Recent publications of the faculty of Andrews University


Submissions from 2015

Authority of the Christian Leader, Darius Jankiewicz

Authority of the Christian Leader, Darius Jankiewicz

Autoridad del Lider Cristiano, Darius Jankiewicz

Autorytet Chrzescijanskiego Przywodcy, Darius Jankiewicz


La Autoridad del Líder Cristiano, Darius Jankiewicz

Ordynacja-lekcje z historii wczesnego chrześcijaństwa, Darius Jankiewicz

Phoebe: An Early Church Leader, Darius Jankiewicz

The Problem of Ordination: Lessons from Early Christian History, Darius Jankiewicz


Attending to Reality: Iris Murdoch on the Moral Good, Ante Jeroncic


The Quest for ‘La Sapienza’: Roy Bhaskar’s Critical Realism and the Science and Religion Dialogue, Ante Jeroncic


Adventists and the Military: A Brief Survey, Denis Kaiser


[Book Review of] American Protestant Theology: A Historical Sketch, by Luigi Giussani, Denis Kaiser

How Ellen White Did her Writing, Denis Kaiser

La Recepción de las Declaraciones Trinitarias de Elena G. de White por Parte de sus Contemporáneos, Denis Kaiser


Leo the Great on the Supremacy of the Bishop of Rome, Denis Kaiser


Peter Abelard’s Theology of Atonement: A Multifaceted Approach and Reevaluation, Denis Kaiser

Prefacio, Denis Kaiser


Witness of God's Love, Denis Kaiser

A Christian Perspective on Watching Secular TV Programming, S. Joseph Kidder

A Church Filled with God's Grace and Love, S. Joseph Kidder

Balancing a Busy Life, S. Joseph Kidder

Equilibrer Une Vie Chargee, S. Joseph Kidder

Escape from Iraq, Part 1, S. Joseph Kidder

Escape from Iraq, Part 2, S. Joseph Kidder

Escape from Iraq, Part 3, S. Joseph Kidder

Escape from Iraq, Part 4, S. Joseph Kidder

Escape from Iraq, Part 5, S. Joseph Kidder

How to Handle Church Conflict, Part 2, S. Joseph Kidder

It's Family Worship Time!, S. Joseph Kidder

Life-Changing Stories: the Ministry of Prayer, Part 1, S. Joseph Kidder

Life-Changing Stories: the Ministry of Presence, Part 2, S. Joseph Kidder

Missao de Curta Duracao Como um Novo Paradigma, S. Joseph Kidder

Moving Your Church, S. Joseph Kidder

Planning a Sermonic Year, S. Joseph Kidder

The Four Types of Church Conflict, Part 1, S. Joseph Kidder

The Value of a Church Brochure, S. Joseph Kidder

Touching Lives Like Jesus: Following the Example of the Master, S. Joseph Kidder


Balancing a Busy Life, S. Joseph Kidder


Planning a Sermonic Year, S. Joseph Kidder


"I Don't Understand What You're Saying!": Lessons from Three ESL Writing Tutorials, Eun-Young Julia Kim

He Spoke and It Was: Divine Creation in the Old Testament, Gerald Klingbeil


Book Review: Bryan Gallant, Undeniable: An Epic Journey Through Pain (, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Crooked Wood—Upright Posture: What Does It Take To Walk Tall?, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Digging Lachish: Recovering the Past Tells Us About the God of the Future, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Free At Last: We Are Saved to Celebrate Liberation, Gerald A. Klingbeil

‘From the Wilderness to the Promised Land’: Echoes of Numbers in the Book of Revelation, Gerald A. Klingbeil

"From the Wilderness to the Promised Land": Echoes of Numbers in the Book of Revelation, Gerald A. Klingbeil

God's "Show-and-Tell": The Didactic Power of Ritual in Scripture and Missions, Gerald A. Klingbeil

God’s ‘Show-And-Tell’: The Didactic Power of Ritual in Scripture and Missions, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Identity Crisis: No Future Without a Past, Gerald A. Klingbeil

"In The Beginning . . . God" (Gen 1:1): Ten Key Theological Themes in Genesis within the Larger Framework of Biblical Theology., Gerald A. Klingbeil

"In the Beginning...God" (Gen 1:1): Ten Key Theological Themes in Genesis Within the Larger Framework of Biblical Theology, Gerald A. Klingbeil

Introduction, Gerald A. Klingbeil

Introduction, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Invisible Fences, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Jesus Claims the Center Between Sadducees and Pharisees, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Mission at Every Distance, Gerald A. Klingbeil


Remembering July 16, 1915: Ellen White's Legacy and Relevance - Personal Journey, Gerald A. Klingbeil

Review of Daniel M. MasterThe Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Archaeology, Gerald A. Klingbeil

Review of Heinz-Josef Fabry and Ulrich Dahmen (eds.), Theologisches Wörterbuch zu den Qumrantexten. Band II, Gerald A. Klingbeil

Review of Karl Jaroš, Zeugen auf Stein und Ton: Inschriften des Heiligen Landes und seiner Nachbarregionen aus vier Jahrtausenden. Ruhpolding and Mainz: Rutzen, Gerald A. Klingbeil

Review of Max Kunze, Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem: Führer durch die Sammlungen, Gerald A. Klingbeil

Review of Steven L. McKenzie (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Biblical Interpretation, 2 vols, Gerald A. Klingbeil

Review of Thomas Richter and Sarah Lange, Das Archiv des Idadda: Die Keilschrifttexte aus den deutsch-syrischen Ausgrabungen 2001–2003 im Königspalast von Qaṭna, Qaṭna Studies 3, Gerald A. Klingbeil

Sacrifice and Offerings, Gerald A. Klingbeil

Sacrifice/Offerings, Gerald A. Klingbeil


The Cost of Discipleship: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Church's Prophetic Voice, Gerald A. Klingbeil


The Day After, Gerald A. Klingbeil

The Genesis Creation Account and Its Reverberations in the Old Testament, Gerald A. Klingbeil


The Gift of the Stranger: Creation, Culture, and Our Search for Community, Gerald A. Klingbeil


The Joseph-Files: How Can We Navigate Ethical Dilemmas in Tough Circumstances, Gerald A. Klingbeil


The Longue Durée, Gerald A. Klingbeil


The Tale of Two Cities, Gerald A. Klingbeil


We Matter, Gerald A. Klingbeil

"My Heart is Fainting in Me" (Jeremiah 8:18): Emotions and Prophetic Writings in the Bible, Gerald A. Klingbeil and Chantal J. Klingbeil

’My Heart Is Fainting in Me’ (Jeremiah 8:18): Emotions and Prophetic Writings in the Bible, Gerald A. Klingbeil and Chantal J. Klingbeil


Christ in You, the Hope of Glory: Assurance and the Second Coming, Gerald A. Klingbeil and Chantel Klingbeil


Greatest Terror-Greatest Hope: The Certainty and Joy of the Resurrection, Gerald A. Klingbeil and Chantel Klingbeil


How Then Shall We Wait? Patient Endurance and the Second Coming, Gerald A. Klingbeil and Chantel Klingbeil


I Knew You Were Coming: The Certainty of the Second Coming, Gerald A. Klingbeil and Chantel Klingbeil


You Alone Are Worthy: Worship and the Second Coming, Gerald A. Klingbeil and Chantel Klingbeil


Your Sons and Daughters Will Prophesy: The Gift of Prophecy and the Second Coming, Gerald A. Klingbeil and Chantel Klingbeil


The Aims of Adventist Education: A Historical Perspective, George R. Knight

The Incarnation of Christ: Mystery and Model of Mission, Wagner Kuhn and Adenilton Tavares de Aguiar


Adventist Mission: From Awareness to Engagement—Part 1, Wagner Kuhn and Marcelo Dias


Adventist Mission: From Awareness to Engagement—Part 2, Wagner Kuhn and Marcelo Dias


QCM-D Monitoring of Binding-Induced Conformational Change of Calmodulin, Hyun J. Kwon and Brian Dodge

Near Eastern archaeology and global history, Oystein S. LaBianca

Connectivity in Antiquity : Globalization As a Long-Term Historical Process, Oystein S. LaBianca and Sandra Arnold Scham

Comparative narrative analysis as a tool in determining the lectio difficilior in Mark 1:40-45 - a narrative analysis of Codices Bezae, Vaticanus, and Washingtonianus, Joel E. Lisboa and Thomas Shepherd

Church and Society: Missiological Challenges for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Rudi Maier

Church and Society: Missiological Challenges for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Rudi Maier


Bullying Victimization in Benin: Prevalence and its Correlates among in-School Adolescents, Mazyanga L. Mazaba-Liwewe, Sricharan Pasupulati, Emmanuel Rudatsikira, Olesegun Babaniyi, Idah Ndumba, Freddie Masaninga, Adamson S. Muula, Peter Songolo, and Seter Siziya

Bullying Victimization in School Adolescents, Mazyanga L. Mazaba, Sricharan Pasupulati, Emmanuel Rudatsikira, Olusegun Babaniyi, Idah Ndumba, Freddie Masaninga, Adamson S. Muula, Peter Songolo, and Seter Siziya

Drug Policy in the United States: A dynamic multilevel experimental environment, Duane C. McBride and Yvonne M. Terry-McElrath

Escalating heroin consumption and the spread of HIV in Columbia: An emerging public health threat, Clyde McCoy, Daniel H. Ciccarone, Zelde Espinel Ben-Amy, Jeanene McCoy Bengoa, Oscar Bernal, Duane C. McBride, and James M. Shultz

Called to Power?, Errol McLean


An Innovative Approach to Decreasing Concussions in Adolescent Female Soccer Athletes: 2370 Board #117 May 29, 9, A. Lynn Millar, Brent A. Harper, Jared Casazza, Cameron Lephew, Meredith Moore, and Timothy Schmidt


A Man for All Seasons: Remembering Attorney Lee Boothby, Nicholas P. Miller


A Man for All Seasons: Remembering Attorney Lee Boothby, Nicholas P. Miller