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Recent books authored or edited by Andrews University Faculty
Classical and Protestant Liberalism: Differences and Similarities
Daniel Dei
Classical and Protestant Liberalism: Similarities and Differences compares classical liberalism with Protestant liberalism. The book discusses similarities and differences between the philosophical propositions of these two liberal strands. The central argument is that Protestant liberalism has incorporated some key elements of classical liberalism to redefine essential elements of the Christian faith to appeal to the contemporary individual’s sense. Protestant liberal version of Christianity sharply deviates from conventional Christianity. Classical liberal notions of natural rights, social contract, individualism, pluralism, secularization, and utilitarian perspective on ethics sustain this version of Christianity. Protestant liberals present essential aspects of Christianity to contemporary individuals through these classical liberal existential views. Protestant liberal views on the immanence of God; anthropocentrism; Jesus as an ethical example; evolutionary view of the Bible; philosophical optimism; salvation; the church as an instrument of social progress; the kingdom of God; religious authority; continuity; modernism; and reduction of Christianity to its unchanging essence reveal classical liberal influences.
Eschatology from an Adventist Perspective: Proceedings of the Fourth International Bible Conference, Rome, June 11-20, 2018
Elias Brasil de Souza, A. Rahel Wells, László Gallusz, and Denis Kaiser
Fuga De Babilonia: Uma História de Salvação nas Ruas de Bagdá
S. Joseph Kidder
odos falavam comigo ao mesmo tempo.
- Como você pode fazer isso? - meu pai gritou.
- Sim, você é louco! - um dos meus tios gritou.
- Você está envergonhando nossa família - esbravejou minha mãe.
Havia pessoas gritando comigo de todas as direções enquanto meus pais e parentes tentavam me convencer a abandonar minha nova fé.
- Como você pode querer ser adventista do sétimo dia? Essa religião é uma seita.
- É uma religião judia!
- Onde você está com a cabeça?
Eu fiquei parado, confuso e sob toda aquela grande tensão. Finalmente, quando meu pai pensou que não estava chegando a lugar nenhum comigo e que eu não mudaria de ideia, ele tirou os sapatos, jogou-os em mim e cuspiu em mim. Vendo isso, meu primo Basher - de quem eu era muito próximo - sentiu que era seu dever me colocar no eixo. Então, ele e um dos meus irmãos me agarraram pelos braços, me levantaram e começaram a me bater. Enquanto eles me batiam, me empurravam em todas as direções.
Assim começou sua longa jornada da Babilônia de sua vida secular no Iraque para o incrível amor de Deus. Quando ele aceitou os planos divinos para sua vida, não sabia das muitas lutas e sacrifícios que o aguardavam, mas a oração, a fé nas Escrituras e o apoio de sua nova família da igreja o levariam a uma vida de mistério e serviço que continua até hoje. -
Rest in Christ: Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide: Teacher's Edition
Gerald Klingbeil and Chantal J. Klingbeil
Rest in Christ: Companion Volume to Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide
Gerald Klingbeil and Chantal J. Klingbeil
Sou estudante de teologia, e agora? Conselhos de um pastor para um teologando
Hebert Davi Liessi
Se você decidiu estudar teologia ou já é um aluno, este livro é para você. Hebert escreve de maneira agradável, prática e consistente, com o frescor de um estudante, com a experiência de um pastor, com a motivação de ser usado por Deus, para fazer mais fácil, mais eficaz a vida de um estudante de teologia. Muitos pastores dizem: ‘se eu soubesse, minha passagem pela faculdade haveria sido diferente’. Não necessita lamentar depois. Agora pode sabê-lo. Estas páginas podem ser teu mapa da rota em busca de um ministério feliz, fiel e frutífero. Recomendo-o como uma obra indispensável para ter pastores com paixão ‘segundo coração de Deus’. Jovem estudante de teologia, eu lhe recomendo a leitura deste livro!" Pr. Bruno Alberto Raso
The Gospel for Everyone: A Study in the Gospel of Luke on the Inclusion of Marginalized Social Groups
Hebert Davi Liessi
Salvation is a broad and controversial issue. The author of the third gospel, Luke, wrote in a socially inclusive approach to Jesus Christ's salvation. His focus is that the gospel serves all people, including groups marginalized by society to dominant groups. Through reading this book, you can see the social groups, the different methodologies, and the results of the salvation offered by Jesus Christ.
Deuteronomy: The Book of Love
Jiří Moskala
The book of Deuteronomy belongs with the most significant literature in the Hebrew Scriptures because it systematically shapes and articulates the faith of God’s people in a living God. It is a literary masterpiece, a jewel, and the Magna Carta of Israel’s teaching. This well-organized manual of faith is the religious constitution for God’s people, climaxing the Pentateuch and crowning the Torah with a comprehensive overview of the divine law of God.
In Deuteronomy: The Book of Love by Dr. Jirí Moskala, you will- learn to recognize streams of thinking through history,
- see the Lord as humanity’s personal God,
- examine the literary form of a covenant,
- explore the relationship between fear and love, and
- delve into the bond between the Sabbath and social justice and so much more.
Through this beautiful book of love, discover God’s passion for His people, and learn how to love, admire, obey, worship, serve, fear, and follow the Lord out of gratitude for who He is, what He has done, is doing, and will do.
Qualitative Research for Practical Theology
David K. Penno, Safary Wa-Mbaleka, Pavel Zubkov, and Petr Činčala
Unmistakably Christian: Surprising Lessons from 1 & 2 Peter
Thomas Shepherd
Following Jesus is countercultural in our modern society; but it was even more so in the first century when Christianity was in its infancy. The new religion was a radical departure from cultural norms, the expectations of family, and the dictates of government. Following Jesus is still countercultural. However, these surprising lessons from Peter will encourage you as you follow Jesus, and your community will know you are unmistakably Christian.
Levantine Entanglements: Cultural Productions, Long-term Changes and Globalizations in the Eastern Mediterranean
Terje Stordalen and Øystein S. LaBianca
This cross-disciplinary volume makes the case for the Levant, including the use of the term, as a unit of analysis for the study of cultural production and change over the long-term in the Eastern Mediterranean. It offers a new perspective on the history of this region that overcomes Orientalist approaches and introduces a global history perspective. It posits a way forward for studying the agency of the local as a key to understanding the long-term history of cultural production over the long-term in the region. Finally, it tells the story of the crystallization within the region of a type of sub-imperial power, illustrated by the canonical discourses popularly associated with the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
It's Not Your Turn: What to Do While You're Waiting for Your Breakthrough
Heather Thompson Day
What do you do when it seems like everybody else is getting their dreams and you're not?
You don't have to be distressed when Instagram comparison makes you feel like others are more successful than you. Heather Thompson Day shows us what we can do to shape ourselves while waiting, so we are ready when it's our turn. She unpacks instant gratification and peer comparison in a social media world, and teaches how we can cultivate perspectives and practices that will enable us to be more content, patient, and constructive. We can learn to walk slowly and trust God to do his work in us, being more present in our relationships rather than striving for premature image-based success.
Your turn will come. Here's what you can do to get there.
Vida y Enseñanzas de Jesús. Estudios en Biblia, Teología y Ministerio
Roberto D. Badenas and Davide Sciarabba
Hablar de Jesús a partir del texto de los evangelios es siempre un desafío y un riesgo. ¿Qué decir de Jesús que no se haya dicho ya? ¿Que aportar a un archivo constantemente abierto desde hace casi dos mil años? ¿No resulta pretencioso escribir un libro más sobre Jesús, siendo que ya se ha escrito tanto? . . .Lo más sorprendente es que la figura de Jesús de Nazaret sigueinteresando, intrigando e interpelando al mundo, incluso en nuestra cultura post-cristiana.
Exploring the Composition of the Pentateuch (Bulletin for Biblical Research Supplement Book 27)
Leslie Scott Baker Jr, Kenneth Bergland, Felipe Alves Masotti, and A. Rahel Wells
- For many years, the historical-critical quest for a reconstruction of the origin(s) and development of the Pentateuch or Hexateuch has been dominated by the documentary hypothesis, the heuristic power of which has produced a consensus so strong that an interpreter who did not operate within its framework was hardly regarded as a scholar. However, the relentless march of research on this topic has continued to yield new and refined analyses, data, methodological tools, and criticism. In this spirit, the contributions to this volume investigate new ideas about the composition of the Pentateuch arising from careful analysis of the biblical text against its ancient Near Eastern background.Covering a wide spectrum of topics and diverging perspectives, the chapters in this book are grouped into two parts. The first is primarily concerned with the history of scholarship and alternative approaches to the development of the Pentateuch. The second focuses on the exegesis of particular texts relevant to the composition of the Torah. The aim of the project is to foster investigation and collegial dialogue in a spirit of humility and frankness, without imposing uniformity.In addition to the editors, the contributors include Tiago Arrais, Richard E. Averbeck, John S. Bergsma, Joshua A. Berman, Daniel I. Block, Richard Davidson, Roy E. Gane, Duane A. Garrett, Richard S. Hess, Benjamin Kilchör, Michael LeFebvre, Jiří Moskala, and Christian Vogel.
The Book of Isaiah: Thoughts as High as Heaven
Roy Gane
People naturally look for ways to survive and thrive. They look to their families, friends, and organizations, and they strive to acquire lands, buildings, and material possessions for security and prosperity. Food, comfort, and safety are high priorities. When hardships or dangers arise, we look around for solutions. But what if we cannot find answers to the problems that threaten our existence?
The book of Isaiah challenge people, including us, to stop just looking around and start looking up to the Lord, whom Isaiah saw "sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up" (Isaiah 6:1). In author Roy Gane's "The Book of Isaiah", readers will get a fresh look at some of the poetry and parallelism, imagery, and contrasts, and musical rhythms that for the symphony of the human journey through judgement and restoration. See key aspects of God's character in a new light, take a fresh look at how He leads and comforts broken people, and marvel at the glorious destiny waiting God's redeemed. -
Dinosaurs, Volcanoes, and Holy Writ: A Boy-Turned-Scientist Journeys from Fundamentalism to Faith
James L. Hayward
An earnest young boy who loves nature grows up the son of a fundamentalist pastor. He goes to college, trains as a biologist, and becomes a successful university professor. In the process he finds some of the religious beliefs that carried him through childhood and adolescence indefensible in the face of evidence from biology and geology--and even from Scripture itself. What's he to do? This is the journey of a boy-turned-scientist who finds a path away from "the idols of fundamentalism" and toward a universe rich with process, intrigue, and mystery. Along the way, he discovers a faith consistent with physical reality, one open to beauty, kindness, and hope.
Escape de Babilonia: Cómo Dios me encontró en las calles de Bagdad
S. Joseph Kidder and Natalia Jonas
Una tarde, Joseph Kidder fue golpeado casi hasta la muerte, arrojado en la calle inconsciente, expulsado de su familia para siempre: todo a causa de su nueva fe Y así comenzó su largo recorrido de la Babilonia de su vida secular en Irak al asombroso amor de Dios y la importancia de entregarse a su plan. Él no sabía entonces de la muchas lucha y los sacrificios que todavía lo esperaban; pero la oración, su fe en la Biblia y el apoyo de su nueva familia eclesial lo llevarían a una vida de ministerio y servicio que continúa hasta el día de hoy.