"The Water System of Tall Jalul" by Bruno Alves Barros

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Religion, MA: Archaeology

First Advisor

Paul Zeljko Gregor

Second Advisor

Paul J. Ray

Third Advisor

Randal W. Younker


The Problem

Components of the water system of Tall Jalul have been discovered since 2009 in Fields G and W. Although articles and reports have been written, no comprehensive study has been conducted. Therefore, this thesis will present and discuss the water system of Jalul from 2009 to 2016 and look for comparisons with similar Iron Age structures in the Ancient Near East.

The Method

For this project, the ruins from Fields G and W were analyzed. First, selected water systems in Palestine were introduced, followed by a review of preliminary reports and personal observations on the site of Tall Jalul. Second, a literature review was done to find similar structures in the Ancient Near East. Finally, a comparison between these structures was made.

The Results

Parallels to the water system of Jalul were found in the literature review, and a comparison between them was done, helping to understand their function as well as the function of the structures at Jalul with the evidence so far available.


It was possible to conclude that the Tall Jalul water system was unique in its size and function; however, not so developed in storage and water protection, as was the case with similar Iron Age water systems in the Ancient Near East.

Subject Area

Water-supply, Tall Jalul (Jordan)--Antiquities

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