-day Adventists, Karl G. D. Bailey and Jessica A. Stelfox

The Madaba Plains Project Comes of Age: MPP@50, Douglas R. Clark, Lawrence T. Geraty, Larry G. Herr, Øystein LaBianca, Randall W. Younker, Stefanie Elkins-Bates, Jillian Logee, Brain Manley, John McDowell, Kristina Reed, Rhonda Root, Marc G. Ullom, and Sharon Ullom


Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Systems in Pacific Island Schools to Promote the Health and Education of Girls and Children with Disability: a Systematic Scoping Review, David Cram, Michelle Redman-MacLaren, Dani J. Barrington, Humoress Harrington, Jeanette Selep, and David MacLaren


Narrating Contested Pasts: Lessons Learned at Tall Hesban, Oystein S. LaBianca and Elena Maria Ronza


Addiction and Substance Abuse, Duane C. McBride


No Safe Level of Alcohol Consumption: Another Compelling and Robust Confirmation, Duane C. McBride

HIV Seropositivity of Needles from Shooting Galleries in South Florida, Duane C. McBride, Dale D. Chitwood, Clyde B. McCoy, James A. Inciardi, M. Comerford, Edward J. Trapido, H. Virginia McCoy, John Bryan Page, J. Griffin, and Mary Fletcher

Factors Related to Church Growth in the World Seventh-day Adventist Church, Duane C. McBride, Roger Dudley, and Petr Činčala

The Value of Community Service Engagement in Lowering High-risk Behaviors Among Adolescents in Alaska, Duane C. McBride, Gary Hopkins, Jonathan Duffy, Peter C. Gleason, Anna Nelson, and Yvonne Terry-McElrath


There Is No Safe Level of Alcohol Use, Duane C. McBride and Peter N. Landless

From the Many, One: a Collaborative Approach, Duane C. McBride, Clyde B. McCoy, and Anne J. Bengoa


Seventh-Day Adventist Clergy: Understanding Stressors and Coping Mechanisms, Duane C. McBride, David Sedlacek, Annette Heck, and Rene Drumm


Empowering Frontline Trauma Responders: Keys to Resilience, Rachelle E. Pichot, Harvey J. Burnett Jr., and Karl G. D. Bailey


Advocacy Lessons Learned from a Young Slave Girl, Joel Luc Raveloharimisy


Tall Hisban 2016 Expedition Season: Household Archaeology in the Medieval Village, Bethany Walker, Tarina Greer, Reem Al-Shqour, Aren LaBianca, Robert D. Bates, Jeffrey P. Hudon, Warren Schultz, Julian Henderson, Chiara Corbino, Sofia Laparidou, Annette Hansen, and Oystein LaBianca


Hisban Cultural Heritage Project, Bethany J. Walker and Øystein S. LaBianca

Submissions from 2017


Moral Reasoning about Ending Life Revisited: Influences of Religiosity and Resilience, Christiana D. Atkins and Harvey J. Burnett


Tall Hisban 2011-2012: A Preliminary Report, Robert D. Bates, Jeffrey P. Hudon, and Oystein S. LaBianca


Revisiting the Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, Compassion Satisfaction, and Resilience Connection Among CISM Responders, Harvey J. Burnett Jr.


Bigger Better? How Church Size is Related to Church Health (&Growth), Petr A. Činčala, Duane C. McBride, and Rene Drumm

Love Everybody, Keep Your Mouth Shut, Don't Have an Opinion”: Role Expectations Among Seventh-day Adventist Pastor Spouses, Rene Drumm, Laurie Lynn Cooper, Marge Seifert, David Sedlacek, and Duane C. McBride


Community Archaeology at Tall Hisban, Øystein Sakala LaBianca


The Zooarchaeological Remains from Tell Hesban, Øystein Sakala LaBianca


Belief and Practice: Spiritual Imperatives for the Adventist Teacher, Joel Luc Raveloharimisy


Tall Hisban 2013 and 2014 Excavation Seasons: Exploration of the Mediaeval Village and Long-Term Water Systems, Bethany J. Walker, Robert D. Bates, Jeffrey P. Hudon, and Oystein S. LaBianca

Submissions from 2016


Specialized Disaster Behavioral Health Training: Its Connection with Response, Practice, Trauma Health, and Resilience, Christiana D. Atkins and Harvey J. Burnett Jr


Sex, Drugs and Alcohol: What Adventist College Students Say about the Role of Parents and Religion, Alina M. Baltazar, Duane C. McBride, Curtis J. VanderWaal, and Kathryn Conopio


The impact of traumatic life events: Reactions and resilience – Part I, Harvey J. Burnett Jr


The impact of traumatic life events: Reactions and resilience – Part II, Harvey J. Burnett Jr


Understanding the Relationship of Trauma, Substance Use, and Resilience Among Religiously Affiliated University Students, Harvey J. Burnett Jr, Kristen Witzel, Kylah Allers, and Duane McBride


Helping Others, Helping Ourselves., Gary Hopkins and Duane C. McBride


Introduction—ancient network societies, Oystein S. LaBianca and Sandra Arnold Scham

Tall Hisban Cultural Heritage Project, Oystein S. LaBianca and Bethany Walker

Public Policy and Illicit Drugs, Duane C. McBride, Yvonne M. Terry-McElrath, and Curtis VanderWaal


The contributions of faith-based organizations to development and the humanitarian field: An ADRA case study, Alexandra Raney and Joel Raveloharimisy


Women’s access to political leadership in Madagascar: The Value of History and Social Activism?, Joel Luc Raveloharimisy and Ave Altius


The Power of Stress: Perceived Stress and Its Relationship with Rumination, Self-Concept Clarity, and Resilience, Kayla D. Willis and Harvey J. Burnett Jr

Submissions from 2015


Delight or Distraction: An Exploratory Analysis of Sabbath-Keeping Internalization, Karl G. D. Bailey and Arian C. B. Timoti


The Compassion Fatigue and Resilience Connection: A Survey of Resilience, Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction among Trauma Responders, Harvey J. Burnett Jr and Kathleen Wahl


Extracurricular Screen Time among Idaho Youth: Prevalence and Association with Psychological Distress, Peter C. Gleason, Gary Hopkins, Megan Eagan, Curtis VanderWaal, Jonathan Duffy, and Duane McBride

Hook-up Culture among College Students: A Comparison of Attitudes toward Hooking Up Based on Ethnicity & Gender, Herbert W. Helm Jr., Duane C. McBride, and Stephanie D. Gondra

Near Eastern archaeology and global history, Oystein S. LaBianca