Strand / Líneas
Online Education Administration: Trends and Practices / Administración de educación en línea: tendencias y prácticas
Room Number
Abstract / Resumen
DT is an approach that promotes innovation, creativity and problem solving. At UNASP Virtual Campus, DT is incorporated into the planning and execution of distance undergraduate programs. As the students develop integrative projects that articulate the content from different courses of the program, they build collaboratively bridges between theory and practice.
Start Date
10-10-2017 3:15 PM
End Date
10-10-2017 4:15 PM
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Included in
Adult and Continuing Education Commons, Adult and Continuing Education Administration Commons, Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching Commons, Elementary and Middle and Secondary Education Administration Commons, Elementary Education Commons, Elementary Education and Teaching Commons, Higher Education and Teaching Commons, Instructional Media Design Commons, Online and Distance Education Commons, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Commons, Secondary Education Commons, Secondary Education and Teaching Commons
Design Thinking and Online Education
Presenting remotely via videoconference / presentación remota vía videoconferencia
DT is an approach that promotes innovation, creativity and problem solving. At UNASP Virtual Campus, DT is incorporated into the planning and execution of distance undergraduate programs. As the students develop integrative projects that articulate the content from different courses of the program, they build collaboratively bridges between theory and practice.