Poster Title

Psalm 22 and The Passion Narrative of the Gospels, Prophetic, Analogous, or Both?


Psalm 22 is quoted throughout the Passion Narrative within the Gospels. With comparison between the translations of the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament, whether citation purposes are prophetic or analogous becomes clear. If the New Testament translations match the Old Testament translations, a direct prophetic fulfillment is presented. Many of the verses within the Gospels recount how the quoted Psalm 22 verses were fulfilled, especially within John’s Gospel. If mirroring of actions is displayed instead, an analogous approach is presented. This viewpoint may be witnessed in Psalm 22:7, and its accompanying New Testament citations.


Faculty Mentor: Erhard Gallos, Religion and Biblical Languages


Buller Hall Lobby

Start Date

11-15-2018 4:00 PM

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Nov 15th, 4:00 PM

Psalm 22 and The Passion Narrative of the Gospels, Prophetic, Analogous, or Both?

Buller Hall Lobby

Psalm 22 is quoted throughout the Passion Narrative within the Gospels. With comparison between the translations of the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament, whether citation purposes are prophetic or analogous becomes clear. If the New Testament translations match the Old Testament translations, a direct prophetic fulfillment is presented. Many of the verses within the Gospels recount how the quoted Psalm 22 verses were fulfilled, especially within John’s Gospel. If mirroring of actions is displayed instead, an analogous approach is presented. This viewpoint may be witnessed in Psalm 22:7, and its accompanying New Testament citations.