Volume 11, Number 2 (2015) Spiritual Warfare and the Occult
Full Issue
Memoriam for Gottfried Oosterwal
Russell L. Staples
Practice of Magic and Occultism in the Old Testament: Presuppositions, Responses, and God’s Attitude
Jiří Moskala
Demon Possession and Exorcism In the New Testament
Robert M. Johnston
A Historical Survey of Healing and Exorcism
Cristian Dumitrescu
Mental Illness and Demonization
L. Ann Hamel
Social Dynamics and Occultic Practices
Boubakar Sanou
Animism, the Occult, and Mission
Gorden R. Doss
Should Dialoguing with Demons Be Used as an Approach to Setting People Free from Evil Spirits?
Bruce L. Bauer
Power Encounters: A Biblical and Missiological Foundation for Understanding Demonization and Exorcism from an Adventist Perspective
Abner Dizon and Maila Dizon
Lessons from the Demoniac of Mark 5
Conrad Vine
End-Time Demonic Activities in the Book of Revelation
Ranko Stefanovic
Fit for Purpose? The General Conference Secretariat and Seventh-day Adventist Mission in Historical Perspective
D. J. B. Trim
The Development of Seventh-day Adventist Theology within an Asian Context
Michael W. Campbell