The Journal of Adventist Mission Studies is a scholarly journal published by the International Fellowship of Adventist Mission Studies (IFAMS). It presents peer reviewed articles, book reviews, dissertation abstracts, and news items of importance to Seventh-day Adventist mission.
The purpose of the mission fellowship is to bring together mission minded Seventh-day Adventist practitioners, academics, and administrators for fellowship, dialogue, academic scholarship, and mentoring.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Current Issue: Volume 19, Number 2 (2023) House Churches
Full Issue
House Churches in the New Testament: Contextual, Theological, and Missiological Perspectives
Boubakar Sanou
Missionary Methods: Christ’s or Ours? A Seventh-day Adventist Church Planting Movement Case Study
John Holbrook
Planting Rapidly Reproducing Churches
Curtis Sergeant
The Importance of Discovery Bible Reading in Households of Faith
Peter Roennfeldt
The Challenges Faced by Seventh-day Adventists in Communicating the Gospel During the Last 50 Years of British India
Koberson Langhu
Sharing Christ with Young Urban Nones in Metro Manila
Reylourd Reyes