"Canonical Theology, Social Location and the Search for Global Theologi" by Boubakar Sanou and John C. Peckham

Canonical Theology, Social Location and the Search for Global Theological Method

Document Type

Contribution to Book

Publication Date



Canonical theology, Global theology, Hermeneutics, Social location, Theological method


This chapter sets forth a proposal outlining one way constructive theology might be approached in light of the rapid globalization of Christianity. Could there be such a thing as a global theological method? If so, what might it look like? How might global theological method be conceived (in broad strokes) so as to avoid (or at least mitigate) the danger of privileging and imposing particular philosophical, doctrinal, or other frameworks that are the fallible product of a given context or social location? To address these questions, the chapter first discusses the importance of social location and its impact on theological interpretation, construction, and reception. Then, the discussion turns to the question of the uniquely normative authority of Scripture relative to theological method by way of a brief discussion of some core commitments of canonical theological method, which revolve around the common commitment of most Christians to Scripture as the final standard of orthodoxy. Finally, the chapter discusses potential implications for approaching and doing constructive theology that upholds the uniquely normative authority of Scripture, could be affirmed and practiced by most Christians across the globe, and might assist in fostering a context for mutual theological dialogue without the imposition of one fallible context as the ground of such theological method.

First Page


Last Page


Book Title

Scripture and Theology: Historical and Systematic Perspectives


Tomas Bokedal, Ludger Jansen, Michael Borowski


Walter de Gruyter


Boston, MA


Theologische Bibliothek Töpelmann Series, v.201





First Department

World Mission

Second Department

Theology and Christian Philosophy

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