About This Journal | Journal of Adventist Youth and Young Adult Ministries | Andrews University

About This Journal

Abou t the Journal of Adventist Youth & Young Adult Ministries

The Journal of Adventist Youth & Young Adult Ministries is the outgrowth of years of collaboration between the Youth & Young Adult Ministries department of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (NAD), the Discipleship and Lifespan Education (DSLE) department of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, and the Center for Youth Evangelism (CYE) on the campus of Andrews University.

CYE innovated and has hosted the 180° Symposium since 2008. It is a yearly gathering of practitioners, academicians, and administrators who come together to present papers on current youth and young adult issues, host round-table discussions, and write recommendations for the three respective networks. Each year a collection of articles and recommendations have been published by AdventSource and made available for purchase through its website. In 2017 the NAD Youth & Young Adult Ministries department joined CYE in collaboration to strengthen and support the Symposium. In 2021 the DSLE department of the Seminary joined in collaboration to bring more strength and focus to the Symposium, and it continues to influence the further development of the Symposium with increased involvement by seminary graduate students.

Collaboration has strengthened this endeavor and in 2023 this Journal was born.