Submissions from 2018
Tragedy That Empowers: Sharon Risher's Story, Hannah Gallant
Tragedy that empowers: Sharon Risher’s story, Hannah Gallant
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary revises Master of Divinity Program, Samantha Angeles
Andrews University Wins Recognition from Communication Association, Felecia Datus
Submissions from 2017
Andrews University Shares #1 National Ranking for Campus Ethnic Diversity in 2018 U.S. News Best Colleges, Stephen Payne
Refugees and Migrants Focus of Conference at Andrews University, Felecia Datus
Submissions from 2016
New App Launched Aimed at Getting Closer to God, Becky St. Clair
Submissions from 2015
Berrien Springs Group Collects Backpacks for Students, Jane Thayer
Get Clear. Get Close. Get Clean., Becky St. Clair
G.C. Visitors Tour Andrews Campus, Becky St. Clair
2015–2016 AUSA Plans to Reach Beyond Andrews, Melodie Roschman
Andrews University and Seminary Respond to G.C. vote, Becky St. Clair
Andrews awards honorary doctorates to Rasi and Doblmeier, Melodie Roschman
Festschrift Presented to George Knight, Prolific Adventist Author, Pat Spangler
Graduate Communication Program Updated, Jenna Neil
Andrews University Hosts Forum on Adventist Regional Conferences, Jenna Neil
Explore Andrews: New Program Helps Freshmen Solidify Their Path, Stephen Payne
Andrews Academy Sees God Do Great Things, Steven Atkins
Andrews celebrates Black History Month, Becky St. Clair
Event to Honor George Knight, Becky St. Clair
Andrews Changes the World through Media, Becky St. Clair
Andrews University Announces New Biotechnology Program, Becky St. Clair
Nursing Students Follow God’s Call, Becky St. Clair
RMES Prepares Materials for VBS in the Dominican Republic, Willyta Ruiz-Wamack
RMES Students Offer Tangible Reminder of Christ at Christmas, Philip E. Giddings III
High school Juniors check out Andrews, Becky St. Clair
Renowned Businessman and Alumnus Gary Hamel Speaks to Students, Lucero Castellanos-Aguirre
The Grace Place Ministry Leads to Bible Studies and Baptisms, Betty Eaton
Adventist Theological Seminary Responds to Headship Statement Appeal, Becky St. Clair
Horn Museum featured in The New York Times, J. Amanda McGuire-Moushon
Submissions from 2014
Department of Engineering & Computer Science Awarded ABET Accreditation, Becky St. Clair
Karl Haffner repackages Morris Venden Week of Prayer at Andrews, Becky St. Clair
Andrews University Hosts Traveling Pathfinders, Becky St. Clair
Andrews University Theological Seminary releases Statement on Church Headship, Becky St. Clair
Leadership Conference Features Renowned Speakers, Becky St. Clair
Student Leaders Follow God’s lead, Becky St. Clair
Andrews takes care of its neighbors, Becky St. Clair
Seminary Promotes Healthy Lifestyles, Eloise Ravell
Andrews Academy Performs Play Titled ‘Words by Fanny Crosby’, Jeannie Leiterman
Barry Black speaks for Consecration, Becky St. Clair
Graduate student presents research conclusions at Summit on Nurture and Retention, Becky St. Clair
Submissions from 2013
Charles Bradford speaks at H.M.S. Richards Lectureship, Becky St. Clair
Students and Faculty Raise Awareness about Depression, Eloise Ravell
Building Our Future: New leadership Minor at Andrews, Becky St. Clair
Paddock Hired as Interim Gymnics Coach, Becky St. Clair
Andrews welcomes new Biology faculty, Becky St. Clair
Ferreira Named Chair of Physical Therapy, Becky St. Clair
Soledad O’Brien speaks at Andrews University Leadership Conference, Samantha Snively
Young Volunteer Finds Old Seal at Jordan Field School, Samantha Snively
Young Volunteer Finds Old Seal at Jordan Field School, Samantha Snively
Ledesma Guest Edits Award-winning Journal Issue, Samantha Snively
School of Health Professions Offers Two New Online Degrees, Pat Spangler
Andrews University Press to Publish New Bible Commentary, Keri Suarez
Professors awarded the J.N. Andrews Medallion, Samantha Snively
Andrews Academy Takes an Adventure with God, Lindsey Holland
Andrews Trails are a Best-kept Secret, Pat Spangler
Students awarded by Michigan Campus Compact, Keri Suarez
Warmth Drive benefits Benton Harbor Neighbors, Emily Ferguson
New Seminary Dean Named, Keri Suarez
Andrews University Passion Play organizers Announce Schedule Change, Keri Suarez
Boonstra Speaks at Annual Graduate Students Consecration Service, Keri Suarez
'Marching On... Together', Keri Suarez
Andrews Introduces Three New Academic Programs, Keri Suarez
Andrews Ranks on 'Overperforming School' List, Keri Suarez
Passion Play returns to Two-day Format, Keri Suarez
Seminary Student Won Sermon Contest, Keri Suarez
Andrews professor, Alum Win Design Challenge, Keri Suarez
Andrews University Students Fill Shoeboxes for Distribution to Needy Children, Kristina Paris
CYE hosts annual Youth Leadership Summit, Keri Suarez
Denis Fortin Announces Return to Full-time Teaching, Keri Suarez
Fourth Issue of Envision Now Available, Ashley Meye
Submissions from 2012
New James White Portrait Unveiled at the James White Library, Ashley Meyer
Andrews Office of Campus Ministries Goes Mobile, Ashley Meyer
Andrews computing program is ABET accredited, Keri Suarez
Andrews Employee Celebrates 90th Birthday, Kristin Paris
Learjet 23 Donated to Department of Aviation, Ashley Meyer
Weithers Named Associate Dean, Keri Suarez
Leona Running Awarded Honorary Doctorate, Keri Suarez
‘Swimming in a Sea of Diversity’ included in Public Art Display, Keri Suarez
Former ADRA director speaks on social consciousness, Ashley Meyer
2012 faculty/staff awards presented at Andrews, Keri Suarez
AA Teaches Compassion in Action, Steven Atkins
2012 MLK Celebration at Andrews University, Keri Suarez
New assistant Manager Named at the Howard Performing Arts Center, Keri Suarez
Andrews Hosts 20th Annual Acrofest, Keri Suarez
Andrews Joins Neighbors for Christmas Open House, Keri Suarez
RMES students Build Houses Without Hammers, Wendy Keough
Salvation shared a shoebox at a time, Samantha Snively
Submissions from 2011
Andrews brings home awards from Society of Adventist Communicators Convention, Keri Suarez
Andrews Receives Rankings, Enrollment Rises, Keri Suarez
Former Andrews Professor Ministers to Eunuchs of India, Ashleigh Jardine
Newsweek Recognizes Andrews, Keri Suarez
Ruth Murdoch Elementary School celebrates Grandparents Day, Wendy Keough
University Students Embark Upon Scholarship by Giving Through Service, Ashleigh Jardine
Andrews Academy Offers Spiritual Journey, Steven Atkins
Andrews Highlights Fitness at Expo and 5K, Keri Suarez
Griggs Graduates March into Andrews History, Keri Suarez
Iwasa named dean of University Towers, Samantha Snively
Welcome to Griggs University and International Academy, Keri Suarez