Date of Award


Document Type

Honors Thesis


Behavioral Sciences

First Advisor

Karl G. D. Bailey


This study examined students' beliefs about the existence of racial discrimination on Andrews' campus and their experience with behaviors classified as microaggressions. We used a survey composed of the following measures: Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (Hill and Argyle, 2002), Intrinsic/Extrinsic Religious Orientation (Francis, Fawcett, Robbins, & Stairs, 2016), Social Dominance (Pratto, Felicia, Sidanius, Stallworth, & Malle, 1994), and Racial and Ethnic Microaggression (Nadal, 2011). Pearson's R correlations and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (Thiem, 2016) were used to analyze subjects' responses (N-147). We found low overall levels of microaggressions across campus and focused our detailed analyses on three specific microaggressions: microinvalidations, 80% of subjects reported at least 1-3 exoticization microaggressions, and Latino/Latina subjects reported a lack of visible representation in media and leadership. These findings provide valuable insight in microaggression research in that not all kinds of microaggressions are experienced in the same way by the same kinds of people.

Subject Area

Microaggressions; Discrimination; Andrews University

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