Submissions from 2025
Andrews University Celebrates Enrollment Increases and Strong National Rankings, Andrews University and Anthony Bosman
Old Clothes, New Purpose, Nicholas Gunn
South Bend, Indiana, Church Opens as a "Place of Refuge", David Pluviose
Submissions from 2024
Andrews University Employee Honored with Statewide Award, Nicholas Gunn
Andrews University Hosts STEM Day for Lake Union Educators, Nicholas Gunn
"Forward in Faith" Covers 30 Years of Andrews University History, Andrew Francis
Making a Difference, One Voice at a Time, Kaara Harris
New Collaboration Fast-tracks MDiv at Andrews University, Andrew Francis
Andrews University Becomes First Hispanic Serving Institution in Michigan, Sara Hamstra
From Secular Education to Spiritual Enrichment, Stanton Witherspoon
Summer Experiences at Andrews University, Andrews University
Museum of Nature & Science Developing New Plans, Nicholas Gunn
Academy Students Serve in the Dominican Republic, Sidney Needles
Youth Evangelism Congress Funding Innovative Ways to Share Christ, David Pluviose
Andrews Fall 2023 Rankings and Enrollment Report, Anthony Bosman and Stephen Payne
Michigan Member Celebrates 109th Birthday, Raelene Brower
Student Leaders Deepen Faith and Hone Skills at Union-Wide Retreat, Jacob Capiña
Submissions from 2023
10 Pastors Affirmed in their Pastoral Calling, Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Andrews Receives Title III Continuation Grant, Sara Hamstra
Nueva Iglesia Latina Guía a Los Asistentes Por El Buen Camino, Bruno Menezes
Raelene Brower joins staff of Andrews, Isabella Koh
"Andrews Bible Commentary" Goes to Every Adventist School in North America, Andrews University
Academy Students Recognized with Caring Heart Award, Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Andrews University Opens Shalom House, Gillian Panigot
Body, mind and spirit ... healing and wholeness, Peter N. Landless
Ten Years of "The Tent": Elementary Students Embrace and Share Their Faith, Briauna Skinner
National Geographic Explorer Returns from Research in Brazil, Isabella Koh
John Wesley Taylor V Voted as President-elect, Andrews University
Pioneer to Welcome Shane Anderson as New Lead Pastor in June, Debbie Michel
Genesis Fellowship: "Come Create Cariño", Nicholas Gunn
New Scholarships and State Grants to Benefit, John Press
Week of Prayer Yields 72 Baptism Requests, Nicholas Gunn
Andrews University Fall 2022 Enrollment and Rankings Report: Tied for Top Diverse National University and Ranked as Top Private, Christian and Small University in the State of Michigan, Office of University Communication
Bringing Hope to the Harbor, Nicholas C. Gunn
Theological Seminary Establishes The Center for Community Change, Cedric Vine
Submissions from 2022
Andrews University Receives $5 Million Grant, Andrews University
David Faehner Retires from Andrews University, Gillian Panigot
¿Qué es la iglesia?, Carmelo Mercado
Wagner Kuhn named new Seminary associate dean, Andrews University
Kevin Wilson to Lead Social Media at Andrews University, Isabella Koh
New Community Programs at Andrews, Isabella Koh
Academy students recognized for 'Caring Heart', Sherrie Davis
Andrews University Opens Lifestyle Medicine Clinic & Training Center, Moriah McDonald
Three teachers with a combined 100 years of experience retire, Jeremy Hall
Andrews University and General Conference Launch the Global Leadership Institute, Isabella Koh
Andrews STEM Division to host "Mission: Invent 2022", Moriah McDonald
Andrews University students awarded for math presentations, Moriah McDonald
Matías Soto named director of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Moriah McDonald
Together in mission: Lake Union discusses hospital system changes, nurturing church growth, record tithe gains, Debbie Michel and Katie Fellows
Submissions from 2021
New associate dean to oversee student involvement, Jeff Boyd
Seminary Promise, Keri Suarez
Andrews University partners with the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians, Padma T. Uppala and Gillian Panigot
Bradley Family Funds innovation center at Andrews University, Moriah McDonald
Former Division Communication director joins Andrews University faculty, Jeff Boyd
Prolific writer rejoins Andrews University, Jeff Boyd
Andrews University launches a certificate in Global Leadership, Jeff Boyd
Andrews University seminary professor collaborates on COVID-19 religious freedom project for G-20 Summit, Isabella Koh
Andrews University to host Congress on Social Justice, Moriah McDonald
New undergraduate office launched, Moriah McDonald
Andrews University Press releases new book on faith and science, Jeff Boyd
ASI Lake Union spring meeting spotlights health, Kathleen Morrissy
Pathways to Adventist education, Gillian Panigot
Prescott Khair joins chaplain team at Andrews University, Isabella Koh
Grow Groups encourage discipleship and community, Moriah McDonald
Scavenger hunt allows Children's Sabbath School new opportunity to safely connect, Diane Helbley
Students gain deeper understanding of salvation through art, Steven Atkins
Nearly $1 million raised to assist Andrews University students, Isabella Koh
Rhonda Tomenko joins faculty of Andrews University, Gillian Panigot
Andrews University awarded $2.25M grant, Isabella Koh
Submissions from 2020
Andrews University releases Daniel/Revelation Bible study journal, Jeff Boyd
Renaissance Kids architecture camp 2020, Hannah Gallant
Andrews president receives Weniger Medallion, Hannah Gallant
Andrews Speaks: Learning to play, Gillian Panigot
Leaders report pandemic's impact on church organizations, Debbie Michel
Students spread hope during pandemic, Steven Atkins
Andrews University appoints new chaplains, Gillian Panigot
Noticing critical shortage of education leaders, Lake Union provides training, Debbie Michel
Conservation and ecology lab students present at international conference, Moriah McDonald and Hannah Gallant
Ribbon-cutting ceremony for Advent Prayer Center, Hannah Gallant and Moriah McDonald
Andrews students demonstrate love on the move during fall break, Michelle Greene
Andrews University awards credit for prior learning, Glynis Bradfield
International Center for Trauma Education & Care at Andrews University, Andrews University School of Social Work
Jesus Among Theologians and Political Scientists, Nathaniel Gibbs
Jesus Among the Religious Liberty Advocates, John Simon
Submissions from 2019
Christina Hunter joins Andrews University staff, Gillian Panigot
Ribbon Cutting Celebration for Andreasen Center for Wellness, Gillian Panigot
Summit on Abuse focuses on helping to recognize and stop abuse, Andrews University
Bringing healing and hope through song, Hannah Gallant
Submissions from 2018
Meaningful conversations, Hannah Gallant
Architecture Students Build House on 18-Foot Trailer, Melodie Roschman
Camp Wakonda Changed My Life, Kenneth Leiva
Tragedy That Empowers: Sharon Risher's Story, Hannah Gallant
Tragedy that empowers: Sharon Risher’s story, Hannah Gallant
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary revises Master of Divinity Program, Samantha Angeles
Andrews University Wins Recognition from Communication Association, Felecia Datus
Submissions from 2017
Andrews University Shares #1 National Ranking for Campus Ethnic Diversity in 2018 U.S. News Best Colleges, Stephen Payne