Every Student a YouTuber: Video Projects


Bell Hall 161

Start Date

28-3-2019 2:30 PM

End Date

28-3-2019 2:55 PM

Type of Presentation

25 minute Best Practices Session Presentation

Proposal for Presentation

This session will showcase a group video project that has been incorporated into MATH 355: Foundations of Advanced Mathematics. The purpose of the course is to teach students to communicate mathematics. In the final project, students form small groups, research a topic, summarize it, and communicate it to a popular audience via a YouTube video that they create. We will discuss the several benefits--such as student ownership and a growing online library--and how to navigate some of the challenges of such a project. The presentation should be especially useful to educators from any discipline at secondary school or university level.

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Mar 28th, 2:30 PM Mar 28th, 2:55 PM

Every Student a YouTuber: Video Projects

Bell Hall 161

This session will showcase a group video project that has been incorporated into MATH 355: Foundations of Advanced Mathematics. The purpose of the course is to teach students to communicate mathematics. In the final project, students form small groups, research a topic, summarize it, and communicate it to a popular audience via a YouTube video that they create. We will discuss the several benefits--such as student ownership and a growing online library--and how to navigate some of the challenges of such a project. The presentation should be especially useful to educators from any discipline at secondary school or university level.