Submissions from 2011
Atkins wins Alumni Award for Excellence in Education, Samantha Snively
BEST Organization Hosts First Research Symposium, Samantha Snively
Griggs University moves to Michigan, Keri Suarez
AFIA Sponsors Aviation Ministry in the Philippines, Ashleigh Jardine
Associate Deans, Principal of Griggs University Appointed, Keri Suarez
ADRA Benefit Concert aids projects in Japan, Niger, Keri Suarez
Andrews students receive Michigan Campus Compact ‘Heart and Soul Award’, Keri Suarez
RMES Students Celebrate Spring Week of Prayer, Wendy Keough
Sushi 101 proceeds benefit ADRA, Samantha Snively
Andreasen Receives Distinguished Award of Excellence, Keri Suarez
Students Produce Envision magazine, Ashleigh Jardine
Thorpe Named Dean of Distance Education, Keri Suarez
Service reigns at Ruth Murdoch Elementary School, Wendy Keough
University students receive gift of the Andrews Study Bible, Ashleigh Jardine
Zariya Suggs wins 8th Continent Art Contest, Wendy Keough
Action and Honors Team Up on Service Project, Jason Lemon
Airplanes Donated to Andrews, Keri Suarez
Submissions from 2010
Arminianism and Adventist Symposium held at the Seminary, Samantha Snively
Griggs ownership Transferred to Andrews, Keri Suarez
Andrews Student Named 2010 American Chemical Society Scholar, Dave Randall
Cuneiform Tablet Donated to Horn Museum, Samantha Snively
Andrews Employees Give Bibles to Freshmen, Keri Suarez
Andrews Recognized by Forbes, U.S. News & World Report, Keri Suarez
Center for Youth Evangelism Announces New Assistant Director, Keri Suarez
First students Complete Andrews University Doctor of Ministry in Africa, Keri Suarez
Andrews Study Bible Released, Keri Suarez
Groundbreaking for Buller Hall Marks Winds of Change, Keri Suarez
Andrews Academy National Honor Society Members are Ready to Serve, Givan Hinds
Andrews University Students Receive Award for Community Service, Lisa Sommer
Luxton Named Andrews Provost, Keri Suarez
Three Major Building Projects Announced, Keri Suarez
Korean Teachers “Immersed” at Andrews, Ashleigh Jardine
Now Accepting Reservations for the 7th Annual Easter Passion Play, Keri Suarez
Business Programs Now IACBE Accredited, Keri Suarez
Increased APS Scholarships for 2010–2011, Keri Suarez
Adventist Engaged Encounter Rebirthed at Andrews, Keri Suarez
Submissions from 2009
Andrews Teacher Prep Program Best in Michigan, Keri Suarez
Enrollment Reaches a New High, Keri Suarez
Students Learn about God’s Wonders, Wendy Keough
Ministry Fair Fuels the Fire, Kristina Penny
Andrews Provost Accepts New Post William Richardson Named Interim Provost, Keri Suarez
Andrews University Grabs Attention at National Soybean Research Laboratory, Keri Suarez
Ferguson Heads New Undergraduate Leadership Development Program, Keri Suarez
Andrews welcomes Gerald A. Klingbeil, Keri Suarez
Financial Aid Available for Undergraduate Distance Degrees, Keri Suarez
130th Graduating Class Joins Nearly 37,000 Alumni, Keri Suarez
Andrews Students Change the World for Honduran Girl, Andre Weston
Ruth Murdoch Elementary School Teacher Receives Excellence in Teaching Award, Keri Suarez
Susan Joshua Memorizes 2,500 Bible Verses, Andre Weston
Andrews Student Awarded Goldwater Scholarship, Keri Suarez
First Celebration of Research and Creative Scholarship Event Packs Howard Performing Arts Center, Andre Weston
2009 Faculty and Staff Service Awards Presented, Keri Suarez
Former NBC Correspondent, NBC Translator Bring Their Stories of Faith to Andrews, Keri Suarez and Kristina Penny
Grant Gives Recycling Initiative a Boost, Keri Suarez
Textbooks Go Paperless, Ashleigh Jardine
Andrews Takes a Look at ‘The New Face of Poverty’, Keri Suarez
Andrews University Receives a New “Front Door”, Rebecca May
E.E. Cleveland Donates Priceless Collection, Rebecca May
Service in a Suitcase Benefits Many, Andre Weston
First Annual John O. Waller Lectureship on the Arts, Andre Weston
Gymnics Perform for Half-time Show, Keri Suarez
Teacher Prep Program “Exemplary”, Ashleigh Jardine
Submissions from 2008
Detriot Free Press, PBS Journalists Speak at Andrews, Keri Suarez
Grand Opening of New Milking Parlor and Visitor’s Center Celebrated, Keri Suarez
Andrews University Engineering Program Achieves ABET Accreditation, Keri Suarez
Former NBC Producer Debbie Michel now Teaching at Andrews University, Keri Suarez
Andrews University Rolls Out the Welcome Mat, Keri Suarez
Commencement Ceremonies Held for Class of 2008, Keri Suarez
National challenge for Adventist Robotics League comes to Andrews University, Robert Moncrieff
Church Leaders Convene at Andrews University for Spring Meeting, Keri Suarez
2008 Faculty and Staff Awards Presented, Keri Suarez
Cleon White Appointed Principal of Andrews Academy, Keri Suarez
Couples Celebrate God’s Gift of Marriage with Agape Feast, Susan E. Murray
Marriage Mentoring Training Offered, Susan E. Murray
Andrews University Hosts ‘2,000 Years of Christianity in Africa’, Robert Moncrieff
Annetta Gibson Receives Bashir Hasso Endowed Chair, Emily Flottmann
Andrews Academy Appreciates Diverse Student Body, Steven Atkins
Andrews Unveils New Graduate Scholarship Program, Robert Moncrieff
Spiritual Retreat Weekend Planned, Robert Moncrieff
2008 Easter Passion Play Postponed at Andrews University, Richard E. Parke
Ucci Honored for 20+ Years of Prison Ministry, Patricia M. Spangler
Dana Kendall Returns to Her Alma Mater, Robert Moncrieff
Questions on Doctrine Conference Opens Way to Healthier Theological Dialogue, University Relation Staff
Submissions from 2006
Fortin Appointed New Dean of the Seminary, Beverly Stout
Mattingly Appointed New Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Beverly Stout
Andrews Offers Preparing for College Seminars at Lake Union Academies, Enrollment Management News Release
National Science Foundation Awards Large Research Grant to Andrews University, Beverly Stout
New Physics Professor Returns to Alma Mater, Bjorn Karlman
Students Get All Fired Up!, Beverly Stout
Heather Knight to Serve as New Andrews University Provost, Pat Spangler
Japhet De Oliveira Accepts Chaplain for Missions Position, Beverly Stout
Andrews Hires New Gymnics Coach, Beverly Stout
Merkel Pens New Series of Books for Young Readers, Beverly Stout
2006 Andrews University Employee Service Awards, Beverly Stout
Staff in the Spotlight: Bill Richardson, Beverly Stout
Division of Architecture Receives High Ranking, Elizabeth Lechleitner
Nursing Faculty Present at Biennial Nursing Society Conference, karen Allen
Administrative Transitions at Andrews University, Andrews University Press
Andrews University Hosts Inter-Religio Symposium, Elizabeth Lechleitner