
Bell Hall 180

Start Date

28-3-2019 2:30 PM

End Date

28-3-2019 2:55 PM

Type of Presentation

25 minute Best Practices Session Presentation

Proposal for Presentation

Based on the Response To Intervention (RTI) model, about 5% - 10% of students do not respond to generalized or small group instruction. These students need direct instruction delivered with an individualized format during which they receive an increased number of opportunities to practice with immediate corrective feedback. However, these practice sessions can be met with resistance. This is moreso the reality among at-risk readers and boys. In this presentation, creative, engaging, multisensory approaches useful for practicing reading skills will be discussed and demonstrated. These approaches are useful for teachers, school psychologists, interventionists, and parents.


Pullen, P. C., Lane, H. B., Lloyd, J. W., Nowak, R., & Ryals, J. (2005). Effects of explicit instruction on decoding of struggling first grade students: A data-based case study. Education and Treatment of Children, 28, 63–76.

Magpuri-lavell, T., Paige, D., Williams, R., Akins, K., & Cameron, M. (2014). The Effects of a Summer Reading Program Using Simultaneous Multisensory Instruction of Language Arts on Reading Proficiency. Reading Improvement, 51(4), 361–372.

Reutzel, D. R., Child, A., Jones, C. D., & Clark, S. K. (2014). Explicit Instruction in Core Reading Programs. Elementary School Journal, 114(3), 406–430.

McDonald Connor, C., Piasta, S. B., Fishman, B., Glasney, S., Schatschneider, C., Crowe, E., … Morrison, F. J. (2009). Individualizing Student Instruction Precisely: Effects of Child × Instruction Interactions on First Graders’ Literacy Development. Child Development, 80(1), 77–100.


Mar 28th, 2:30 PM Mar 28th, 2:55 PM

Fun Reading Practice?: Strategies and Evidence from a One-on-One Reading Intervention

Bell Hall 180

Based on the Response To Intervention (RTI) model, about 5% - 10% of students do not respond to generalized or small group instruction. These students need direct instruction delivered with an individualized format during which they receive an increased number of opportunities to practice with immediate corrective feedback. However, these practice sessions can be met with resistance. This is moreso the reality among at-risk readers and boys. In this presentation, creative, engaging, multisensory approaches useful for practicing reading skills will be discussed and demonstrated. These approaches are useful for teachers, school psychologists, interventionists, and parents.