Applying the 21st Century Distance Education Accreditation Guidelines to Your Online Program


Come benchmark your online program against the Council of Regional Accrediting Commission’s new “21st Century Distance Education Guidelines.” Explore ways to improve your program to remain competitive. Elements to consider include institutional capacity, transparency and disclosures, program design and review, student support, academic and institutional integrity.


Janine Lim, Associate Dean for Online Higher Education, Professor of Educational Technology

Glynis Bradfield, Director of Distance Student Services & Prior Learning


Buller Hall 149

Start Date

8-19-2021 2:00 PM

End Date

8-19-2021 3:30 PM


Aug 19th, 2:00 PM Aug 19th, 3:30 PM

Applying the 21st Century Distance Education Accreditation Guidelines to Your Online Program

Buller Hall 149

Come benchmark your online program against the Council of Regional Accrediting Commission’s new “21st Century Distance Education Guidelines.” Explore ways to improve your program to remain competitive. Elements to consider include institutional capacity, transparency and disclosures, program design and review, student support, academic and institutional integrity.