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Recent books authored or edited by Andrews University Faculty
En Búsqueda de la Salvación: Vocación y misión de Elena G. de White
Abner F. Hernandez
En este libro se exploran las ideas de salvación presentes en los escritos de Elena G. de White, y que son el contenido principal de su mensaje profético. La tesis principal es que, para ella la savación en Cristo po sola fe es el mensaje del tercer ángel. El mensaje que puede transformar las relaciones con Dios y nuestros semejantes.
El Don de Profecía y el Ministerio de Elena G. de White
Denis Kaiser, S. Yeury Ferreira, and Joel Iparraguirre
El don de profecía y el ministerio de Elena G. de White es el primero de dos volúmenes que han sido escritos por diversos especialistas alrededor del mundo y que tienen al menos dos objetivos clave: 1) animar a que se continúe leyendo y promoviendo los escritos de E. G. White, y 2) fortalecer, con temas novedosos, una de las creencias fundamentales de la Iglesia Adventista. (Amazon)
Bewege Deine Gemeinde: Eine vom Geist geführte Bewegung werden
S. Joseph Kidder
Jeder Bereich der Gesellschaft sollte von christlichem Leben pulsieren – durchdrungen von Gruppen engagierter, entschiedener Christen, die gemeinsam lieben, dienen, beten, wachsen und sich um andere bemühen. Wenn die Gemeinde gut funktioniert, verkörpert sie die Hoffnung der Welt, bewegt von einem Geist der Liebe und Annahme.
Die Kapitel dieses Buches eignen sich für alle in deiner Gemeinde, für Pastoren, Leiter und Gemeindeglieder. Sie eignen sich für dich, weil Gott in seiner Gemeinde einen Platz für dich hat, eine Aufgabe, die du erfüllen kannst.
Dieses Buch wird dich durch aufmunternde Geschichten und praktische, bewährte, funktionierende Evangelisationsmethoden begeistern. Es wird dich herausfordern, eine Aufgabe zu übernehmen, damit in deiner Umgebung etwas bewirkt werden kann. Durch die Kraft des Heiligen Geistes können gewöhnliche Menschen wie du und ich außergewöhnliche Dinge für und mit Gott tun. -
Living with the Mind of Jesus: How Beliefs Shape Your Worldview
S. Joseph Kidder and Katelyn Campbell Weakley
In Living With the Mind of Jesus, the authors take us on a profoundly enriching journey that will help us understand the strength of the Christ-centered worldview and how worldview can change and shape the worldview of our children.
Razões para Creer: 28 maneiras de expressar sua fé
Gerald A. Klingbeil
A Bíblia nos oferece uma experiência integral com Deus. Aquece o coração e ilumina a mente. Quem lê de forma atenta e permite que o Espírito Santo seja seu Instrutor entenderá os ensinos de Cristo e receberá poder para colocá-los em prática.
Razões Para Crer apresenta as doutrinas cristãs de uma perspectiva experimental. Nestas páginas você será exposto às crenças da Palavra de Deus pelas lentes de autores sensíveis e espirituais. Em cada capítulo você será desafiado e experimentar um reavivamento de sua fé.
Faça desta leitura uma jornada de descoberta e interação com Aquele que deixou Seu trono de glória para estar com Sua criação, entregando a vida para que pudéssemos desfrutar de uma eternidade de alegrias no futuro. -
Mission Vision in Action: Perspectives on Global Missiology: A Festschrift Honoring the Life, Work, and Global Ministry of Bruce L. Bauer
Wagner Kuhn and Boubakar Sanou
Festschrift is a German word for a celebratory publication recognizing the lifetime contributions of a professor. In it are essays from colleagues, former students, and friends relating to the honoree’s work or interests. This Festschrift highlights in many ways how Bruce has successfully stimulated the personal, spiritual, and professional growth of countless people around the globe.The papers in this Festschrift on global missiology are written by a wide range of colleagues, friends, and former students.
From differing perspectives, each chapter recounts an aspect of Bruce Bauer’s story as a dedicated and selfless mentor, educator, and missionary. Also, much can be learned from each author’s tribute expressing either their meaningful interaction with Bruce or life-changing encounters with him. As a whole, the volume acknowledges and pays tribute to his inspiration, hard work, great intellectual contribution, and foresight in global mission thinking and strategy. -
Biblical Anthropology: Foundations and Teaching Models
Hebert Davi Liessi and Lucicleide Maria da Silva Liessi
Human beings have searched for meaning in different ways over the millennia. This book presents how God sees the human being from a biblical-grammatical perspective through the book of Exodus. The sense of existence has new sources, with God and his purpose for each individual and humanity being the main ones. In addition, this book analyses and offers possibilities and models for teaching biblical anthropology to university students.
Spirituality and Prayer: Biblical Foundations and Models for Current Dilemmas
Hebert Davi Liessi and Lucicleide Maria da Silva Liessi
Every human being seeks to be happy. However, it faces several challenges in this process. These challenges are considered as deserts that each person goes through on the journey of life. Spirituality and prayer are practices that go together and are used by many religions to help human beings live with more satisfaction and find themselves and God. This book brings biblical reflections to deepen the journey of intimacy with God. In addition, it seeks to systematize the pillars of prayer from the perspective of biblical spirituality and apply them to improving personal and spiritual life.
El Fin Está Cerca: Una Mirada a las Profecías Bíblicas
Jiří Moskala, S. Yeury Ferreira, and Joel Iparraguirre
Los eventos finales de la historia de este mundo estan captando la atención de millones de seres humanos. Sin embargo, son muchas las interpretaciones sensacionalistas existentes. Este libro presenta una exposición biblica-teologica de los eventos que ocurrían antes del segundo advenimiento de Cristo en gloria y majestad.
Essays on American Religious History
Trevor O'Reggio
I have brought together six published and unpublished articles that covers a variety of issues relative to American religious history. These essays are my personal reflections on theological and historical issues over the last few years of my teaching on the course: History of Religion in America at the SDA Seminary of Andrews University.
Shakespeare’s Contested Nations Race, Gender, and Multicultural Britain in Performances of the History Plays
L Monique Pittman
Shakespeare’s Contested Nations argues that performances of Shakespearean history at British institutional venues between 2000 and 2016 manifest a post-imperial nostalgia that fails to tell the nation’s story in ways that account for the agential impact of women and people of color, thus foreclosing promising opportunities to re-examine the nation’s multicultural past, present, and future in more intentional, self-critical, and truly progressive ways.
A cluster of interconnected stage and televisual performances and adaptations of the history play canon illustrate the function that Shakespeare’s narratives of incipient "British" identities fulfill for the postcolonial United Kingdom. The book analyzes treatments of the plays in a range of styles—staged performances directed by Michael Boyd with the Royal Shakespeare Company (2000–2001) and Nicholas Hytner at the National Theatre (2003, 2005), the BBC’s Hollow Crown series (2012, 2016), the RSC and BBC adaptations of Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies (2013, 2015), and a contemporary reinterpretation of the canon, Mike Bartlett’s King Charles III (2014, 2017).
This book will be of great interest to scholars and students of Shakespeare, theatre, and politics. (From Publisher website)
Andrews Bible Commentary: New Testament
Ángel Manuel Rodríguez, Daniel Kwame Bediako, Carl P. Cosaert, and Gerald A. Klingbeil
The Andrews Bible Commentary is written by 60 leading biblical scholars from around the world. It is designed for new believers, experienced Bible students, pastors, and teachers. Its purpose is to trace the blessed hope (Titus 2:13) in the pages of Scripture and to read all of the Bible in the light of that hope. What does the Bible say to believers who, with both longing and joy, anticipate the return of Jesus? Answering that question is at the heart of the Andrews Bible Commentary, which seeks to instruct and inspire all into a stronger personal relationship with God that focuses our worship on Jesus as Savior and Lord.
The Genesis Creation Account and Its Reverberations in the New Testament
Thomas R. Shepherd
When the first two chapters of Genesis say that God created our world and the human race in a particular way, did the Bible really mean that? If not, can it really mean what it says about everything else, particularly the grand themes of redemption and eschatology? In this companion volume to one published about creation in the Old Testament, fifteen scholars carry the question into the New Testament. This work provides a detailed cultural, historical, and theological background to the topic and section-by-section exegetical studies of how the creation theme is illuminated by the various New Testament writers. So is creation and the creation account of Genesis 1 and 2 a major theme in the New Testament? This volume answers that question with a resounding “yes.”
Adventist Mission in China in Historical Perspective
David J. B. Trim
Adventist Mission in China in Historical Perspective presents a concise history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in China. While the book primarily details the major developments taking place at the administrative and institutional levels of the mission work in the Far East alongside accompanying statistics, it also highlights the contributions of its most prominent leaders within their secular historical contexts. As such, it offers a fresh synthetic account of the work in China not detailed elsewhere. It is the hope of the author that the history presented may both serve to inspire today's and tomorrow's leaders that God has surely been at the helm of the work in a challenging field, while also pointing out how certain developmental trends that have taken place may have hindered or not advanced our mission as rapidly as we all might desire.
Jesus and the Nations: Discipleship and Mission in the Gospel of Matthew
Cedric E. W. Vine
Jesus’s command to disciple all the nations in Matt 28:19 has provided a powerful catalyst for cross-cultural mission for the past two thousand years. But what does this command mean in the context of Matthew’s narrative? Cedric E. W. Vine proposes an understanding of Matthean discipleship and mission that builds on Richard Bauckham’s open-audience thesis in The Gospels for All Christians (1998) and his own The Audience of Matthew (2014).
Vine argues from a biblical theology perspective that Matthew’s pervasive and consistent application of the nation-directed identities of prophet, righteous person, student-teacher, wise man, and scribe to the followers of Jesus reveals a concern less with defining community boundaries or promoting “church growth” and more with casting a powerful vision of nations transformed through the acceptance of the sovereignty of the risen king.
Matthew’s missiological horizon stretches well beyond defending, as suggested by some commentators, an inferred first-century Matthean community in an acrimonious intramural dispute with other Jewish groups. Rather, Matthew prepares his readers, first century and later, through a multifaceted and nuanced theology of discipleship, for participation in a missiological movement that is national in its focus, breathtaking in its scope, eschatological in its significance, and open in its appeal. -
Mending Ministers on their Wellness Journey: Insights from Research on Pastor Health
Ivan Williams, Petr Činčala, and René Drumm
No preacher is going to raise their hand to say, "I need help."
Seventh-day Adventist pastors face challenges with health and wellness, even with a beautiful whole-life health message ingrained in our faith tradition. We also live with the challenges of resilience, depression, selfcare, wholeness, mental health, imbalance, stress, burnout, and emotional intelligence. Awareness and understanding of these personal and interpersonal issues are critically related to ministry impact and missional outcomes.
‘We aim at nothing less than the whole world’: The Seventh-day Adventist Church’s Missionary Enterprise and the General Conference Secretariat, 1863–2019
Ashlee L. Chism, David Trim, and Michael F. Younker
The subject of this book is how the Seventh-day Adventist Church organized for missionary purposes, in order to carry the gospel to the world, and the structures the denomination put in place to be able to send help to foreign fields. The zeal of pioneer Adventist missionaries and those who came after them is part of the story related in this short book. Yet, it tells not the personal stories of outstanding missionaries, but rather the story of the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s formal efforts to organize global missions; the story told here, then, is the collective, shared, Adventist story.
Accordingly, the present goal is more modest than a comprehensive history of the global mission enterprise. It is a study of how the Adventist Church, corporately and collectively, organized itself to manage a global missionary enterprise—and did so with considerable success—before, in the last half century, the very organizational structures set up for that purpose gradually came to focus on other matters. Alongside that shift, not coincidentally the number of missionaries deployed internationally and cross-culturally went into a decades-long decline; recent signs suggest that trend has been arrested, but has it been reversed, or will the 2010s prove to be merely a blip? The future of the Seventh-day Adventist global mission enterprise awaits the decisions of today's and tomorrow's Adventist leaders and members. -
Dios proveerá: El diezmo, la ofrenda y nuestra vida espiritual
Felix Cortez
Dios proveerá recopila, organiza y presenta en forma sencilla, clara y honesta, os principios bíblicos sobre los cuales se fundamentan la naturaleza, práctica y uso del diezmo y las ofrendas en la iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día. También contiene estudios sobre asuntos relacionados con la posición de Elena de White, el reglamento adventista sobre el uso del diezmo y una reflexión sobre la promesa de Dios en Malaquías 3:8–12. Esta obra es una guía práctica y breve de lo que la Biblia dice respecto a los diezmos y las ofrendas, y cómo estos impactan la calidad de nuestra vida espiritual.
In These Last Days: The Message of Hebrews
Felix Cortez
Like many believers today, the original recipients of the letter known as Hebrews were spiritually exhausted; fatigue and malaise had taken hold and they had started to drift away from God. Perhaps we, too, need a fresh view of the Son of God, the powerful Ruler and Intercessor who sits at the right hand of God? Like a precious gem, the New Testament book of Hebrews is rare, enigmatic, and exceptional. If you’re ready to see a clearer and deeper vision of Jesus, turn off the bad news and dive into a study of this epic letter for the last days.