Best Practices in Teaching Research Methods Online
Strand / Líneas
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Online: Trends and Practices / Enseñanza aprendizaje y evaluación en línea: tendencias y prácticas
Room Number
Abstract / Resumen
Teaching research methodology is a great challenge. Many students report difficulties with this subject and at university and masters level the research related subjects have one of the highest dropout rates. In this Breakout Session, we will explore the challenges of teaching online research and concrete strategies to overcome them.
Start Date
10-10-2017 11:30 AM
End Date
10-10-2017 12:20 PM
Best Practices in Teaching Research Methods Online
Presenting onsite (preferred) / presentación in situ (preferido)
Teaching research methodology is a great challenge. Many students report difficulties with this subject and at university and masters level the research related subjects have one of the highest dropout rates. In this Breakout Session, we will explore the challenges of teaching online research and concrete strategies to overcome them.