Volume 8, Issue 1 and 2 (1997)
Worship in the Book of Revelation
C. Raymond Holmes
The Remnant Church
Gerhard Pfandl
Revelation's Throne Scenes
Norman R. Gulley
Revelation 4 and 5: Judgment or Inauguration?
Norman R. Gulley
The Trumpets In Their Contexts
Hans K. LaRondelle
Thoughts on the 144,000
Loron Wade
Is the Angel of Revelation 10 a Divine Being?
Jim Hiner Jr.
The Christian Coalition and the End Game
Norman R. Gulley
The "Fall of Babylon" Motif in the Books of Jeremiah and Revelation
Kenneth D. Mulzac
The Millennium and the Judgment
Peter M. van Bemmelen
Preaching Revelation to the Secular Mind
Bruce Norman
Judgment as Covenant Review
Roy Gane
History and Eschatology in the Book of Daniel
William H. Shea
Apocalypse Not Yet
Roy Gane
Apocalypse Now
Roy Gane