Study on MID-IR Spectroscopy on Whole Blood Samples for Human Glucose Quanitification Applications
Presenter Status
Graduate student, Facultad de Ingeniería Arquitectura y Diseño
Presentation Type
Oral Presentation
Chan Shun 108
Start Date
19-5-2017 10:30 AM
End Date
19-5-2017 10:50 AM
Presentation Abstract
The importance of a systematic glucose monitoring in order to keep a steady control for diabetic patients has been established. Several medical studies accept the necessity of exploring alternatives for the traditional digital glucometer, given the pain and discomfort related to the application of this technique, which can lead to a compromised control of the disease. Several efforts based on the application of IR spectroscopy have been done with favorable, yet not conclusive results. Therefore it’s necessary to apply a comprehensive and interdisciplinary study based on the biochemical and optical properties of the glucose in the human body in order to understand the interaction between this substance, its surroundings, and IR light. This study proposes a comprehensive approach of the glucose and IR light interaction, considering and combining important biochemical, physiological and optical properties such as the effect of glucose regulation compounds and data mining based chemometrics techniques. The results of this work would help to define the right parameters, aiming to obtain an optical glucose quantification or classification system, as well as the protocol for the purpose.
Biographical Sketch
BS Physical Engineering from Tecnológico de Monterrey, MSc in Optics from CICESE. Teaching experience at CETYS University and University of Montemorelos. He is currently a PhD student at UABC, in the area of biomedical optics, with a project detecting and quantifying biomaterials by spectroscopical techniques.
Study on MID-IR Spectroscopy on Whole Blood Samples for Human Glucose Quanitification Applications
Chan Shun 108
The importance of a systematic glucose monitoring in order to keep a steady control for diabetic patients has been established. Several medical studies accept the necessity of exploring alternatives for the traditional digital glucometer, given the pain and discomfort related to the application of this technique, which can lead to a compromised control of the disease. Several efforts based on the application of IR spectroscopy have been done with favorable, yet not conclusive results. Therefore it’s necessary to apply a comprehensive and interdisciplinary study based on the biochemical and optical properties of the glucose in the human body in order to understand the interaction between this substance, its surroundings, and IR light. This study proposes a comprehensive approach of the glucose and IR light interaction, considering and combining important biochemical, physiological and optical properties such as the effect of glucose regulation compounds and data mining based chemometrics techniques. The results of this work would help to define the right parameters, aiming to obtain an optical glucose quantification or classification system, as well as the protocol for the purpose.
We acknowledge the financial support from Universidad Autónoma de Baja California and CONACYT for the realization of this project.