
Manuscript Type


Abstract (For book reviews see instructions below)

An important task in the field of textual criticism is the determination of which manuscripts are more closely related to one another.1 This, in turn, allows the text critic to come to a better understanding of the history of the text. The Teststellen method is one of the most influential methods currently being used to determine similarity with the Byzantine text type. This method, as practiced by the Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung, is examined with regard to its use in the Editio Critica Maior (ECM).2 The brevity of the method is appealing, as it does not require the full collation of manuscripts to determine their textual character. I analyze Codex 2936 as a means to test whether the Teststellen accurately predicts its textual similarity with the Byzantine text. Because Codex 2936 has never been studied from a text-critical perspective, I first decribe the manuscript in detail. I then collate it against the Byzantine Text, along with manuscripts 01, 02, 03, 06, 010, 012, and 020, in Philippians and 1 Thessalonians. The results show that the Teststellen method accurately predicts the extent to which 2936 agrees with the Byzantine text.
